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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Gaming - Which of these is hottest?
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Posts: 62/65
Originally posted by Alastor the Stylish

Real-life people > digitized stuff
True, but also not. Not to sound terribly vulgar, but if I had a choice of porn versus hentai, I'd never choose porn. Porn is just so disgusting to me, while H-fanart can be very artistic, like any other art media. So I guess it does matter if they're digital girlies or not, because I'd much rather see Jill Valentine over Jenna Jameson. *shudder*

And I now have yet another reason to be so thankful I'm married, haha.
Posts: 115/210
Had to vote for Yuna because she wasn't getting any love. I guess that invalidates the poll if it hasn't been already.
Posts: 251/300
{knuck} you know what i love about acmlm's?
{knuck} if you make a poll
{knuck} like
{knuck} "which of those is hottest"
{knuck} -jill (resident evil)
{knuck} -yuna (ff10)
{knuck} -samus
{knuck} -princess peach
{knuck} it'll go like
{knuck} jill will get 2 votes because it got a game on gc
{DD_133} Rofl
{knuck} yuna will get zero because it's squareenix sony evil
{knuck} samus will get 5 because some nintendo fanboys arent that stupid
{DD_133} Only 5?
{knuck} and peach will get 243 votes
Xeo Belmont
Posts: 365/1016
Yeah, they catapult the poop unto the roof and eventually some of it slides in for storage. They made a little entrance for the children, so if they're bad they have to sit in the corner of that enclosed room with the poop.
Posts: 1176/1800
Storing cow dung?
Posts: 3017/5072
I think the question of "why do you never see them doing it" is basically the same as "why do you never see them taking a dump". It's just not worth showing and/or would break the rating.

Seriously though, that little shack in Lon Lon Ranch with the cows inside, where you can push some boxes away and crawl through a hole into a mostly empty secluded room... that had to be designed for a specific purpose. *cough*
Posts: 498/613
Originally posted by FreeDOS +
Originally posted by asdf
You know, come to think of it, the fact that Link never gets it on with any of the countless women who adore him only add to the homosexual implications. Then there's the slight, although not definite, possibility of inbreeding.

How about Nintendo making games that will be appropriate for all ages? I doubt they'll start banging in the latest Zelda games, even if Link is now officially furry.

It's a joke
FreeDOS +
Posts: 780/1312
Originally posted by asdf
You know, come to think of it, the fact that Link never gets it on with any of the countless women who adore him only add to the homosexual implications. Then there's the slight, although not definite, possibility of inbreeding.

How about Nintendo making games that will be appropriate for all ages? I doubt they'll start banging in the latest Zelda games, even if Link is now officially furry.
Posts: 3007/5072
Originally posted by Plus Sign Abomination
wouldn't pixels kinda hurt? I mean particularly if the female is of a particularly low count she could cut you.

That's why they're made of polygons. Nice, smooth polygons.
Posts: 1101/1713
Samus= Zero Suit Samus from Metroid: Zero Mission, more specifically.
Posts: 1164/1800
Originally posted by Alastor the Stylish
Except that he is not equipped to do that D:

Well, he isn't exactly human.

He uses his nipples like the Piggies in Speaker for the Dead.

edit: with regards to this all...wouldn't pixels kinda hurt? I mean particularly if the female is of a particularly low count she could cut you.
Posts: 494/613
Originally posted by asdf
You know, come to think of it, the fact that Link never gets it on with any of the countless women who adore him only add to the homosexual implications. Then there's the slight, although not definite, possibility of inbreeding.

Or implications about the fucked up sexuality of Japan as a whole.

But where's the inbreeding? I must have missed something.
Posts: 2996/5072
In the later scenes it almost looked like Link was just creeped out by her. I mean she is a giant naked fish-person. (Also, it's Ruto... Raru is some old guy. )
Posts: 3267/4077
Originally posted by witeasprinwow
And it seems the Zora Princess (Raru?) from Ocarina of Time wants to do Link pretty bad. Which brings me to the question, how does THAT work? She doesn't seem to be wearing any clothes and has no visible genetalia. Does she shed an outside skin to get to her naked body? Does her vagina just appear when it she's ready for it? Maybe she lays eggs and doesn't understand Link's bodily functions.

It's fucking Japan. Their extreme non-sensical laws of physics will find a way to take care of it. In this case, through anthropomorphism (so she has a vagina, and a human-like reproductive system). Although that still brings about the question of what the child will look like.

You know, come to think of it, the fact that Link never gets it on with any of the countless women who adore him only add to the homosexual implications. Then there's the slight, although not definite, possibility of inbreeding.
Posts: 7108/8204
Except that he is not equipped to do that D:
Posts: 1157/1800
She spawns the eggs in the stream.

He...inseminates them.
Posts: 491/613
Originally posted by Alastor the Stylish

Real-life people > digitized stuff

You know, even though I'm not into 3D-rendered porn or whatever, I think it'd sorta be interesting to have sex with a video game character if she were real. Specifically, some of the weirder ones out there.

Can I do Samus in her suit? How does that work?

How about Opera from Star Ocean 2? Having all three of her eyes locked onto you has to be creepy or awesome. Probably both.

Not for the light of heart or faint of stomach:

And it seems the Zora Princess (Raru?) from Ocarina of Time wants to do Link pretty bad. Which brings me to the question, how does THAT work? She doesn't seem to be wearing any clothes and has no visible genetalia. Does she shed an outside skin to get to her naked body? Does her vagina just appear when it she's ready for it? Maybe she lays eggs and doesn't understand Link's bodily functions.
Posts: 2094/2405
Originally posted by Alastor the Stylish

Real-life people > digitized stuff

True. So true.

But in staying true to this poll, I pick Jill.

Something about a digital woman with a gun and zombies really just makes things interesting.
Posts: 7100/8204

Real-life people > digitized stuff
Posts: 754/1239
Originally posted by FreeDOS +
Originally posted by Yoronosuku
Samus...mm, not so much.

Have you seen the pictures included in the recent games? They are rather suggestive They're not even hidden HOT COFFEE MOD pictures, just in the regular sequence. Granted, it's still not the 'hottest', it's way more than Princess Peach

You mean the SSBB stuff, or do you mean in recent Metroid games? I havn't played anything since Zero Mission so I can't say I've seen a whole lot of Samus lately ^^;
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Gaming - Which of these is hottest?


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