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07-01-24 03:47 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Craziness Domain - Frank Hayes, jockey, suffered a heart attack during a horse race.
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Posts: 730/869
Originally posted by Alastor the Stylish
Originally posted by Emptyeye
(Ball Lightning Magic card stats)
No summoning sickness has been called haste for a long time now.

Somewhat scarily, other than that little detail (Which I actually knew but figured wasn't important...additionally, I wasn't sure if Ball Lightning was ever printed in a set that called Haste Haste...if that makes any sense), and the omission of its mana cost, I did in fact get the stats of the card right.

And like NSNick, I haven't played Magic in years and years.
Posts: 3464/4077
Originally posted by Yoronosuku
He only got out because his father is rich and famous over there, or else he would have been serving life in prison unbelievable..

What did you expect, though? The police in Asian countries are corrupt like that. I know one guy on the internet who got into trouble in China and was able to pay off the cops and return to the US. I'll spare you the details - but I can tell you that what he did was somewhat justified.

1626: Francis Bacon, English philosopher, statesman, and essayist, died of possible pneumonia after purchasing a chicken and stuffing it with snow to see if cold could preserve meat. Pond Square in London is reputedly haunted by the chicken's ghost.

I might mention that that is personally one of my favorite ones on that list just for that last part.
Posts: 1650/2228
Originally posted by Emptyeye
lol 6/1 Trample no summoning sickness destroy at end of turn.

Did I get that right?

I thought of that too, even though I haven't played Magic in forever.
Posts: 2285/2405
Originally posted by Yoronosuku
1671: François Vatel, chef to Louis XIV committed suicide because his seafood order was late and he couldn't stand the shame of a postponed meal. His body was discovered by an aide, sent to tell him of the arrival of the fish.

...what the hell? XD


At first glance I thought the guy was somebody who was waiting for his food at the table and just killed himself.

This is many more times funnier.
Posts: 7505/8204
Originally posted by Emptyeye
lol 6/1 Trample no summoning sickness destroy at end of turn.

Did I get that right?
No summoning sickness has been called haste for a long time now.
Posts: 192/265
Never deny the power of the food.
Posts: 3601/5072
An important meal with guests I suppose.
Posts: 881/1239
He only got out because his father is rich and famous over there, or else he would have been serving life in prison unbelievable..

anyways, did anyone happen to catch this one?

1671: François Vatel, chef to Louis XIV committed suicide because his seafood order was late and he couldn't stand the shame of a postponed meal. His body was discovered by an aide, sent to tell him of the arrival of the fish.

...what the hell? XD
Posts: 447/648
Originally posted by asdf
A 25-year-old Dutch woman studying in Paris, Renée Hartevelt, was killed and eaten by a classmate, Issei Sagawa, when he invited her to dinner for a literary conversation. The killer was declared unfit to stand trial and extradited back to Japan, where he was released from custody within fifteen months.

This neglects to mention that Sagawa became a celebrity of sorts in Japan after he returned.
Posts: 725/869
lol 6/1 Trample no summoning sickness destroy at end of turn.

Did I get that right?
Posts: 3587/5072
Originally posted by asdf
Originally posted by Metal Man88
I think being hit by ball lightning qualifies as 'HORRIBLE LUCK'

You think getting struck by lightning is qualifies as having horrible luck?

Ball lightning. That stuff's rare.
Posts: 110/124
Why do I not seem to find any of these funny, and the thought of watching someone get hit by a falling airplane would scare me for life?
Posts: 4790/5814
See, there are some people in South Korea that take gaming way too seriously.

Why do you think everyone's tapping the market?
Posts: 3444/4077
Originally posted by Metal Man88
I think being hit by ball lightning qualifies as 'HORRIBLE LUCK'

You think getting struck by lightning is qualifies as having horrible luck? Imagine getting struck by something else that came out of the sky - that wasn't a flowerpot or anything. Something bigger, like with what happened to this guy (which I might add somehow escaped me until someone brought it to my attention)

1989: A Belgian teenager was killed by a crashing soviet MiG-23 fighter jet, which escaped from Poland on autopilot after the crew ejected over a false engine failure alarm.

I must admit though, that would be tragically hilarious to watch. Watching him get nailed by a falling airplane.
Metal Man88
Posts: 343/701
I think being hit by ball lightning qualifies as 'HORRIBLE LUCK', don't you? Not to mention how strange the other deaths are. Steve Irwin's in there, too!
Posts: 161/356
Jack Daniel, founder of the famous Tennessee whiskey distillery, died of blood poisoning from a toe injury he received after kicking his safe in anger when he could not remember its combination code.

Have to watch out for those safes. Those things are lethal...
Posts: 7500/8204

He was being lowered into the ring by a cable and safety harness. Owen was afraid of heights and did not like this. His nervous moving to get comfortable triggered an early release. He fell 78 feet and his chest smashed into a turnbuckle. That's generally fatal.
Posts: 268/281
1999: Owen Hart, World Wrestling Federation or WWF (now World Wrestling Entertainment or WWE) wrestler, died when he fell 78 feet while being lowered into the ring by a cable from the stadium rafters before a match onto a metal ring turnbuckle. He had been scheduled to win the WWF Intercontinental Championship that night.

Wrestling may be staged (this was not during a match, mind you) but how do you fake gravity?
Posts: 3546/5072
I wonder if anyone's ever died of a heart attack from a scary video game?
Posts: 7499/8204
that's because we don't exactly have expansive records of everything that occured 2000 years ago.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Craziness Domain - Frank Hayes, jockey, suffered a heart attack during a horse race.


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