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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - World Affairs/Debate - The Church of Scientology
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Posts: 1938/2602
I gotta love parodies, which is legally satire. It dosen't help if it's trademarke. Especially in case when it's political.

There's a "Scientology church" in Malmö. I probably should do some research about it's Swedish operations... but it hadn't got as much mediatime in Sweden as in US. Before the YTMND case I didn't ever heard of it. :/
Posts: 318/587
Originally posted by rubixcuber
Well, that wasn't really a proposed solution. When I said getting rid of organized religion would do the trick I was joking. Unfortunately it is very hard to convey such things in a written medium. I don't think getting rid of organized religion would accomplish anything positive, and would in fact be bad. I just tend not to like religion myself personally. I apologize for any misundertanding.
I took your comment as something serious because, to be honest, I've heard worse (or at least more extreme) things said on this forum and elsewhere. Anyway, no harm done.
Posts: 131/356
Well, that wasn't really a proposed solution. When I said getting rid of organized religion would do the trick I was joking. Unfortunately it is very hard to convey such things in a written medium. I don't think getting rid of organized religion would accomplish anything positive, and would in fact be bad. I just tend not to like religion myself personally. I apologize for any misundertanding.
Posts: 568/867
There's a near endless amount of reasons why people do bad things, and a very small percent of them have anything to do their religion. And even then religion is often just a convenient excuse, rather then the actual reason (which normally turns out to be just standard xenophobia).

So even if religion was done away with, it wouldn't change anything. People would just find a new excuse.
Posts: 317/587
Originally posted by rubixcuber
I don't think religion is the cause of the world's evils or all church leaders are corrupt. [...] I just think that organized religion leads to a lot of conflict and sucks up a lot of money, but doesn't really provide anything that couldn't be obtained from somewhere else. Helps people feel welcomed into a group? You can have that without bringing religion into it.
For most - well, at least for me, because I suppose I only speak for myself - being part of a religion isn't about being welcomed into a group. Certainly that's a perk, but I am a Catholic Christian because I believe in the God and the dogma and the tenets that my church espouses. I like being part of some sort of worldwide "brotherhood" of Catholics, but that is not my main reason by any means.

Originally posted by rubixcuber
And I've never read The DaVinci Code nor seen the movie.
When you specifically picked out Opus Dei, I assumed your source was The DaVinci Code, because Opus Dei has received infinitely more publicity since that book and movie were realeased. My mistake, I assumed wrong.

Originally posted by rubixcuber
As to how that would do the trick, getting rid of all organized religion would get rid of Scientology, no? And the only way you could really get rid of these organizations for good is to do that. Otherwise a new one will take the place of any group that is removed.
I feel like you're proposing a fairly radical solution. "Some Arabs are terrorists, so in order to get rid of all the terrorists, we should kill all Arabs. That way, no new Arabs can rise up to replace the dead terrorists."

Originally posted by rubixcuber
Opus Dei requires you to give all of your income to them. And they have a lot of pressure to recruit new people and make it very hard to leave.
I don't know enough about the organization to argue it independently, but a quick scan of the Wikipedia page suggests that only 20% of the membership contributes significantly financially. And that 20% includes people who live a celibate lifestyle that revolves largely around Opus Dei in the first place - they are entirely voluntary.
Posts: 121/356
I don't think religion is the cause of the world's evils or all church leaders are corrupt. And I've never read The DaVinci Code nor seen the movie. I just think that organized religion leads to a lot of conflict and sucks up a lot of money, but doesn't really provide anything that couldn't be obtained from somewhere else. Helps people feel welcomed into a group? You can have that without bringing religion into it.

As to how that would do the trick, getting rid of all organized religion would get rid of Scientology, no? And the only way you could really get rid of these organizations for good is to do that. Otherwise a new one will take the place of any group that is removed.

EDIT: I looked up what The DaVinci Code says about Opus Dei. It seems to mostly talk about corporal mortification. How would that even make sense in a comparison to Scientology? I just mean in the sense of an economic scam to a degree. Opus Dei requires you to give all of your income to them. And they have a lot of pressure to recruit new people and make it very hard to leave.
Posts: 1417/1697
Religion is good. It helps a lot of people feel welcomed into a group. It gives people hope and the will to accomplish something whereas they wouldn't. I'm not saying someone not in a religion doesn't have the will to accomplish things (I'm an atheist after all), but not all people are like me. (Thank God)
Posts: 316/587
Originally posted by rubixcuber
Scientology is like Opus Dei except in your face instead of secretive. Both should be removed from existance.
Now, are we talking about the real Opus Dei, or the one that you've read about in The DaVinci Code? Because the two are not exactly equivalent.

