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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - World Affairs/Debate - WAR! Israel at war with Lebanon
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Posts: 1191/1800
Originally posted by 1148
Remember that Lebanon wasn’t prepared to tackle terrorism in there own country. Not until Israel threatens to bomb whoever was responsible and what ever aids the terrorist’s cause (which is probably every civilised inch of Lebanon).

Grammar, please.
Posts: 15/15
Remember that Lebanon wasn’t prepared to tackle terrorism in there own country. Not until Israel threatens to bomb whoever was responsible and what ever aids the terrorist’s cause (which is probably every civilised inch of Lebanon).
Posts: 112/210
Wouldn't worry too much about the promised $230 million in aid. A lot of times those promises go unkept.
Sin Dogan
Posts: 699/861
No, but he sold weapons to Israel. They had to speed up the delivery of the bombs for them.
Rom Manic
Posts: 266/557
I think the main focus now, even after Israel broke the cease fire agreement, IS to rebuild the country's damaged areas. Bush may be a war monger, like Israel is, but his efforts are noteworthy. Thats regardless of the fact that he probably hasn't sold Hezbollah any weapons whatsoever. It was Iran who sold the weapons to Hezbollah, the Katusha rockets and their guns, and it was probably Iran who is funding them.

May I say that Hezbollah has been generously donating most of their money to the victims of this catastrophe?
Sin Dogan
Posts: 698/861
Most of Israel is clearly the same way towards Muslims. They just don't say it out loud. But it's really obvious that they don't want a nation full of Muslims to be strong. It's obvious that Israel sees its own security as of far greater importance than anyone else, especially an 'Islamic' country. If you look at it, conflicts with Israel(especially Palestinian involved ones) are less about the desire of Jews being killed. In fact, a poll was taken in Palestine where somewhere around 65% of the voters said they want a lasting peace instead of pointless fighting. I have never agreed with either side but have noted how Israel holds this idea of providence very tightly. How could the ceasefire stay? Israel hasn't completed anything remotely close to their proclaimed goal of wiping out Hezbollah... It just seems like they were just using an excuse to bomb Lebanon and they got away with it without a slap on the wrist. These cluster bombs are a clear evidence of that. While they are legal, many have been placed in residential areas(not legal) and as a result, many children and other innocent people have been harmed and even killed. And what the hell is this? Bush pledges $230 million in Lebanese aid? Oh that's a wonderful policy, expedite bombs used to blow up a country and then use all this money to inefficiently clean up the mess. Sound familiar?
Posts: 184/207
Wurl: fair enough.... can you blame them? The enemy they fight wants Israel wiped off the planet and every Jew killed. You can't really appease an enemy like that .

sandrocklq: Hezbollah probably thinks it has won. They stood up to Israel and didn't "lose". Although, when you hide behind the women and children and fire rockets from houses and the like, it would be hard for you to be found and taken out.
Posts: 64/210
If I was in Lebanon, I'm not sure I would be celebrating with exploding fireworks. I would be damn tired of hearing things explode around me.

Or perhaps they feel they've won a significant victoy against Israel.
Posts: 835/842
I'm sure Israel is waiting for their chance to continue attacks on Hezbollah, too. I'm not saying "Go Hezbollah!!!11!1!1!1," geogree, but both sides want to kick some ass.
Posts: 183/207
I hope everyone here understands that to Hezbollah ceasefire = lying in wait for the next chance to attack.

This war is far from over.
Posts: 4024/5814
I find it ironic, though. Usually if you call a ceasefire, then maybe you TONE DOWN your operations until the time comes, then stop. You don't decide to use all those rockets you just received and fire them all off before 1 AM.

I mean, if the ceasefire sticks and everything goes as well as can be expected, then great. It's too bad how it came to transpire.
Posts: 57/210
Originally posted by Sexy Emperor Colin
Let me get this straight... you finally agree to a ceasefire after weeks of negotiating and shuffling of feet by the UN Security Council, then you agree to the ceasefire at a specific time (1 AM tonight Eastern), and then both sides decide that it's the bottom of the 9th inning so they'll just shell the hell out of each other until time expires.

That's diplomacy for you.

This makes me wonder how the human race has survived as long as it has.
Posts: 1128/1800
Yeah, diplomacy can get pretty funny.

