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07-01-24 12:39 PM
0 users currently in Craziness Domain.
Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Craziness Domain - Doctor Nipple
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Posts: 3322/5814
I think this is actually one of those things where you hope it isn't a joke, as silly as it may sound.
Posts: 6107/8204
If it's a joke, it's a retarded one.
Posts: 2479/4077
Originally posted by Colin
Yeah, but isn't that going to end up being, oh, I don't know... a waste of a vote?

But would've every vote for a user who just isn't that active, well known, or both be a waste of a vote? Failing that, then let's try the logic that every vote counts, and all that matters is that you vote? No? Then screw it.

Also, this is probably a joke topic. I've seen this kind of thing before.
Posts: 3321/5814
Yeah, but isn't that going to end up being, oh, I don't know... a waste of a vote?
Posts: 519/1181
You know what, wirtzzz?

Just for that, I'm gonna vote you as Kinkiest/Most perverted.
No offense, but not even Kawa touches his doctor.
Posts: 101/369
All I can say is this: You're damn lucky nothing happened to you. I mean, he's doing that for your own good! It's not like he's doing it for self pleasure or anything like that. God, people like you make the world a horrible place to be at sometimes.
Posts: 153/613
Originally posted by wirtzzz
Damn! I do really crazy things sometimes. Im an all day anarchist but woah this time i did something really out the norm! and.. Im proud of it!!!

Oh it was so funny the look he had. Im sure he never had a weird person like this at the hospital. people tend to be shy for this type of test lol.

Oh, you are such a crazy anarchist! So crazy! And anarchist! When are you going to blow up your next building? Oh wait, that's what real anarchists do.

It's not even funny. It's just stupid. Maybe next time you could just say "Asdgkj" as the answer to every question. Won't that be so god damn hilarious?
Posts: 3319/5814
I can sum this up even better:

You're 16 years old, so act your age.
Posts: 1233/2713
Frankly, I think the doctor might only have let it slide cause he thinks you're... well... an idiot. It sounds to me like you acted that way, and that's the only conclusion I'd have come to.

So in short, you're lucky you come across looking dumb
Posts: 4751/6737
...I don't see the humor. He's doing his job, as professionally as he can to make you comfortable, and you go and make it... weird.

At least you got a good laugh.
Posts: 1910/2405
If I were that Doctor, I would let it slide the first time.

But be damn well sure than during your next visit I will try to cut off your right testicle.
Posts: 1227/2713
Originally posted by Tristis
He could have easily turned you in for harassment. Oh, how embarassing that'd be.

Indeed, he could have. Doctors have all kinds of regulations in place to make sure that they don't do anything untoward in relation to YOU -- what makes you think that it's acceptable to do likewise to them?

You might think that what you did was funny, but many people would not. Some people are funny about being touched in general, let alone having their nipple pinched.

You may simply be lucky that your doctor apparently had some sense of humor to not press some kind of charge.
Deleted User
Posts: 1444/-7750
He could have easily turned you in for harassment. Oh, how embarassing that'd be.
Posts: 2/5
Damn! I do really crazy things sometimes. Im an all day anarchist but woah this time i did something really out the norm! and.. Im proud of it!!!

There one day i went to the hospital for a full check up.
That mean they check up your genital parts too for the dumbasses. And it was a guy doctor. So he had all those manners to prevent me from being shy and stuff like hiding behind the curtains when i get my clothes off. And im not shy id run in the streets naked. So there when the check was finished, before i got through the door i pinched the doctors nipple and said 'beep! beep!'. 'why are you doing that for', he asked. I told him' "i do that to all my friends." so then i went trough the door then i put my head in the door again and corrected myself "Intimate friends!"
Oh it was so funny the look he had. Im sure he never had a weird person like this at the hospital. people tend to be shy for this type of test lol.

Anyways tell me what you think about that. And damn i wanna know if you did something like that already!
Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Craziness Domain - Doctor Nipple


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