Originally posted by rubixcuber
Personally I think getting rid of all organized religion would do the trick.
How would that "do the trick?" Because religion is the cause of all the world's evils, all church leaders are corrupt, religion hurts more than it helps, etc. Right?
Posts: 104/356
I know people that are in Scientology now, or I guess I should say I knew people. Scientology is like Opus Dei except in your face instead of secretive. Both should be removed from existance. Personally I think getting rid of all organized religion would do the trick.
Posts: 3953/5653

I could name about 50 different ''Christian'' churches that are also a scam.
However, this thread is specifically regarding the Scientology relgion/church/whatever.

Stick to the topic, or quit responding.
Deleted User
Posts: 21/-7750
I could name about 50 different ''Christian'' churches that are also a scam.
Posts: 1/1
I agree. Scientology is nothing but a scam.
Posts: 3/210
From everything I've seen and read, scientology should be avoided at all costs. Must be nice to have the tax exempt status though.
Posts: 40/65
Whlie everyone is on the subject, go read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientology_controversy while you're at it.

'The unfunny truth' put a very serious point on the subject. These people are not to be laughed at and shrugged off, they are actually quite powerful in many ways, and thier methods are no laughing matter. While I'd like to think some celebs are following it just for the tax exemption, I can't really put much faith in that.

Originally posted by ziffhasnoaim/password
Neitzluber, rightly or wrongly, is in the right in expressing that point.
Quite so. Like it or not, most major religions are guilty of similar crimes in the past. Look at all that went on with Christianity in the Middle Ages. "Give us money and get to Heaven" What the fuck? Hell, most religions STILL have something screwy going on in them, they are usually more subversive about it, Scientology is outright flaunting thier collective penis and trying to show the world they are a legitimate 'religion.'

Just because you make up a bunch of crazy bullshit and get people to belief it does not make anything a proper religion. If they think they're bettering themselves somehow, so be it, but we should not be forced to put up with their crap like Operation Snow White.
Posts: 182/292
Neitzluber, rightly or wrongly, is in the right in expressing that point. All religions do basically attempt to further their economic goals (the economy of the soul) through expansionism. But that is a whole new debate.

I think I should revise my stance on Scientology...they're more like a militant organization with a solely self-serving agenda than a cult. They are willing to spy on national governments, attempt character assassinations, utilize legality as a weapon, and various other scare tactics. It is nothing more than a terror organization.

As I've said before governments of the world need to step down and crush this false ideology like the parasite it is. Scientology is a mental disorder, a disease, or a cancer - it must be treated and expunged.
Posts: 199/310
Sheesh, this group is scary; I'm reading up on "Operation Snow White," which is the single largest infiltration of the United States Government in history:

Posts: 17/53
Originally posted by Neitzluber
The entire purpose of any church, including this one, is to brainwash people and gain money and power through ignorance.

Please don't change the subject. This is about Scientology and not your personal vendetta against organized religion.

These people need help. They probably do not want help and would even go out of their way to avoid it but it undeniably a not unlike a cult environment. Breaking that method is very hard especially if it's guarded by a wall of well paid lawyers. Giving up on them, however, is perhaps the only thing worse than simply ignoring them. Think of them as Mormons except more demeaning (nothing against Mormons, they are very nice people).
Deleted User
Posts: 12/-7750
The entire purpose of any church, including this one, is to brainwash people and gain money and power through ignorance.
Deleted User
Posts: 5/-7750
Originally posted by Shadic


The scary thing is, both these YTMND's are completely true. The CoS has no problem attacking any site with a negative viewpoint on them.

At one point CoS threatened to sue YTMND because of all the stuff about them. They later backed down when YTMND said it was entirely allowed to use screen captures and images the creators have made for parody reasons about them. YTMND did nothing illegal, but Scientology tried to make it seem like they did. It sounds like CoS should learn more about the law instead of making up this huge cult based on Sci-Fi. Scientology freaks me out.
Posts: 724/1170
So I take it everyone saw the episode of South Park about it? You know, the one that pissed Isaac Hayes off to the point of quitting? The jokes wrote themselves (no, really, the "THIS IS WHAT SCIENTOLOGISTS ACTUALLY BELIEVE" bit). And the sad part's where they felt they had to credit everyone as John or Jane Smith on account of getting sued shitless.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - World Affairs/Debate - The Church of Scientology


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