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07-01-24 06:43 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - SMW Hacking - Taking away holding and Small Mario?
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Posts: 439/808
The original memory map has the location of the Mario hurt subroutine, but SMW Central neglected to add it to their ROM map.
Just look for the JSL in any of the hurt blocks in blocktool.

As for the rest, CMP + arbitraty branch statement.
Posts: 95/748
You know, knowing all that might help me- I want the HP thing to go down as you get hit, but getting hit as Super Mario just makes you take damage instead of turning into Small Mario. However, I also want Fire Mario to turn into Super Mario after getting hit, and also take away some HP. (If anyone's wondering what kind of hack I want this for, I won't tell- it's a secret.)
Stephan Reiken
Posts: 169/200
I am currently attempting to do this myself (The Hit Points), my first attempt at writing ASM, and I can't find the Mario hurt Subroutine. I've gone through the rom map at smwcentral, and I haven't come up with it. Where is it?

Also, how would Fire Mario and Cape mario interact with this, and how can I get it so that they all act the same in this regard? I don't want either to change back into Super Mario, just continue as usual.

Any tips on disabling Spin Jump for Cape and Fire marios?

Finally, how can I disable the Mushroom going to Item Box when you collect a Fire Flower or Feather, but not when you collect Mushrooms?

EDIT: Also, any idea how I can change the tilemap to seperate Fire Mario and Big Mario? Maybe make Fire Mario use Small Mario's Tilemap?
Posts: 7/57
hmm, I found something kinda cool, not what you're looking for though.
Change AC5E to BD and you can pick up as many things at once as you want, lolz.

Oh hey also, if you change it to CD you won't go through stuff like when it's set to 60. You'll kick shells, stomp P-Switches, etc., like on other Mario games.
Posts: 12/23
These notes assume a light amount of ASM understanding. If you don't understand, thats okay, I can elaborate for you when I have more time.

Its not too hard. For "hit points", pick out an unused ram address (from the ram list at smwcentral.net) and this will be your hit points counter. Goto the hurt mario subroutine, listed again on smwcentral, and change so that all it does is remove from the counter and return from subroutine., where you have it deduct from the counter by 1. Now you'll have to either add every-frame asm to an existing subroutine, or use LevelASM to add a check so that when this counter = 0, jump to the kill mario subroutine. That way, he won't get small once he's big. Now as for making him start as super mario, that requires some thought. I'll get that later.

Some other things to think about:
Displaying HP on the status bar; the status bar tile array is really a simple thing to modify; its all right there in the RAM addresses, labed in the map as "Status Bar Tile Array" and works very straightforward. The first byte at this address seems to have something to do with the stausbar position, and every byte after that is a tile, which starts at top left, works horizontally across a row, and then down to the next line at the left, much similar to how we write. So count the number of tiles in where you want your meter (assuming you want a SMB2 like health bar), just check every frame either with LevelASM or with some custom expanded routine that runs every frame, and if the counter is on, change the tile to a red dot or whatever (You will have to add a dot tile to the font graphics in GFX28... at least I think I remeber it being 28. Might try 27-29 if not.) To change a tile, set the according byte as follows: the first digit of the byte is the row as you see it in TLP or Lunar Magic. The second digit is the corresponding coloumn. So its really not too hard. Use smallhackers Status Bar Editor to make some room. I'll be working on expanding the status bar later, but for now I'm busy with the SRAM, so you're stuck with this.

Also, you'll need a way to gain hitpoints. You can change the ASM of the mushroom with spritetool so all it does is play the sound, give you points, and add 1 to your HP counter. Or you can just make a HP+ block. Just make sure when you add, that you do a check to see if its less than the current maximum. If you want an adjustable max HP, I can help you with that too, but this is all the time I have right now. Sorry!

Hope this helps. If not I'll write detailed instructions later. If you need, it would be a while, but I could actually throw this together for you. Probably it would be a couple weeks though as for a while I'm caught up with my expansion project.

Posts: 99/356
All three are possible. The easiest being number 1, which changing AD to 60 at offset xAC5E should do for you.
Posts: 77/748
Is it possible, by using a Hex Editor, to:

1: Take away the ability to hold things?
2: Prevent Mario from going to Small Mario when he gets hit, and even if he dies as Big/Fire/Cape Mario?
3: Make it to where Mario dies after a certain number of hits, regardless of his current state?

I'd like to use these in a hack, but first I need to know if I can do it. Oh yeah, if I can do the above, what addresses would I have to change to get the desired results? Thanks for any help you can give offer me.
Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - SMW Hacking - Taking away holding and Small Mario?


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