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07-01-24 03:03 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Craziness Domain - Anyone else get an e-mail from MR.OGIE KATROS?
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Cruel Justice
Posts: 1456/1637
Originally posted by setz
gosh that sounds EXCITING you'd better do it! it coudl be your only chance :O ASSASINS AND NINJAS AND TURKEYS OH MY =O

You forgot the crocodiles on parachutes Setz. Wouldn't want to leave home without 'em.

This guy sounds like some monster in a closet or something. Ogie, what the hell. I don't know ANYONE in the real world named Ogie.
Posts: 176/265
Ogie Katros? Sounds like a greece guy...
Posts: 632/894
I got one on Monday, but I didn't look at it--it went straight to my Junk folder.

Yay spamfilters
Posts: 4665/5814
He didn't send any to me today. I feel hurt.
Posts: 234/596
I just got it in hotmail... this pisses me off.
Deleted User
Posts: 16/-7750
The whole development team has the same e-mails and we have to come up with the announcement to stop sending e-mails, otherwise they should stay away from us.
Ice Man
Posts: 320/348
I got it 3 times and deleted it like I do with every spam emails I get.
Posts: 3902/5653
I got another one today.
Posts: 476/669
Originally posted by HyperHacker
Else I'd be sending pictures of my weiner to everyone who sends me penis enlargement ads, with the caption "NO THANKS".

I'd do it anyway. ;
Posts: 3429/3604
Originally posted by Xkeeper
I think he just spammed every @yahoo address, period..

Yahoo, huh? I got two of these imbecile mails in my inbox at my hotmail adress.

Of course I didn´t open them.
Posts: 2222/2405
I use yahoo.

I'm so unimportant that even spam avoids me.
Posts: 3438/5072
Replying to spam is a good way to tell the spammers "HEY this address is live so send a lot more spam!"
Else I'd be sending pictures of my weiner to everyone who sends me penis enlargement ads, with the caption "NO THANKS".

Also, I didn't receive any such email. Or if I did, it was in my spam box and I deleted it without noticing.
Posts: 76/356
Ogie Katros? They could have at least come up with a better name... That sounds... Swedish or something to me, but I'm no Linguist.
Posts: 4655/5814
Odds are the e-mail account is closed before anyone's stupid enough to reply with important information.
Posts: 474/669
Originally posted by Colin
I'm gonna e-mail him and say that his English isn't too bad considering he's using a French e-mail account.

I'd laugh my ass off if it ended up getting bounced back to you... I've responded to a few emails like this, and sure enough, they usually get returned for some reason.
Posts: 4654/5814
I'm gonna e-mail him and say that his English isn't too bad considering he's using a French e-mail account.
Posts: 471/669
I'm not so sure if he sent it to MSN, Gmail, or AOL addresses... Since, well, I didn't get it at all.
Posts: 4649/5814
Yeah but I have Sympatico and it doesn't use Yahoo at all so... Interesting coincidence...
Posts: 1778/2068
Didn't get it on hotmail... then again, I don't think I let others see my email anyways...

Meh, Seems like a classic Nigerian scam to me.
Posts: 3891/5653
I think he just spammed every @yahoo address, period..
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Craziness Domain - Anyone else get an e-mail from MR.OGIE KATROS?


Acmlmboard 1.92.999, 9/17/2006
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