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07-02-24 11:51 AM
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Femine's Corner - Easier for you to talk to?
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Posts: 146/1860
depends on the topic... girls for more personal matters and guys for uh...everything else?
Posts: 96/169
I have better conversations with girls than guys and girls are just easier to talk to for me. They understand me better, especially me being a girl. There are a few guys who do make sense when they talk and stuff that I can talk to but guys are just hard for me to talk to. Of course, I don't have trouble talking to family. If I do really need something or if they talk to me I can talk to them but if it was just a random guy it'd be hard..especially if he was cute .
Posts: 31/227
Guys.. less boobs and stuff (and usually similar interests ).
Kyoufu Kawa
Posts: 172/1353
Da pants on the subject. Computer stuff and shit for the guys, love sex and relations with the girls.
Posts: 8/50
When I'm talking to a person I don't know, there's really no difference. But those among my closest friends that I find it most rewarding to converse with are all girls.
Posts: 50/1106
It's easier to talk to guys almost always. It's hard to talk to girls b/c 99% of the time I'm thinking about my prospects with them. Well... not hard, just distracting.
Posts: 38/631
Girls, unless I fancy them... then it gets weird.

That said, I tend to find it easiest to talk to people, of either gender, about 20 years my senior. Especially if music is involved.
Posts: 427/3604
Originally posted by Danielle
Girls. Guys are simpler, you know? It just doesn't work out.

The doesn´t go for ALL guys, you know.

But you might be right.
Schweiz oder etwas
Posts: 136/2046
A lot of my closest friends are girls, is the thing... Definitely a lot easier to talk to them.

But Kutske, I expected an answer like that from you. From here I can take two roads:

1) Debate with you over stereotyped gender roles in society.


2) Ask you to explain your use of allusion and the presence of an "other" category, which is currently much more interesting to me than option 1.

So, shoot.
Posts: 8/356
Girls. By far. I rarely ever trust guys and if I do, it's never the same amount as I would trust a lot of the girls I hand out with.
Posts: 130/2405

I can strike a conversation with both sexes in a equal manner. Most of my friends are guys, so you can imagine how deep a conversation it can be. I do have several friends who are female and I find no trouble in particular talking to them. I simply can't say stupid shit. Stupid shit to a my friends (Guys) is funny. Stupid shit to my female friends is simply stupid...shit.

But when it is a girl I like my brain goes on stand-by and does not return until well after the girl leaves. It just happens. I have much to say and patience to listen but when it comes to this girl it feels like I'm using my nutsac to talk because nothing seems interesting enough to talk about.

And we do have things in common but the conversation fizzles and dies faster than William Hung's singing career.
Posts: 10/18
Guys. I turn into a bubbling idiot among girls.
Posts: 309/5814
Girls. I just find it works out well, plus a lot of girls I know are good when it comes to being rational and thoughtful.
Posts: 1/26
Guys. All of my friends are guys except for like, 2 girls, and we're not even very close, so it's always weird for me when I have to talk to them. I never really know what to say, since they're both so different from me. Guys are just much easier to talk to.
Posts: 36/171
Where's the option for inanimate objects and beloved family pets? Though seriously, I didn't vote because it's not easier for me to talk to girls or guys, presuming that we have a girl and a guy who both want to talk to me, and they're of equal emotional and mental maturity and intelligence. I prefer to talk with friends, regardeless of gender (be they male, female, or somewhere inbetween). I find, however, that my male friends are more interested in talking about philosophical and political issues, while my female friends are more interested in talking about interpersonal and social issues. As for my friends listed under the "other" category...well, that's where things get interesting for me...
Posts: 230/2480
Either or.

Now if this was a question about talking to someone with or without intellect...well...you can guess what I'd pick. That and someone with a halfway decent sense of personality. You got those two and you alls good.
Posts: 108/1800
Guys, at least they can make sense and not be shallow pieces of shit towards each other.
Posts: 218/6737
Girls. Guys are simpler, you know? It just doesn't work out.
Posts: 23/149
Just through my experiences, I find it a lot easier to talk to girls than guys. Girls seem to be more interested in conversation than guys do, not saying that all girls and guys are like that though. The majority of my friends are girls and I'm able to keep in better contact with them than I do with guys.

.. could be that my social skills aren't that broad.
Cruel Justice
Posts: 146/1637
I don't really feel any barriers in between the two, thus I didn't vote. I can really strike up a conversation with both genders but I don't care to talk most of the time which is why I'm usually quiet.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Femine's Corner - Easier for you to talk to?


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