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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Chat - Alcohol and the day you are legally able to drink it
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Posts: 15/92
Alcohol has its uses, and it usually makes a good thing better, but ive found that as soon as your able to drink legally, its no longer a big deal. Thats why the US legal age of 21 is so stupid. Im glad im Canadian and its 19 here.
Posts: 30/511
Yeah, I've had a good time too. I was probably trashed, or close to being that for a while, but I'm not now. I had a really long walk home. I walked home with a friend of mine from work. We had some interesting talk.

When I drink, I drink to have fun.
Posts: 125/1800
I had a few glasses of whiskey with the bros in residence. No one got trashed or anything. It was just a good time.
Posts: 107/2228
Went to the bar last night with my girlfriend. Had a pretty good time.
The Onyx Dragoon
Posts: 5/159
I personally don't think there's anything wrong with drinking alcoholic beverages as long as you do it for enjoyment/taste and not for the abuse of your body by getting wasted. It's really sad that there is pain in this world that causes people to kill their brain cells just to make things seem less complicated.

of course, I wouldn't know about the effects of alcohol from a 1st person point-of-view, but I have seen the damage it does.
Posts: 64/1713
5 years, 8 months, and 13 days to go!
Posts: 2/5
I'd been drinking and getting served for so long before I was legal, that when I became 'of-age' it was kind of an anti-climax and no big deal anyway.
Posts: 76/2713
My housemate keeps accusing me of being an alcoholic.

I've given up and just started to admit it.

Him "You're an alcoholic..."
Me: "And..?"
Him: "..."

(Note: I am not REALLY an alcoholic.)
Posts: 21/77
Hmm... There's probably a reason for that. But I just can't put my finger on it.
Posts: 237/6737
Originally posted by BPM
Originally posted by Arwon
Aside from spelling it, of course, eh BPM?

As for me, I don't have a drinking problem... I like drinking!

Eh? Come again?

You spelled alcoholic wrong.
Posts: 17/77
Originally posted by Arwon
Aside from spelling it, of course, eh BPM?

As for me, I don't have a drinking problem... I like drinking!

Eh? Come again?
Posts: 241/2480
Actually, quite a few will admit alcoholism, but very few will do anything about it.
Posts: 236/6737
Young Guru: No, that's not what I meant... I meant that people who ARE alcoholics tend to not want to admit it. I'm not saying all, but most.
Posts: 32/631
Aside from spelling it, of course, eh BPM?

As for me, I don't have a drinking problem... I like drinking!
Young Guru
Posts: 16/279
Originally posted by Danielle
And who admits to being an alcoholic?


I don't know if this is what you meant by that, but a lot of people I know who are against alcohol and drinking seem to think that everyone who drinks is an alcoholic, even if they only have a couple of drinks at a dinner, or tailgate or something like that. I think that's one of the issues that a lot of people have with alcohol, is that they assume that if someone likes to get drunk every once in a while to have a good time that they are an alcoholic, but one's really only an alcoholic if they can only have fun when they're drunk or if they drink to deal with their problems. And Advil LiquidGels work great for hangovers, at least in my book.
Posts: 14/77
Hello. I am BluePenMan, and I'm an alchaholic. (Admittting you have a problem is the hardest part. )
Posts: 222/6737
And who admits to being an alcoholic?

Posts: 12/77
Drinking isn't necisarily a bad thing, but if you become an alchaholic, then it is. Especially if you have kids.
Posts: 75/2713
Originally posted by [GGS
Cruel Justice]Don't try to pull a smart one and take an aspirin. It actually doubles the headache.

I can't take asprin anyways, it screws with my asthma.

If I suspect I'm going to be hungover - the night before I will make sure to have a couple of glasses of water before bed (make sure to take a little time drinking them) and a multi-vitamin.

In the morning I have vegemite on toast, and lots more water. And if I have a headache, paracetamol (US brand name: tylenol) seems to help a bit.
Cruel Justice
Posts: 149/1637
Don't try to pull a smart one and take an aspirin. It actually doubles the headache.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Chat - Alcohol and the day you are legally able to drink it


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