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07-02-24 10:30 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - ROM Hacking - Scene Death
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Posts: 24/1106
To quote Del the Funky Homosapien:

That defeatist attitude will get you nowhere fast.

Posts: 22/403
just wait until the summer vacation rolls around, things will pick up then, they always do
Dr. Mario
Posts: 14/195
Let's keep this constructive please. They both have thier pros and cons. As far as I'm concerned though they both are pretty weak right now. I'm more partial to Data Crystal for thier layout despite the fact that it doesn't have as much actual data for the games I'm interested in. I might try to help out with that though.Personally, I think a big problem is that it took a Scene Death thread for anyone to actually give a crap. I mean this board is crawling along, but this thread is the most active (and I mean active by a bunch of different users, some of which I don't think I've even seen post since the board came back) out of any other one. I just think people aren't putting the effort in, and then talking about why there's problems.
Posts: 4/8
Originally posted by Dan
Originally posted by xcomgs
Fuck Data Crystal. They dont have shit. WikiRAM has organization, way more data, and importing .nl files. I still dont get why people love Data Crystal!

One of the main reasons I prefer Data Crystal to WikiRAM is that the guys who run it aren't doing it to inflate their ego. They are actually trying to help the ROM hacking community, and create a worthwhile resource. You are just trying to get "respect" without putting much effort in.

WikiRAM has very little organization, a trained monkey could see that. I would also say that WikiRAM doesn't have much data on it either. They both aren't very good in that respect. However, I'd rather add data to Data Crystal than to WikiRAM. Namely, because Data Crystal has a set of formatting rules that pages should adhere to. WikiRAM it's just stick it in the wiki, screw formatting. Finding useful information in pages of people's messed up notes is a complete pain in the ass.

I can't see the importing of .nl files in WikiRAM, in fact the only mention is that it is on the to-do list. So that point doesn't really count.

Working on Data Crystal is the only ROM hacking related work I do now.

Inflate my ego?! WTF? Who said I was doing it because of that. You don't even know me asshole. I made WikiRAM to help the community. We also have a set of rules which are soon to be revised. The .NL importing is down. Once we get it back up with all the bugs out, we will be back in business as for a layout, it comes along with the .NL importing.
Posts: 2/179
I mean, what can I do to help Wikiram, send over dome dumb n00b to Datacrystal in hopes that his sheer n00bness will somehow destroy them?

Anyway, all joking aside, the rom hacking community has never been one much for unity. We are all different people doing different things differently. Perhaps having competition in the hacking wikis might spur some interest. It's apparent that Datacrystal isnt everybody's cup of tea. That's good. Choice is good.

The scene might be dying, but don't forget that there are still lots of people our ages and interest who haven't made it to rom hacking yet. Advertise. Perhaps we need a new term so we can take out the hacking part, which could get many to believe we are doing somthing like hacking computers and implanting a virus.
Posts: 19/35
That, and when Data Crystal approached xcom, noting they had similiar ideas, he refused to help them or add to them. BOTH of you would profit much more from helping eachother rather than taking this as some kind of idiotic rivalry. If you can't see past that, xcom, you have no place running WikiRAM.

I'll put it this way. Look at how much time TEK and DES spent fighting. Do you even think for one second that any of that was constructive? That it helped contribute something to anything?
Posts: 6/219
Originally posted by xcomgs
Fuck Data Crystal. They dont have shit. WikiRAM has organization, way more data, and importing .nl files. I still dont get why people love Data Crystal!

One of the main reasons I prefer Data Crystal to WikiRAM is that the guys who run it aren't doing it to inflate their ego. They are actually trying to help the ROM hacking community, and create a worthwhile resource. You are just trying to get "respect" without putting much effort in.

WikiRAM has very little organization, a trained monkey could see that. I would also say that WikiRAM doesn't have much data on it either. They both aren't very good in that respect. However, I'd rather add data to Data Crystal than to WikiRAM. Namely, because Data Crystal has a set of formatting rules that pages should adhere to. WikiRAM it's just stick it in the wiki, screw formatting. Finding useful information in pages of people's messed up notes is a complete pain in the ass.

I can't see the importing of .nl files in WikiRAM, in fact the only mention is that it is on the to-do list. So that point doesn't really count.

Working on Data Crystal is the only ROM hacking related work I do now.
Posts: 15/33
A game doesn't have to be a ROM hack whore for me to touch it. (thinking in backwards order) Knuckles' Chaotix, Lumines, Sonic Rush, Gunstar Heroes, Dragon Ball Advance Adventure, Puzzle Bobble, and who can forget Sonic Advance 3? You guys can keep hacking Mario Bros. 3 which has been done quite a few times (however doesn't get old) or, you can be someone who respects more modern games and HAXORS away.

j/k, I ROM hack for fun, not for you guys. Do what you want and have a blast doing it.

Although this community isn't very big on the whole "modern" gaming thing. That's cool too.
spel werdz rite
Posts: 121/1796
Originally posted by Omega45889
Now, the younger population is only interested in these 3d games, so they will never come to appreciate 2d gaming as we have.
I (15 going on 16) love the classic games. And I'm teaching my cousin Bobby (10) all about the world of ROM hacking, so I think the ROM hacking world will make it. Not as lively as it was, but we can still have hope...
Posts: 174/5653
xcomgs. Ease up on the flaming, regardless of how much better you think your site is. I will not tolerate flaming.

Anyway, I prefer datacrystal. More updates, better structure and orginization, more content. If I needed to find something about a ROM, I'd go there. Judging by the even the game list and a few sample checks, DC has more information anyway, better formatted, and large content seperated into different pages, as opposed to WRAM, which just shoves it all in your face and makes an editing nightmare.

