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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Craziness Domain - Weird Phone Call
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Posts: 2680/5072
Originally posted by The Red Snifit
I have ignored them for a long time, but now I use them to have a little fun.
*Picks up phone*
Me: Hello, may I take a moment of your time?
Lady: ...What?
Me: You have been chosen to win $1,000,000! All you have to do is tell me where you work!
Lady: What is going on? I... I...
This was one of my favorites, but too bad I never got to find out where these people are from.

Hehe, yeah, acting like you called them is fun too. Similarly, call people, tell them they won something, ask them to hold, then just hang up (or at a payphone, just leave).
Posts: 29/39
One time I got a call from a telemarketer. I decided to have fun with him, so I just sang my extremely exaggerated responses off-key. After a few moments he hung up.
The Red Snifit
Posts: 505/739
I have ignored them for a long time, but now I use them to have a little fun.
*Picks up phone*
Me: Hello, may I take a moment of your time?
Lady: ...What?
Me: You have been chosen to win $1,000,000! All you have to do is tell me where you work!
Lady: What is going on? I... I...
This was one of my favorites, but too bad I never got to find out where these people are from.
Posts: 2668/5072
One thing you can do is say "Hello..." then if they start talking about selling you something, cut them off with "...you've reached so-and-so, leave a message at the beep". Or if you have caller ID and you know it's them, play the recorded sound of a dialup modem when you pick up and make them think they mis-dialed. An automated system might even delete your number.
Also, some automated ones wait for you to say hello, so if you say something else like "yo" they'll just hang up.

Originally posted by Colin
But the guy only dialed 7 numbers, how could he get Japan?

...is what the guy would be saying after he hung up the phone.

Crossed wire? I think if I was convinced I'd accidentally called a country on the other side of the planet, I'd be hanging up long before I tried to figure out how. Long distance rates are insane.
Posts: 247/369
That is effective, but not fun. Maybe if you shout something random, or some rediculously long insult that makes no sense. That should spice things up. Or make it sound like you're attracted to them to really freak them out, then say you're breaking up with them because you're not receiving enough care.
Deleted User
Posts: 148/-7750
The thing I do most is when I pick up the phone, say hello, and wait for them to introduce his/herself. If it's some sort of telemarketer, I just hang up and most likely they won't call back because it's obvious you don't want their services. If they do call back, do the same, except then slam the phone. After that just ignore the calls and let the answering machine get it. That way they'll just give up.
Posts: 245/369
... Or just interrupt every word they say.
Deleted User
Posts: 146/-7750
I remember on this one show that when this lady got this call from someone she didn't want to talk to, she would give the phone to her baby. It was quite interesting. The only thing there is that you need a baby. Or you act like a baby and say gibberish into the phone. Then the person won't bother trying to ask you anything. There are so many ways to get telemarketers to shut up.
Posts: 243/369
Heh. Relatives that we don't want to be anywhere near call multiple times throughout the day. Telemarketers are in the mix, but because I have the computer online for most of the day, most calls are blocked.
Posts: 2826/4077
Originally posted by Colin
I'm sure they've heard a lot worse. It takes a really imaginative mind to actually get into the heads of those guys.

As far as I'm concerned, the goal is not to get into the heads of the guys. It's just to get them to hang up. Getting them never to call back would just be a bonus. However, if I really wanted to screw with their heads, it's possible with a little work and a bit of cash. Maybe make a variation of that if you really want to be creative.
Posts: 6517/8204
Originally posted by Colin
People who are real people don't call during the time of day telemarketers do, and telemarketers call during the times of day people who are real people don't.

I call BS on that. I've never seen a telemarketer call my house at an extremely odd time, like 8 AM or something. Any time a telemarketer has called here is at a time where someone we know could easily call us.
We get calls from telemarketers at 11 AM all the time...
Posts: 3662/5814
I'm sure they've heard a lot worse. It takes a really imaginative mind to actually get into the heads of those guys.
Posts: 2815/4077
Originally posted by Colin
But the guy only dialed 7 numbers, how could he get Japan?

Well, if the guy was stupid, he might believe he really did. If not, then he'd hang up anyhow, as he would probably see that you are not worth his time.
Posts: 3659/5814
But the guy only dialed 7 numbers, how could he get Japan?

...is what the guy would be saying after he hung up the phone.
Posts: 2655/5072
I've had them call at 9 PM.
Originally posted by Yoronosuku
Originally posted by HyperMackerel
I always wanted to try answering in Japanese and trying to convince them they'd somehow been connected to the wrong line and were paying huge long distance charges. See how fast they hang up.

They just keep talking anyway ._. (Yesu, I tried it..) It was like..

Me: Moshi moshi.. (Hello..)
Them: Umm, hello ma'm, could you answer a couple of questions?
Me: Kore wa nani?! Dare desu ka?! (What is this?! Who are you?!)
Them: If you would just take a moment to answer--
Me: Iie! Chotto matte yo! (No! Wait a second!)
Them: Ma'm this will only--
Me: KUTABARE! (F*ck off!)
Them: I..I...*click*


No, the trick is after one or two sentences, you pretend to go get someone who speaks English, and have them say "this is Mitsubishi Motors" or some such with a Japanese accent. Try to convince them they actually called a place in Japan, not just a person who speaks the language.
Posts: 3656/5814
People who are real people don't call during the time of day telemarketers do, and telemarketers call during the times of day people who are real people don't.

I call BS on that. I've never seen a telemarketer call my house at an extremely odd time, like 8 AM or something. Any time a telemarketer has called here is at a time where someone we know could easily call us.

Yoro: Thanks for the new swear word.
Posts: 6511/8204
Originally posted by S.N.N.
Kinda hard to do that when you don't have caller ID
What caller ID? People who are real people don't call during the time of day telemarketers do, and telemarketers call during the times of day people who are real people don't.
Posts: 237/369
They say you learn something new every day. I just learned how to say "Fuck off!" in Japanese now. I feel special. It's great that my sister is learning Japanese and that I watch a lot subbed Fullmetal Alchemist, so I know how to pronounce some words... Although I have no idea what they mean.

I always act like it's McDonald's or Pizza Hut when they call, I just scream like hell as if I had a mental problem, or I just simply press a few numbers and hang up.
Posts: 681/1239
Originally posted by HyperMackerel
I always wanted to try answering in Japanese and trying to convince them they'd somehow been connected to the wrong line and were paying huge long distance charges. See how fast they hang up.

They just keep talking anyway ._. (Yesu, I tried it..) It was like..

Me: Moshi moshi.. (Hello..)
Them: Umm, hello ma'm, could you answer a couple of questions?
Me: Kore wa nani?! Dare desu ka?! (What is this?! Who are you?!)
Them: If you would just take a moment to answer--
Me: Iie! Chotto matte yo! (No! Wait a second!)
Them: Ma'm this will only--
Me: KUTABARE! (F*ck off!)
Them: I..I...*click*

Posts: 138/265
Please, think the advertiser, they might get some bad traumas from that kind of things _¬
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Craziness Domain - Weird Phone Call


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