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Posts: 3346/5653
Well, shit.

Prfx CNo Class Name             Start Date End Date   MTWTFSS Strt End  Campus/R Cred Cost
---- --- ---------------------- ---------- ---------- ------- ---- ---- -------- ---- --------
Math 096 Intermediate Algebra 2006/08/28 2006/12/16 -X-X--- 1800 1920 HnB 209 3.00 $ 169.50
ENG 101 Composition I 2006/08/28 2006/12/16 -X-X--- 1930 2050 HnB 209 3.00 $ 169.50
CIT 151 Beginning Web Developm 2006/08/28 2006/12/16 X------ 1800 2050 HnC 119 3.00 $ 194.50
CIT 110 A+ Hardware 2006/08/28 2006/12/16 --X---- 1800 2050 HnC 119 3.00 $ 184.50
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- --------
Totals 12.00 $ 718.00
"Total Owed" $ 0.00
Simon Belmont
Posts: 767/1773
tue->thur classes start at 6pm, end whenever the instructor decides they end.
Composition II.
Java Programming I.
Introductino to LINUX operating system.
Posts: 1692/2602
This is mineIt changes from week to week, and even sometimes the day before the lecture. FTG011 is some stuff about running a company it seems, and DAB023 is about running database stuff. Which I know little about so ti shouldn't be too hard.

And FTG is in another city so I have to fix a way to get there. In early morning.

And this is the second year too, of three.
Posts: 5/145
I had Monday and Friday off on my last semester at college (fall 2001) as well, but not too many classes either, that was nice

And now:

Monday to Friday
7:50 AM - 4:30 PM (can vary bit): work

I finished university last December
Posts: 201/281
Monday & Wednesday:
10:30-12:00 Rels 203
12:30-14:00 Engl 110

Tuesday & Thursday:
10:30-12:00 Anth 171
13:00-14:30 Anth 200

Sweet Kassy Molassy
Posts: 422/886
Dude, I'd kill for a three day school week that maxes out my hours for a quarter. That almost never happens here, because even within my major none of the professors ever gets together to plan out thier schedules. And very few sections of anything are ever offered... bleh.
Posts: 418/594
9:30 AM - 10:45 AM -- Differential Equations
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM -- Statistical Methods
12:30 PM - 1:45 PM -- Computer Architecture
2:00 PM - 3:15 PM -- Computational Theory
6:00 PM - 8:50 PM -- Physical Geography

11:00 AM - 11:50 AM -- Computer Architecture (Lab)

9:30 AM - 10:45 AM -- Differential Equations
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM -- Statistical Methods
12:30 PM - 1:45 PM -- Computer Architecture
2:00 PM - 3:15 PM -- Computational Theory

It seems kinda blah, espically on Tuesday, but when you consider how it's a 16 credit semester for only a 3 day week, it really does kick ass.
Sweet Kassy Molassy
Posts: 417/886
I still haven't registered for school yet. Oh well, quarter doesn't start until the 7th and I'm a senior so I should pretty much still be able to get what I want. I'm trying to decide whether or not I wanna take Environmental Geology or not since I can no longer finish my geology major (because it's no longer offered here... long story. Engineers wanted our budget.)

Luckily, I've taken a lot of classes for my minor and can switch to it and still have a degree come May. Or I could do the same in environmental science because all I'd really have to pick up is Soil Science, an environmental lecture or two, and a few more quarters of chemistry.
Posts: 4/6
I just picked up my schedule today. I was lucky this year, I got almost all the classes I wanted. No drivers ed. though.

1. Oceanography
2. Geometry
3. Accounting
4. ROP Microsoft Office Certification
5. US History
6. English 11

And I might also be taking Biology and/or Spanish 2 in night school.
Posts: 2103/2405
Originally posted by Ice Cirvante
Wow, Xk. What are you majoring in? You're taking an unusually low amount of college classes.

That is exactly the same amount of credits I have this semester.

Been taking four classes a semester the past year or so, due to laziness. This semester I actually tried to get more classes but the campus I am at is just an extension of the main university so I ran out of classes for here.

Next semester main campus here I come.

Kinda sad considering that I am in my third year.
Posts: 1631/2480
Mine kinda fluctates now. 2 jobs + 1 internship = 0 life. :\

I do need to get back to college eventually, though. Just don't think I have the capacity to do it at this point with all the other stuff I'm tied up with.
Posts: 3297/5653
Originally posted by Ice Cirvante
Wow, Xk. What are you majoring in? You're taking an unusually low amount of college classes.

Intermediate Algebra? Didn't you take it in high school?

`low`? This is a community college, and atm I haven't the faintest idea what Im majoring in (I see a counselor next semester...).

Also, I'm taking Intermediate Algebra because my placement test put me there. Consider the fact that this is Nevada, which ranks 48th in public schools, add that to NCLB, and so on and so forth...


My low class load is because this is only my second semester, and 12 credits is what I need to maintain to remain insured. Once I figure out how my class load does, I can go ahead and try more (especially once I know what I need for my major)
Posts: 683/1181
Wow, Xk. What are you majoring in? You're taking an unusually low amount of college classes.

