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07-01-24 12:39 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Chat - AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAH
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Deleted User
Posts: 26/-7750
Posts: 1611/1860
I've heard about this months ago when I read it in a newspaper...

as for the sex toys stuff
Posts: 162/235
Amazon sells really cheap sex toys, too. There was this one "unit" that very few people bought, probably because they didn't think to search on amazon. Amazon automatically dropped the price until it was less than a dollar per "unit". On another forum, people all abused this at one time by getting on the platinum trial for free shipping, then ordering hundreds of these getting shipped free.
Snow Tomato
Posts: 744/798
Hahahah omfg.

"There's one thing you can undeniably say about Dean Foods: It has a sense of humor. It was being a real comedian when it told us that antiheroism and radicalism are identical concepts. Don't let yourself be persuaded by cuckoo flimflammers who secretly want to pander to our worst fears. Dean Foods claims that it's okay to go to great lengths to conceal its true aims and mislead the public. Sound suspicious? Morally crippled is a better word."

HAHAHAHAHAH. For the win.

Guess what it's about.. just guess.


Yeah. MILK. Milk. It's about milk. omfg.

oh god I left out this:

"Nothing offends Dean Foods more than the truth. (Read as: Dean Foods is living testimony to the scurrilous attitudes that represent a threat to all the people in the area, indeed, possibly the world.) "
Posts: 167/227
How I have longed to read random Americans' views on random American food. I guess if it was a bit more moderated and controlled it might be helpful though. At the moment it is fun stuff, but not exactly helpful.
Simon Belmont
Posts: 776/1773
Originally posted by Bessa "Bessa"
This great gathering of the greatest condoms in the world..many colors shapes and sizes..really a good deal for the whole family.

it's family night and guess what's for dinner! (mom; sister is dessert)
Sweet Kassy Molassy
Posts: 467/886
"So my recommendation if you are planning on giving this as a gift is to order waaaay ahead, because on their site it shows that my problem is pretty common."

... I hope that was a joke.
Posts: 33/64
if it's about reivews then that wins.
Posts: 7205/8204
That's not fair. I did.
Posts: 426/594
You're all not reading the reviews on the specific page I linked to. People there are a little too weird with the milk reviews.
Posts: 31/64
oh how I miss Webvan
Posts: 127/210
Whatch out for the Haribo Sugarless Gummi Candy. Not particularly great for the old digestive track.
Posts: 4223/5814
Yeah, but it's not anything new by Amazon standards. :\ There's far better places for me to go to, even if a few of them are mildly amusing.
Posts: 7203/8204
The star wars one was the best.
Posts: 736/1106
I don't know if most of you missed ||bass's point that the reviews were ridiculous and irrelevant. It wasn't that you can buy groceries online that was funny, just look at the reviews he linked to for "Tuscan whole milk".
Posts: 1545/2713
I never got the appeal of being able to buy groceries online.

I'd rather go to a market / supermarket and get things there. Particularly anything that is fresh or needs to be refrigerated.

Of course, online things might be good for speciality items that are unavailable at regular markets / supermarkets / convenience stores. Like that I can't get certain flavours of Pocky around here
Posts: 4218/5814
They figure it out. Granted, I'd prefer to just buy groceries in the store so I KNOW what the quality of the food is, but it's an option for the odd purchase. :\
Posts: 7197/8204
Refrigerated van.
Metal Man88
Posts: 285/701
Eh. I want to know how they get the food to your door without it spoiling.
Posts: 158/235
This is neither new nor funny. Amazon has sold groceries for a while now.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Chat - AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAH


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