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07-03-24 02:57 AM
0 users currently in SMW Hacking.
Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - SMW Hacking - Help me please. Converting Horizontal level to Vertical level.
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Posts: 5/5
Wow! Thanks! I appriciate all the speedy replies. Im going to put all of your suggestions to the test. Thanks
Posts: 2393/4077
You have to set the FG/BG positions correctly. Go to Level -> Modifiy Main and Midway Entrance, and mess around with the Layer 1 initial position, testing out the various settings until it doesn't do that anymore.
Posts: 4/5
Oh i see...Thanks for the help guys. But i feel the urge to post one more whiny complaint...
When ive made my vertical level the camera starts halfway in the level and has to track across the level to find me. How can i edit this?
Posts: 2384/5072
No, but you can make custom Map16 tiles, and just copy the block you want and flip it. You can't rotate though.
Posts: 3/5
Ah, i see
It works now, a little tricky but it seems to work fine. Just one more quick off topic question. Is it possible to flip objects? Like a block upside down or a ledge? I want to flip a Spike that crushes down to crushing left.
Posts: 2392/4077
You have to use the proper level mode, in this case, 0A. As for the splitting problem, press F2 to turn on screen boundries as you work. The objects you place cannot cross over those boundries unless they are the vertical-level compatible slopes, else they mess up.
Posts: 2/5
Basically im creating a hack which bases on New Super Mario Bros and i rather like the vertical castle levels. Im trying to convert level 101 to a vertical level, ive studied other levels like it and tried to mimic the event but it messes up creating the object i place on screen 0 to appear on 01 aswell. Also it says i cant have backgrounds as game data is on layer 2. Could anyone please help me?
Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - SMW Hacking - Help me please. Converting Horizontal level to Vertical level.


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