Intermediate Algebra? Didn't you take it in high school?
Posts: 3296/5653
I wondered how long until someone pointed that out.

It never got updated between when I had 3 classes and when I got 4.

The "Total" column is off too (it should be ~750$, lab fees and whatever), and the TOtal Owed column read $3000+ before I 'fixed' it for posting
Black Lord +
Posts: 168/273
Originally posted by Xkeeper
Prfx CNo  Class Name             Start Date End Date  MTWTFSS Strt End  Campus/R Cred Cost

---- --- ---------------------- ---------- ---------- ------- ---- ---- -------- ---- --------
Math 096 Intermediate Algebra 2006/08/28 2006/12/16 -X-X--- 1800 1920 HnB 209 3.00 $ 169.50
ENG 101 Composition I 2006/08/28 2006/12/16 -X-X--- 1930 2050 HnB 209 3.00 $ 169.50
CIT 151 Beginning Web Developm 2006/08/28 2006/12/16 X------ 1800 2050 HnC 119 3.00 $ 194.50
CIT 110 A+ Hardware 2006/08/28 2006/12/16 --X---- 1800 2050 HnC 119 3.00 $ 184.50
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- --------
Totals 9.00 $ 718.00
"Total Owed" $ 0.00

my life as a boring student

I'd like to point out that it should be a total of 12.00 credit hours... better make sure they don't try to take 3.00 away from you.
Young Guru
Posts: 129/279
10:45-12:00 ~ British Civil War 1620-1660
12:45-2:00 ~ Why God Became Human
9:30-10:30 ~ British Culture
12:45-2:00 ~ Signals and Systems
3:45-5:00 ~ Electromagnetism
12:45-2:00 ~ Signals and Systems
3:45-5:00 ~ Electromagnetism
9:30-12:15 ~ British Music Scene/Intro to British Theater

All those times need to take into account it takes a good while to get from my apartement to my classroom building. So in reality they all start 45 minutes early for when I have to leave my home. And all other time is spent going to pubs/bars/clubs etc. in London. Should be an awesome semester.
Posts: 3295/5653
Prfx CNo  Class Name             Start Date End Date  MTWTFSS Strt End  Campus/R Cred Cost
---- --- ---------------------- ---------- ---------- ------- ---- ---- -------- ---- --------
Math 096 Intermediate Algebra 2006/08/28 2006/12/16 -X-X--- 1800 1920 HnB 209 3.00 $ 169.50
ENG 101 Composition I 2006/08/28 2006/12/16 -X-X--- 1930 2050 HnB 209 3.00 $ 169.50
CIT 151 Beginning Web Developm 2006/08/28 2006/12/16 X------ 1800 2050 HnC 119 3.00 $ 194.50
CIT 110 A+ Hardware 2006/08/28 2006/12/16 --X---- 1800 2050 HnC 119 3.00 $ 184.50
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- --------
Totals 9.00 $ 718.00
"Total Owed" $ 0.00

my life as a boring student
Posts: 846/1170
11:30 AM-noon: Wake up, groan, set alarm for 15 minutes to half an hour later, go back to sleep.
12:30 PM: Finally drag carcass out of bed, curse self for not making time for the gym.
12:35 PM: Go downstairs, watch the news, put ESPNews on and ignore while tooling around on the Internets.
1:45 PM: Realize you SHOULD have showered long ago, take shower, get dressed.
2:30-2:45 PM: Get to work, dick around on the Internet some more. Immediately go get lunch no more than 30 seconds after walking in the door.
4:30 PM: Call people you need to for stories, seeing as you're catching them at work as well and should do so before they leave.
5:30 PM: Internets. Listen to some podcasts off ESPN's site because the cockgobblers don't have any easy way to syndicate them, and therefore, listen to them in the car.
7:30 PM: Sudoku.
8:00 PM: Finally start writing stories.
12:30 AM: Go home, fully spent. More of the Intarweb when you get home.
3:30 AM: Bedward ho.

At least that's my summer schedule. Once school starts, I reallyreally want to change this to something more, oh, normal?
Posts: 22/31
Junior year schedule:

1. Spanish III
2. Eng III Hon.
3a. Piano Keyboard I
3b. Individual/Dual Sports
4. Chemistry Hon.
5. Pre-Calculus
6. US History Hon.
7. AP Computer Science A
Schweiz oder etwas
Posts: 1585/2046
Oh, that's some complicated crap:

CSC212 (More Java Because You Don't Hate Yourself Enough Yet) : 8-9:15 AM, Tu, Tr, and 8-9:45 AM Wed

JPN101 (Japanese 101) : 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM Tu, Tr

MTH215 (Intro to Linear Algebra) : 3-3:50 PM MWF

PHY203 (High School Physics All Over Again) : 2-2:50 PM MWF

PHY273 (Physics Lab) 8-9:50 AM Fri

PHY273 (And The Recitation) 1-1:50 PM Mon

WRT104 (Writing to Inform and Explain) : 12:30-1:45 PM Tu, Tr

It's not nearly as much work as it seems...
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Chat - Post your schedules!


Acmlmboard 1.92.999, 9/17/2006
©2000-2006 Acmlm, Emuz, Blades, Xkeeper

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