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07-03-24 02:38 AM
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Chat - I gots me a laaaaaaptoooop
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Xeo Belmont
Posts: 305/1016
Originally posted by Xkeeper
Originally posted by Xeruss
Originally posted by Racer Xeo

Then again I guess it doesn't surprise me, this baby plays Half-Life 2 as smooth as it would a babies butt.

It plays babies' butts? awesome!!!


Limited time package deal.

I'm not telling. _�
Blue Warrior
Posts: 127/356
Originally posted by Randy53215
People dont give you any sarcasm in life do they?

Wha? Didn't look like sarcasm to me. Put a [/joke] tag if you could.

Anyway, congrats on the new laptop. I am so glad I have a new one. No more slow loading, constant viruses, and having to wait for Mom to stop looking at jewelry and furniture and get off the computer. To top it off, it's easy to set up and go places with, so it's extremely convenient for me. Heck, now I don't even have to get out of my room to go on the internet.
Posts: 2697/5072
Originally posted by Kasdarack
I hate and despise my laptop. I've had som many problems with it since I bought it...

DVD burner died. Motherboard died. Hard drive died. @%&^%@

I had an old laptop (like 10 years old) a while ago whose CD drive was dead. In trying to fix it I managed to explode something, not sure what exactly.
Posts: 2664/5653
Originally posted by Xeruss
Originally posted by Racer Xeo

Then again I guess it doesn't surprise me, this baby plays Half-Life 2 as smooth as it would a babies butt.

It plays babies' butts? awesome!!!

Posts: 287/309
Originally posted by Racer Xeo

Then again I guess it doesn't surprise me, this baby plays Half-Life 2 as smooth as it would a babies butt.

It plays babies' butts? awesome!!!
Posts: 137/227
Originally posted by Colin
Am I one of the few people that still checks keygens/cracks for virii before using them? >_>

Or you could download stuff from groups known on the scene and avoid accidents.. :P. Scene people don't put viruses there, others do.
Posts: 3689/5814
Oh, I get things from reliable sources too. But problems can always slip through the cracks.

(Case in point: cover disk on a magazine many, MANY years ago that had Hocus Pocus (Apogee) on it. Junkie virus.)
Sweet Kassy Molassy
Posts: 405/886
I hate and despise my laptop. I've had som many problems with it since I bought it...

DVD burner died. Motherboard died. Hard drive died. @%&^%@

My best friend bought a comparable HP about 7 months after I got mine and the sonofabitch has a numpad on it and weighs about 2.5 pounds less. It cost less too. I was pissed.
Posts: 2685/5072
Originally posted by Colin
Am I one of the few people that still checks keygens/cracks for virii before using them?

There's a little trick I like to call "getting them from a reliable source". ...Of course I wouldn't dream of pirating software, no way.

Originally posted by Xkeeper

Hacking the manufacturer information is fun. Mine had a screenshot from Super Mario Kart for a while.
(BTW, nice serial number. )
Posts: 5251/6737
asdf, "pimpslap" is my new favorite word.

You're awesome.

I also agree, laptop >>>> notebook.
Posts: 2652/5653
Posts: 2651/5653
All this talk about "good" names for Laptops has prompted me to do this.

I am now calling my laptop a toilet.

Why? It deals with a diherrea of media !
Posts: 383/726
Originally posted by asdf
Originally posted by Randy53215
Its called a notebook.

Screw your pathetic British slang. It's not a book, it's a laptop, or laptop computer. This is a notebook, also known as a notepad. Laptops aren't even books, the only thing they have in common is that they both open. But we could easily call cupboard doors "storagebooks", and yet we don't. In fact, I want to pimpslap whoever decided to give laptops the alternate name "notebooks". It makes no goddamned sense.

Oh, and that's a sexy new laptop you got there, Xkeeper. I eventually got used to the touchpad on mine, and now rarely use the mouse on it.

People dont give you any sarcasm in life do they?
Posts: 2643/5653
Originally posted by Colin
Am I one of the few people that still checks keygens/cracks for virii before using them?

I did, and got nothing.

Hell, Avast! found nothing even after infecion.
Posts: 2848/4077
Originally posted by Colin
Am I one of the few people that still checks keygens/cracks for virii before using them?

I have a keygen searcher that can remove all the hassle of running the spyware gauntlets and virus downloads and have a virus scanner on full alert as well. Everyone else who uses keygens should have tools like that as well.
Posts: 3674/5814
Am I one of the few people that still checks keygens/cracks for virii before using them?
Posts: 2632/5653
Originally posted by HyperMackerel
I was going to say I hate you, but then I discovered it's an HP. All I can say now is have fun!

Actually, yes, I know all the fun with HP jokes; once we were playing Words That Follow, and the HP racecar came up.

One of the lines was:

"See how there's no speed lines or blurring? That's because it isn't moving. Nothing with the HP logo ever does."

Though, I must say; the TrashCan 300 (trusty computer for 3 years, ran mostly great) and the WasteBasket 800 (still in operation) haven't given my any problems, depsite them being HPs

Kind of funny how I have no problems, even though I like tinkering with them (I recently upgraded and have been changing around the internals on the 800, for example) I guess I'm just luckier than you guys...

Other than myself being retarded and running a keygen for Chameleon Clock*, I haven't had a single problem yet... and even that got fixed with some clever removing (making the registry keys to boot the dropped trojan on boot read-write for "Xkeeper" only, for example) got rid of them.

My only complaint is that sometimes I don't end up hitting a key and the touchpad is a bit weird, but that can be explained with my horrible usage of laptop keyboards and my large hands
Posts: 2677/5072
I was going to say I hate you, but then I discovered it's an HP. All I can say now is have fun!
Posts: 109/187
Looked nice until I saw:
ATI. They made the graphics card that destroyed my old moniter!
The notebook theory. Carry inportant notes with you on one. That's probably why. (And it's "To TXT" not "To Text".. I know both british and american slang.)

P.S. Someone nuke Dr_Death16's layout, Reading more and more to the right wasn't fun.
Posts: 120/200
My laptop is 4 and a half years old now. ;

The USB ports now no longer work, and the Hard Drive rattles. Oh, and it kernel panics if I run Visualboy for more than 5 minutes, and crashes in anything processor intensive.

I need a new computer....
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Chat - I gots me a laaaaaaptoooop


Acmlmboard 1.92.999, 9/17/2006
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