Just my $0.015.
Posts: 14/33
I would scold the flaming/trolling, but after visiting that wiki I'd say yes, Data Crystal is pathetic.
Posts: 3/8
Originally posted by Matrixz
I think the release of Data Crystal was a sort of nice bless. A romhacking/romhack/utility database like what Data Crystal is becoming, is probably an idea alot had, but there's actually several updates every day, showing people have time to maintain it and there's activity. Besides, its obvious that people these days are still working on their hacks and stuff, although there's long periods between releases.
Me, my interest for romhacking and the like doesnt seem it will be replaced in many years. School is pushing me right now but school doesnt work for me anyway. I spend the time i can on the romhacking-related things i do.

Fuck Data Crystal. They dont have shit. WikiRAM has organization, way more data, and importing .nl files. I still dont get why people love Data Crystal!
Posts: 13/33
Cracks, Trainers, and Translations are still very much a part of the piracy scenes. Don't forget that one of the first kinds of ROM hacking was cracking a game so that it was possible to play the ROM somehow.
The Sage Of Time
Posts: 5/28
Originally posted by Xkeeper
Not nessacarily ROM Hacking, but emulation in general. Lots of big emulation sites have died and rotted away, as have several translation/ROM hacking sites and groups.

Even I've noticed it, too. It just seems to be really slow as of now...

This is true. My interest in emulation used to be very, very high.. As was hacking games. But now, it's declined considerably to the point where I just hardly care at all. And I imagine a majority of us feel the very same way.

Perhaps we're all just getting older and finding new more lasting hobbies, perhaps some of us just lack the time. I don't know, but it passed it's prime sometime ago; and it's coming to an end for our generation.. And unfrotunately the current generation aren't too avidly interested in Emulation, and are occupied by the newer consoles and games. (I am not saying they can't enjoy emulation and ROM hacking, but rather.. Will they come looking? Will they care to reflect back on the older games when there is so much new? The appeal, the draw there is far less than it was for us.) So I don't see things ever becoming as great as they once were before..

Dying out completely though.. I don't think so. It will probably yes, but not just yet.. Theres time and life left, and there can always be that niche community of dedicated hackers. (Even if they don't do a lot.)
Posts: 4/164
Originally posted by Bit-Blade
KT, your post was so obscure I wasn't SURE what your opinion was. There were way too many ways to misunderstand it. I was trying to be thoughtful. That's all I meant. Let's not turn this into something any more unecesary than it already is. And thanks for obliging me, by the way. That post was much more englightening and I don't
really have a problem with it.

We're cool.
Posts: 18/35
KT, your post was so obscure I wasn't SURE what your opinion was. There were way too many ways to misunderstand it. I was trying to be thoughtful. That's all I meant. Let's not turn this into something any more unecesary than it already is. And thanks for obliging me, by the way. That post was much more englightening and I don't really have a problem with it.

Hearing you say 'fancy graphics' makes me feel like we ARE getting old and jaded. Like old men sitting around complaining about fancy schancy technology and how in THEIR day they did all of that themselves, nevermind the covenience of getting pretty much any kind of informatio you could possibly want from the internet, they did without and therefore so could all the young pups they don't understand.
Posts: 3/164
I thought that was clear and simple.

You see, I like Zophar, all great with everything. But I don't like how the site is arrrage, pop ups and you don't really get what you're actually downloading. I pretty much ditto what Ailure said. In my opinion the community do need a... fresh start. Make it more attractive to make people connect. On the other hand it's really hard to make all kids play our retro games, since they're just up for fancy graphics and long game time. How do make people play games they're not interested in? That, I don't know.

When I first entered the community I wanted to make a good impression and get well-known, therefore I started X-hackers. But I didn't take my responsibility, and X-hackers slowly died.

I think the community do need some hacking groups, make it more of a competition, so the group members really want to make a good hack. Giving the group credit, making them even more motivated. If a new hacker's in a group he/she are less ashame of asking questions.

Bit, do not criticize me, this is just my opinion.
Posts: 17/35
Let's not totally alienate the non NES/SNES generation here XD. I don't think they're incapable of apreciating 2d games (especially if their parents raised them right o.-). I even suspect that there has to be at least a few people in scene that are young enough not to necesarilly have grown up around them. Ha... I'm rather amused by the thought that when I have kids I could steer them in the right direction. My NES will probably still work by then.

KT, you should try explaining yourself a little better, if you don't mind. Before I start criticising and condemning you for a point a view you don't necesarilly have. Don't spout off general sayings like that without explaining yourself.

I just took at look at Data Crystal. I knew it was only a matter of time before someone took up the slack XD. Damn glad to see it happen. Xcom, these sly dogs took the idea of a romhacking wiki right under your nose. Rather than resenting that you might consider talking to the head man there and see what he has to say. Unity is better than desparity, in this case. We might all consider contributing to that wiki. Also, with luck, xcom, you may not even need to do anything more drastic than maintaining WikiRAM.
Posts: 1/16
I think the release of Data Crystal was a sort of nice bless. A romhacking/romhack/utility database like what Data Crystal is becoming, is probably an idea alot had, but there's actually several updates every day, showing people have time to maintain it and there's activity. Besides, its obvious that people these days are still working on their hacks and stuff, although there's long periods between releases.
Me, my interest for romhacking and the like doesnt seem it will be replaced in many years. School is pushing me right now but school doesnt work for me anyway. I spend the time i can on the romhacking-related things i do.
Blue Falkon
Posts: 194/351
I love old games... I believe that that's one benefit of ROM hacking. I've been thinking about that too... about children growing up with these newer-generation consoles and games. They won't be able to experience the fun of the old games unless we get them too, and if we do, they probably won't care because they love this more flashy stuff. ROM hacking kind of brings the fun back.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - ROM Hacking - Scene Death


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