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07-03-24 11:23 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - ROM Hacking - Requesting help for huge hacking project
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Posts: 6/10
Oh OK... it's just that one of thr hackers already asked but, there was nothing really definitive...
Posts: 331/355
It's been done before, but I myself haven't a clue. That's something to ask at FESS, since they're the ones who've already done that.
Posts: 5/10
Ah... a new question came up regarding supports... Is it possible to make custom ones??? So that a characters replacing say... Lyn, wouldn't be restricted to supporting with characters that replace Florina/Hector/Eliwood/Rath/Wil, etc.???
Posts: 330/355
I also believe the nightmare modules floating around the forums have their starting point datas. I know that the starting points are either in the mission or character data, and I think Fuuin is handeled differently than Rekka or Seima. But I've never really messed with the GBA ones apart from graphics :/
Posts: 137/200
Originally posted by Flarebreeze
Thank you all for your help, it's been very useful. I'm one of the people in the project so I have some questions...

1. If I wanted to add a magic spell animation, would I just add that to the end of the ROM? Because we wanted to add alacalibur back into the game and I was sure if I should just copy the frames from Fire Emblem: Fuuin no Tsurugi and just over write another spell...

You'd need to do several things:

1) Extract the original from FE:6
2) Import it into the other FE
3) Repoint an image ID to use it
4) Change a spell to use that image ID.

2. If we wanted to find character starting point data, would we just use VBA's search for cheats function by searching for Character, class and starting alliance?

Depends. All the characters have a set of base data, but how you're suggesting to find them isn't really that helpful.

What works for most characters is to find base stats (Class bases ?}Whatever, where FF = -1, FE =-2, etc.), growths (in percentages) or starting equipment (By ID/Quantity or whatever).

In the case of some characters, you're going to have to look into the mission scripts and stuff, as it's contained there.

I'd recommend you go search around Fire Emblem: Sanctuary of Strategy forums (The old ones in invisionfree if you can find them), as there's a ton of info lurking on them.
Posts: 1/1
Thank you all for your help, it's been very useful. I'm one of the people in the project so I have some questions...

1. If I wanted to add a magic spell animation, would I just add that to the end of the ROM? Because we wanted to add alacalibur back into the game and I was sure if I should just copy the frames from Fire Emblem: Fuuin no Tsurugi and just over write another spell...

2. If we wanted to find character starting point data, would we just use VBA's search for cheats function by searching for Character, class and starting alliance?
Posts: 329/355
If the data is compressed be LZ77 ;]

The map data's also been found out by Iggy Koopa, and I'm not sure of its compression. He said every eight bytes was a flag byte ($00
), and the data goes XX-YY (bank-tile if memory serves).

And the palletes for character portriats is right before the mug itself. Blinking frames are uncompressed, but everything else is.
Kyoufu Kawa
Posts: 1048/1353
Remember: unlz-GBA doesn't only do graphics. The static you get is more interesting than you'd think.
Posts: 4/10
Ah... thank you all for your help. So searching for shop items would have to be done manually, right??? And for decompressing graphics, that'd be done using unlz-GBA... OK! Thank you!
Posts: 430/647
Originally posted by Celice
Graphics are generally compressed via LZ77, and unlz-GBA does the trick nicely.

Oops, is that a GBA game ? I assumed it was an SNES one.
Posts: 1499/2068
Shop items shouldn't be too hard at all. if you can get a cheat code that lists out how to say, give yourself five apples and ninety-nine oranges, and know that there is a shop that sells oranges and apples (in that order), then you may want to search for the ID for oranges, followed by the ID for apples.
Posts: 37/51
Originally posted by BakaMochi

Thirdly, if you've played FE, then you'd know there was an arena. One of the hackers was wondering if it was possible to edit the enemies that appear or remove it from the game. He also needs the location of a few codings, and doesn't know where it is. He also needs to know how, if possible, to do the following:
-Changing the requirements for joining characters, like changing the time, and location, along with who recruits said character
-Adding/changing requirements for extra bonus chapters
-Changing a shop/armory's inventory
-And changing the attack bonus of classes.

