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07-01-24 01:16 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Chat - Thunder Storms with Rain
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Deleted User
Posts: 20/-7750
I always have an uplifting fealling when it is raining. I am not goth or any thing I just love grey and rainy days!
Posts: 173/257
You guys are talking about hurricanes, right?

What are they like? I've only seen them on the TV. They look scary...just like tornadoes...
Posts: 116/281
Maybe global warming is not an issue this year. Last year, we were at K, and this year we are just at E.
Rom Manic
Posts: 298/557
According to CNN, it has upgraded to Tropical Hurricane (Almost...)
Posts: 140/210
Ernesto was a disappointment. It got downgraded to a depression pretty quickly. Now half of the gas stations are closed because they ran out of gas.
Posts: 160/257
The only spinning I've done in the rain was painful.

Sharp turns on cement with a bicycle... in the rain... isn't a good idea.

Rom Manic
Posts: 293/557
I've never had a problem with my computer (Except for the obvious powerloss in a big storm) when it comes to thunderstorms. My surge protector helps with that.

I think it disconnects the main line to the other outlets when it's overloaded, but I don't really know how it works exactly.
Posts: 97/281
Originally posted by Danielle
...If you slow down a bit, that won't happen.

It wasn't that I was going fast, it was the fact that I stopped in a puddle. Not too good. Anyway, no big deal. Parent aren't mad cause they've done it before. I guess I learned from doing stupid sh*t like playing with matches, I can learn from this. Don't pull out in front of someone in the rain.
Sweet Kassy Molassy
Posts: 470/886
Next time, spin a 360 entering the lane. Let me know how that goes.

Most I've ever done in the rain was about a 270 before the tree stopped me.
Posts: 5671/6737
...If you slow down a bit, that won't happen.
Posts: 83/281
Bad things happen when it rains here. I hydroplaned/burnout/pissed off people this morning at the end of my road, it was pouring down. I slide all the way into my lane, and the dude behind me flipped me the finger, so I flipped him a bird back. Wild morning here.
Posts: 5667/6737
It's been hot here all damn summer. I wish it rained more here...
Posts: 367/528
I sure could use lightning or something around now, stupidly hot days give me a headache.

Which is all that we've had for like, the last month. I miss my Washington rain.

As for lightning, I've never had anything near me.. At least not to my knowledge.
Posts: 5663/6737
I don't think I've ever been close enough to lightning to actually feel threatened... it's been close (like striking maybe 1/2 a mile away) but never on my driveway or in front of me or anything like that.
Posts: 2783/3349
The closest a thunderbolt has ever come near me is across the street...

Which is only... I dunno, 25 yards away.

It was loud... and bright.
Sweet Kassy Molassy
Posts: 468/886
I think the knockback was part animal instinct sensing the charge in the air, part thunderclap, and part "HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Posts: 156/257
Originally posted by Kasdarack
Well yeah, if lightning was actually hitting in the yard I'd probably unplug. After I recovered from the massive noise.

Speaking of... my friend Trey and I were almost struck by lightning one day when we were running in the rain. Knocked us on our asses.

The lighting didn't hit you and you were still knocked down?

I'm not making fun, I just didn't know lightning had that kind of.....force...

Scary, but cool.
Posts: 128/210
As far as lightning goes, I have lost far more equipment through phone lines then electrical outlets. Friggin' lightning capital of the world and they can't put better protection on the phone lines. Of course that problem is moot now that I'm on cell phone and cable internet.
Posts: 3095/5072
Lightning hit my driveway once.
Sweet Kassy Molassy
Posts: 458/886
Well yeah, if lightning was actually hitting in the yard I'd probably unplug. After I recovered from the massive noise.

Speaking of... my friend Trey and I were almost struck by lightning one day when we were running in the rain. Knocked us on our asses.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Chat - Thunder Storms with Rain


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