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07-05-24 05:12 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Chat - What is the legal drinking limit in your <s>state</s> country?
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Posts: 316/631
It surprises me that although America has a huge stick up its collective ass when it comes to alcohol, the drink-driving laws are actually more lax than here.
Posts: 747/1713
.08 here in NY
Posts: 2/2
same in Alabama last time i got pulled over checked. .08
Posts: 2602/5072
Originally posted by Arwon
It's actually only 0.36% of the blood.

Well that makes more sense.
Posts: 5133/6737
.08% in California. I know that because I paid attention in school!
Posts: 115/200
Originally posted by Arwon
.05 in Australia, pretty sure it's nationwide. NSW has zero tolerance for P-platers (provisional license-holders-have been driving for 3 years or less) I believe.

I can confirm the second for SA as well, and I will say that the first is the case nationwide.
Posts: 313/631
It's actually only 0.36% of the blood.

Or about .75 proof.

Or about the same as most domestic American beers.
Posts: 2600/5072
Jeez, 0.36? That's over a quarter of your bloodstream filled with alcohol. I can't imagine anyone driving competently at that point.
Posts: 312/631
.05 in Australia, pretty sure it's nationwide. NSW has zero tolerance for P-platers (provisional license-holders-have been driving for 3 years or less) I believe.
Posts: 3587/5814
I can't get over the image of someone nearly running their car off the road and looking quite ill when talking to the police officer... and only getting their license revoked instead of being arrested for potentially harming others.
Posts: 2730/4077
Quebec's limit is 0.08, I'm pretty sure that's the same across the country.

Correct. Living in Canada as well, this also applies to me.

Wikipedia had South Korea's, which is really weird... basically you can get your license revoked if you're caught driving over the limit, but they won't arrest you unless you're at 0.30 or above on your first offense. GEEZ.

It's actually 0.36. And it's funny too. Because at that point, you usually lose consciousness. Hell, 0.36 can potentially be a LETHAL dose, although heavy drinkers can tolerate much more than that. At least they won't get any resistance from the prepetrator.
Posts: 104/155
Originally posted by Colin
Quebec's limit is 0.08, I'm pretty sure that's the same across the country.

0.04 in SK.
Posts: 1493/1860
California is 0.08%

I had to look that up since i don't ever plan on driving drunk, nor drinking actually
Posts: 3580/5814
Wikipedia had South Korea's, which is really weird... basically you can get your license revoked if you're caught driving over the limit, but they won't arrest you unless you're at 0.30 or above on your first offense. GEEZ.
Posts: 1459/2480
AR is .08
IL is .08.

I know that at one time it used to be .10 for IL, though.
Posts: 320/594
Originally posted by HyperMackerel
HTML in thread titles ftl, and 0.08.
Yea I know. I should have known better considering I wrote that restriction myself.
Posts: 3578/5814
Quebec's limit is 0.08, I'm pretty sure that's the same across the country.
Posts: 285/613
I'm guessing you mean how drunk can you be and still drive?

Is there a BAC for public intoxication? I never really gave that much thought.

Originally posted by NSNick
Since I live in the States, .08

Or .02 if you're a minor.

.02 is for a minor all-around though, not just to drive. If you have a .02 in your own home you're breaking the law.

PS. I voted .08
Posts: 1581/2602
0.2 promille here in Sweden.

That's 0.02 percent.
Posts: 1376/2228
Since I live in the States, .08

Or .02 if you're a minor.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Chat - What is the legal drinking limit in your <s>state</s> country?


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