Whoever tackles that is going to at least have an understanding of the THUMB ARM7 opcodes. Shop inventories should actually be pretty easy if you know the identifiers for the items (the info's bound to be already out there somewhere, in the form of cheat codes if nothing else). If you're really lucky, the identifiers will be in an array in the ROM that you can find with a hex editor (provided you can guess at the order the ids appear in). If not, you'd have to do some assembly back-tracing starting from an item write breakpoint, or, my personal favourite, a cursor position variable. Either way, you'd need to locate one of these addresses in RAM which requires some basic cheat code hacking techniques.

Attack bonuses are done in a similar way - breakpoint on a related RAM value (e.g. if the attack bonus is displayed on the screen there's probably a RAM location that will be holding it), and back-tracing assembly.

If you have any specific questions I can try to answer them, but unfortunately I'm pretty busy at the moment with my own projects and life in general, so can't get too involved at the moment.
Posts: 327/355
No problem ^^ I'm just glad other people like Fire Emblem as much as I~
Posts: 3/10
Thank you SO MUCH!!!!
Posts: 326/355

Have fun.
Posts: 2/10
Compression - THANK YOU

FESS: OK... I'll ask there as well. Thank you also

Parser: You're right, I can't be 100% sure that I won't ask you, because I will not be the one who will use it. But if I get their agreement not to pester others, could you go through the trouble of providing the link?

Thank you. YOu've been a tremendou help!!!
Posts: 325/355
Graphics are generally compressed via LZ77, and unlz-GBA does the trick nicely.

Lots of data can be foudn here, if you ask. There's even nightmare modules for almost all eight games nine, but no one bothers with the 'Cube's

The text uses Huffman as its compression. You do not need a parser. The parser does not magically translate all, and is not a god; the parser is kinda like a table of sorts: it sorts out the dictionaries, letters, all that good stuff. Now, I have one, but if I give you it, I'm betting on you'll come right back asking me how to work it. And you know what? I. don't. know.

If you want a link, I'll provide, but as I said, don't bother asking me how to work it. And PLEASE don't pester others--that's exactly why Twilkitri isn't releasing ANY more of his programs. Too many idiots kept asking the most mundane questions (how do i run it).
Posts: 426/647
I won't answer each of your questions, but here's a little bit of help.

Originally posted by BakaMochi
we're in need of a graphics decompressor. I've found some for specific games, but not a general one.

Look for Lunar Compress.

And technically, nothing is impossible. It's just more or less hard... Changing dialogues, for example, is something that sounds basic enough (although it depends on the game, of course). You have to know where to look and know what you're doing... which basically requires looking for all kinds of data and documenting what you find.
Posts: 1/10
Hello, a couple people I know are trying to hack Fire Emblem Blazing Sword, and there are a few problems that they've run into. I'm new at hacking in general, but I wanted to help. So, if anybody could help, it would be greatly appreciated

First off, I do believe the text in the FE ROM is compressed, along with some graphics (I'd need to make sure), and we're in need of a graphics decompressor. I've found some for specific games, but not a general one.

And for text editing, I keep hearing that they need phasers/parsers, but I can't find it anywhere. Is it just to make the editing easier, or is it absolutely needed? And secondly, is it possible to make 'new' conversations instead of replacing the old one? Like... if the original was 'Hello I'm Bob', could it be changed to, 'I want to take over the world'?

Thirdly, if you've played FE, then you'd know there was an arena. One of the hackers was wondering if it was possible to edit the enemies that appear or remove it from the game. He also needs the location of a few codings, and doesn't know where it is. He also needs to know how, if possible, to do the following:
-Changing the requirements for joining characters, like changing the time, and location, along with who recruits said character
-Adding/changing requirements for extra bonus chapters
-Changing a shop/armory's inventory
-And changing the attack bonus of classes.

I realize that's a lot of questions, and that it's asking a lot, but any help at all, I'll be really grateful for. Even just one answer would be great. Thank you!
Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - ROM Hacking - Requesting help for huge hacking project


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