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07-01-24 01:21 PM
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Ogama Dobe
Posts: 22/102
The movie had a lot of potential as well as the characters and series however, in my opinion it could've been way better. If anything this was a setup movie, and not a very good one at that. Who else gets the feeling there will be another?
Sweet Kassy Molassy
Posts: 538/886
Well, there was Magneto, Mystique, etc. They may be bad guys but they're still fan favorites.
Posts: 765/1106
If you kill the little kid (leech), you kill the source of the cure for mutation, which was what the "brotherhood" was opposed to in the first place. It was the one thing the US government had as a weapon against them.

Comment towards Kasdarack: If you count being DEAD as having to live w/o powers. And really, how many characters had to live without powers at the end of the movie? Rogue? That's about it as I recall, and with the teaser it would suggest she would at some point regain her powers again anyways.
Lord SkyLart
Posts: 281/307
Originally posted by MathOnNapkins
Ehhhh... the iceman/pyro fight was pretty much a Dragonball Z knockoff. On the other hand, I really dig movies that involve telekinesis and with Jean Grey going ballistic I sure enjoyed it. I thought the other two movies dragged on too much, this one was just right. Much of the criticism directed at it I think is unwarranted. And it also had not one but two very tantalizing hints at the next movie. I'm already itching for another movie .
I agree, I thought the movie was pretty interesting. The Wolverine and Juggernaunt fight was bad ass too. What I didn't get was why they was trying to kill that little kid.
Sweet Kassy Molassy
Posts: 529/886
I got more a vibe of "We can't leave the fans upset that so many characters have to live w/o powers, etc." than a "We're making another movie."

I got a sense of closure and will be somewhat surprised to see an X-Men 4
Posts: 764/1106
Ehhhh... the iceman/pyro fight was pretty much a Dragonball Z knockoff. On the other hand, I really dig movies that involve telekinesis and with Jean Grey going ballistic I sure enjoyed it. I thought the other two movies dragged on too much, this one was just right. Much of the criticism directed at it I think is unwarranted. And it also had not one but two very tantalizing hints at the next movie. I'm already itching for another movie .
Posts: 165/257
And another thing..... What happened to Nightcrawler!?

He was really cool and they take him completely out of the 3rd movie!

Posts: 136/210
THey really make a lot of mistakes with continuity. One example is that if Jean Grey is such a powerful threat, she should not have the password to Cerebro in the first two movies. Most of the action was pretty good, but all in all, it was nothing special.
Posts: 5669/6737
I missed this both in regular theaters and the dollar theater... so I'm waiting to rent it. I liked the first two (which I just recently saw, which is why I didn't get around to the third one in time). I haven't heard too many good things about it though... =\
Posts: 178/970
Overall, I didn't find the movie particularly interesting. There was supposed to be a war going on, but I just didn't get the feel that it was true because of the lack of battle scenes. The story wasn't bad, it just needed some more battles, in other words. I did like the whole Wolverine/Jean Grey at the end, where he takes her life, as it was slightly unexpected. The Pyro/Ice fight wasn't that great either, I agree. They didn't really come off as "bitter enemies" in the first place, in my opinion.
Posts: 158/257
I saw it yesterday in the dollar theatre...

I really liked it except for one thing.

The fight between Pryo and Iceman.


They should've made the fight like Scorpion vs. Johnny Cage in Mortal Kombat.

Did anyone else not like the Pyro vs. Iceman fight?
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