You know, in the way Oedipus Rex is funny.
Posts: 4009/5814
Let me get this straight... you finally agree to a ceasefire after weeks of negotiating and shuffling of feet by the UN Security Council, then you agree to the ceasefire at a specific time (1 AM tonight Eastern), and then both sides decide that it's the bottom of the 9th inning so they'll just shell the hell out of each other until time expires.

That's diplomacy for you.
Posts: 354/631
Originally posted by Lemurian
I, the ever-ignorant, knows little about Lebanon and Israel except that Israel has had a long war with another neighbouring country and, whoop-de-doo, they still are!

They were given the land because of their extremely unfair treatment under The Wars, the country that actually owned it didn't like it and some details I'm not quite into and there they are in a huge war...well, big at least. Horrible war, daily reports of killings (a wonder that there really are people left at all in Israel) and now Israel is going into ANOTHER war, and is now seemingly ignoring the first one.

They have rocketed and bombed many cities, roads, buildings (many of which are houses) under the VERY slight right that "someone in the country kidnapped someone from our country so now we bomb everyone so that we are sure that those kidnappers all die". Meanwhile, people are running for their lives as, WHOAMG: those guys that lived under them is actually a headquarter of some evil syndicate that hates Israel!...maybe.

And again, Israel is in a new war, evil people continue living and poor defenceless and quite innocent people are dying because some guys which are on a good way to BEING evil think of themselves as innocent people and is therefore quite allowed to kill lots of people where there's a 1/50 chance that there are some evil people together with them. World is going, has been for long and will always be crazy.


Thanks for that.
Rom Manic
Posts: 243/557
Originally posted by Lemurian
They have rocketed and bombed many cities, roads, buildings (many of which are houses) under the VERY slight right that "someone in the country kidnapped someone from our country so now we bomb everyone so that we are sure that those kidnappers all die".

Thats not the only thing they bombed. Since the beginning of the war, they have been bombing the roads. Not only does this mean weapons can't get in, food and fresh water can't either.

The kids, man...They'll grow up hating the jews for the rest of their life (The ones who don't starve). Congrats, Israel, you've accomplished nothing.
Posts: 48/58
I, the ever-ignorant, knows little about Lebanon and Israel except that Israel has had a long war with another neighbouring country and, whoop-de-doo, they still are!

They were given the land because of their extremely unfair treatment under The Wars, the country that actually owned it didn't like it and some details I'm not quite into and there they are in a huge war...well, big at least. Horrible war, daily reports of killings (a wonder that there really are people left at all in Israel) and now Israel is going into ANOTHER war, and is now seemingly ignoring the first one.

They have rocketed and bombed many cities, roads, buildings (many of which are houses) under the VERY slight right that "someone in the country kidnapped someone from our country so now we bomb everyone so that we are sure that those kidnappers all die". Meanwhile, people are running for their lives as, WHOAMG: those guys that lived under them is actually a headquarter of some evil syndicate that hates Israel!...maybe.

And again, Israel is in a new war, evil people continue living and poor defenceless and quite innocent people are dying because some guys which are on a good way to BEING evil think of themselves as innocent people and is therefore quite allowed to kill lots of people where there's a 1/50 chance that there are some evil people together with them. World is going, has been for long and will always be crazy.

Posts: 57/84
I totally agree with all of that.
Posts: 30/210
It's very easy to sit back and play armchair quarterback criticizing both sides. Both sides are so distrustful of each other peace is a long way off. It would be nice if a third party could mediate. Can't expect the US to do that though. It 's much easier for politicians in the US just to defend Israel.

Main point: I don't expect to see peace within the next 10 years.
Posts: 55/84
I just want to say that there is a difference between the kidnappings by Israel and those by Hezbollah.

Hezbollah kidnaps Israelis with the intention of exchanging them for a release of thousands of political prisoners in Israel. Israel paid a fat ransom to Hezbollah under similar circumstances in 2004. This time, they are not tolerating it.

Israel kidnaps people who they believe are affiliated with terrorist organisations with the intention of incarcerating them. Kind of like Guantanamo Bay I guess. While it is likely that a number of them are innocent, they are at least not being held for ransom.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - World Affairs/Debate - WAR! Israel at war with Lebanon


Acmlmboard 1.92.999, 9/17/2006
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