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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Chat - So I applied for a job at Wal-Mart.
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Posts: 4529/5814
Well, at least some 16-year old kids might not mind $40 a week for a few weeks to pay for Christmas presents... :\

Then again, if some people don't do the job during the holidays you're bound to have a few people who might get some more hours.
Posts: 184/210
I wouldn't have such a hard time gonig for some of those reserves and such at GAmeSTop but at the majority of them I visit, the employees spend far too much time talking too each other to make me want to bother with it.

I do buy a fair share of used games though.
Posts: 818/1181
Speaking of that, wasn't there a law in the making that allowed employers to fire employees under 26 years of age without any explanation or benefits?
Posts: 1846/2602
Originally posted by Anya
It's fun and all, but if you don't get the numbers (certain % of used games sold, reserves and subs aka GI/Edge card) you'll get fired, hands down.
Which probably explains the common stories you find on Gamefaqs about thoose employers being a bit too... annoying about selling a certain game they don't want.

Emptyeye: Ah, that's not the case with some of the unions I know about. Things actually do happen with them around here. :/ And from what I heard it's kinda easy to fire people in US randomly.
Posts: 817/1181
See, this is why I don't have to worry about getting a job till after college. Because I can just walk up to my dad and say, "Hey Dad, you think you can get me a job in one of those fancy offices?"

My dad is the Director of Human Resources of the Department of Family in Puerto Rico
Posts: 848/1176
Yea....exempt....I think the only reason why I am, is b/c I turned a crappy store around and I work damn hard. But I tend to kick myself if I don't get the numbers per week.

OMG< I hate holiday hiring..I have to tell these people that they're only seasonal and that they might only end up getting 5 hours per week. Ha!!!

(OMG, I am so sore...had to help another store with their inventory last night. Hey NSNick, the way EBs does their inventory, sooo much better than GS. Before, you would start at close on a Sunday (6pm) and if you are lucky, leave at midnight, some store left at 4am. Now we use the same style as EB, so it takes six people to do it. We got out of there at 10:30pm last night. Got a lot of good ideas for my store too. I think my inventory is gonna be after the conf in Texas.)
Posts: 4525/5814
I think the only thing worse than being fired because you didn't meet quotas is being marginalized as a result. I mean, telling someone they're working 10-11 hours during the week is a slap in the face.
Posts: 1563/2228
Ah, the benefits of working at an EB where only 4 people are employed.

Though we're probably rehiring one or two for the Christmas season...
Posts: 151/162
Originally posted by Colin
Well, if someone's willing to grit their teeth and spit out the company BS while doing their job, then maybe it still is nice to work there.

And ew on nobody meeting their quotas. I'm guessing you're "exempt" from that rule now as a manager?

From what both of my managers told me, they kind of are exempt, because not only do they have the whole store to run, nevermind them trying to get quotas.

And I ended up quitting because of that. If I didn't do so hot one week, I'd go from getting the most hours in the store (around 21) to like...11. But I think the manager was partial to me because of my circumstances, and such.
Posts: 4523/5814
Well, if someone's willing to grit their teeth and spit out the company BS while doing their job, then maybe it still is nice to work there.

And ew on nobody meeting their quotas. I'm guessing you're "exempt" from that rule now as a manager?
Posts: 148/162
Originally posted by Nebetsu
I guess it's pretty hard to find a minimum wage job that treats you like a human being, huh?

Nah, I liked game stop, they treat you pretty decently and I really felt like...the coworkers were family? XD Until the ASM started hitting on me and junk. Well, he hit on me before he was an ASM, SOOO yeah. That caused a little bit of a problem

The problem IS finding a retail job that gives hours.
Posts: 234/356
I guess it's pretty hard to find a minimum wage job that treats you like a human being, huh?
Posts: 844/1176
Originally posted by Clockworkz
I wanna work at Gamestop.

No you don't.

It's fun and all, but if you don't get the numbers (certain % of used games sold, reserves and subs aka GI/Edge card) you'll get fired, hands down. I think this Monday I have to write up my entire staff b/c the goals were not met. I hate writing people up, especially when they're so nice, but it comes down to their job or mine, and I'm sorry, but I have bills to pay. I mean, you have to wonder why we push customers for reserves, subs and to buy used games: its to keep our jobs.

As for wages, the normal employee gets min. wage, which is (I think) $6.30 an hr. Then you have the third key (3rd person with keys to the store) who gets around $8-$9 and then the assistant manager who makes either $10-$11 an hour. If your not an ASM or even a third key, don't count on getting any hours. I've got two employees who work about 3 days a week, with a total of 20 hours, depending on how many hours I get from payroll. Past two weeks, I've been given 87 hours to give to 4 of my employees and the ASM usually gets 35+ of those 87 hours.
Posts: 5958/6737
My manager did the same thing, claiming the average pay was $10 an hour... what a low class thing to do when there are only a small handful of employees at the store. I started out getting $7 an hour, and I'm getting 7.5 now. I do get tips though, which probably makes it more like $8 or $8.5 an hour, but still... people notice when you LIE TO THEM... =\

I recently applied to Best Buy, and I've been playing phone tag with the employment dude there. Hopefully I'll get an interview today... I think that job will be much nicer for me.

Never again will I apply to Wal-Mart.
Posts: 815/984
I work front end at Super Foodtown. I do more work than anyone there, make a buck less ($6.50) than everyone else, and get no union or benefits or 401K. This sucks. I wanna work at Gamestop.
Posts: 696/869
These days, not a whole heck of a lot really.

In theory, they're supposed to fight for proper treatment of their employees--fair wages, benefits, etc. You know, stuff that Wal-Mart doesn't particularly like.

In practice, my dad works at a union job, and all they realy do is take a small portion of his paycheck and occasionally tell him their contract is almost up and they may have to strike. In short, Wal-Mart has even less to fear from unions than they think they do.
Posts: 1839/2602
Originally posted by Plus Sign Abomination
Originally posted by Colin
And why would you be looking to see if 16 and 17-year olds have union ties?

Anyone can have ties to a union. At least that is the Walmart mentality.

And what is so bad with unions in the first place?
Posts: 253/381
I'm so happy we do not have Wal-Mart here in Switzerland... they couldn't live long with that attitude.

At every low cost job, you get about 15$ an hour (McDonalds for example).

And references are a must. But if your under 18, at least here in Switzerland, you put down a teacher and a parent.

I do not know, if my current employer checked my references, but I think they did (It's a 30$/hour job).
Posts: 695/869
Originally posted by emcee

I think everyone here understands how averages work.

I would hope so. Yet it would seem lots of people don't--or at least, that's what Wal-Mart thinks--otherwise they wouldn't go trumpeting that figure the way they do.

More to the point, averages in and of themselves are actually pretty terrible barometers of anything. In short, without other stuff to support it (Mainly the standard deviation), while I'll believe the average figure of X (In this case, Wal-Mart employee wages), you're going to have to work harder than that to get me to make the leap that you want me to make by providing me with the average and nothing else.
Posts: 147/162
LAWL. I made $7/hr at Gamestop, and only $7.5/hr at wal-mart. I remember seeing applications like that when I worked at gamestop, and the people would write in short hand and yeaaah. XD

At CVS, I made..8.25 and I was doing like overtime all the time and was basically playing manager sine my flake of a manager never showed up, but the other shift got more money and what have you, and I always ended up having to take his shifts.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Chat - So I applied for a job at Wal-Mart.


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