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07-01-24 01:15 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Chat - Posting from a laptop!
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Posts: 489/867
I have a Compaq Presario 900 with 1500+ Athlon. I bought it used off ebay a couple years ago. I upgraded the 20 gb hard drive to 100gb and doubled the ram to 512. It's obviously not a gaming system but just for general use its actually much faster then most people's new pcs. That's because I don't have a bunch of useless garbage running, keep it defragged and malware free, and I replaced the Windows XP Home with Windows Server 2003 Enterprise. It always amazes me when I go to work on someones 2.5ghz desktop and it takes 10 seconds just to bring up a context menu.
Posts: 2886/5072
Originally posted by neotransotaku
HH, I hope you got extended warranty with this laptop.

Deleted User
Posts: 57/-7750
Im been using this laptop since last year. And still works perfectly,even tough of the viruses it got.I have Microsoft windows XP professional.
Clockwork JB
Posts: 261/267
I always post from my laptop. Mine's nothing special, just a Compaq with a Sempron processor. But it does what I want it to.
Posts: 1554/1860
HH, I hope you got extended warranty with this laptop. It is a must. My laptop kicked the bucket in less than 18 months of usage. Because I had no warranty, I created a 15 lbs paperweight . Given how you mod computers and all that fun stuff, you are a person I strong recommend having extended warranty. Hopefully, extended warranty comes with accidental drop and spill coverage too.
Posts: 2882/5072
Nope. I'll have to see if it's possible to map one of the less-used/redundant keys to it. (Moving the Caps Lock and removing the DVD region coding was easy enough. )
Originally posted by sandrocklq
Hope you don't travel by air much. Laptops may become prohibited as a carry on.

So I've heard. I have to say I'd be seriously reconsidering travelling on any airline that refused to let me take a laptop on the plane. The worst I ever had was making me turn on a Game Boy at the security gate. I mean my pants could be a bomb... where does it end?
Posts: 1551/1860
To get middle button support, you may just need to press both the left and right buttons at the same time. That is what my Dell does for middle button.
Posts: 134/162
Good luck. Laptops are convenient, but they severely degrade before 2 years of use. :/

I am learning this the hard way.
Posts: 50/210
Hope you don't travel by air much. Laptops may become prohibited as a carry on.

Never could get used to using a laptop myself. I don't like the keyboard configurations. Fortunately I don't need one, but that M675-PRR looks cool.
Posts: 2874/5072
Originally posted by Darkdata
Remap caps to shift .

Congratulations on geting a notebook. How long will it last before it is hacked to the way you want it?

I've already hacked a few things. I might just disable Caps Lock entirely. Shift is already big enough. (Or map it to A, since that's what I keep missing. ) I still need to remap the multimedia keys and if possible hack out that nasty DVD region coding.

KP9000: MX7515.
Posts: 301/361
Aww... you guys are lucky. My laptop is slow as hell but, it still gets the job done! I actually thimk i'm gonna buy this one when I turn 15 since, i'll be getting a job . Congrats. though. Very nice.
Posts: 3102/5653
Originally posted by HyperHacker
And it's mine, all mine, muahaha!
Specs here. Unlike some brands, the Gateway restore disc is unencrypted, which meant I could format, install XP Pro, and still get the drivers off it. The screen is crystal clear, making my CRT look like crap. The touchpad works great and the speakers are loud as hell. Even has a built-in flash card reader. Only problem is I keep hitting that %$%^%#^ Caps Lock and it lacks a middle mouse button, but I think I can solve both of those with some hacking.

Here's a big picture demonstrating my poor photography skills.

My HP keyboard habitually drops keystrokes (leading to some amusing things, but nothing as bad as Yoro's blunder in my title)...

I don't even think this came with a recovery disk (you're supposed to make your own, oh boy), either. Ugh...

Oh well, enjoy your new laptop.

(PS: I'm pretty sure the keystrokes are my own fault; I have my hands at a really awkward angle, and it tends to come and go based on how I'm sitting and typing)
Posts: 42/180
It's a Gateway, you say? That's pretty cool. What model is yours? I've got a M675-PRR and a pic to boot.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Posts: 430/983
Remap caps to shift .

Congratulations on geting a notebook. How long will it last before it is hacked to the way you want it?
Posts: 2871/5072
And it's mine, all mine, muahaha!
Specs here. Unlike some brands, the Gateway restore disc is unencrypted, which meant I could format, install XP Pro, and still get the drivers off it. The screen is crystal clear, making my CRT look like crap. The touchpad works great and the speakers are loud as hell. Even has a built-in flash card reader. Only problem is I keep hitting that %$%^%#^ Caps Lock and it lacks a middle mouse button, but I think I can solve both of those with some hacking.

Here's a big picture demonstrating my poor photography skills.
Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Chat - Posting from a laptop!


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