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07-01-24 01:21 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Brain Teasers - Monopoly!
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Posts: 5209/6737
I mixed up the purple properties. Sorry guys. I don't have any chance cards now though... =( I needed to upload the rest of them from my laptop, which I didn't do. So, uh, I guess I have to put the game on hold until I get you a card. Which won't be for a few days. Sorry guys.

Now I'm all mixed up, you guys keep throwing out trades right and left. I think I *took* $50 from you instead of *giving* you $50 for KATW landing on Reading RR. But apparently he didn't land on Reading Railroad, so... *kicks self* I'll fix that right now. I'm also giving KATW his $50 back.

Also, KATW and fabio trade. I'll put that in too.



Free Parking: $500

In Jail:

SNN - $842
Property: St. Charles Place, Indiana Avenue, Illinois Avenue, Kentucky, Avenue, Marvin Gardens

Kamek - $1490
Property: Reading Railroad, B&O Railroad, Pennsylvania Avenue, Water Works

KATW - $879
Property: Short Line Railroad, Pennsylvania Railroad, Baltic Avenue, Mediterranean Avenue

fabio - $493
Property: Board Walk, Tennesee Avenue, Ventnor Avenue, Park Place

ziratha - $1793
Property: Vermont Avenue, New York Avenue, Oriental Avenue, Virginia Avenue, St. James Place

Reshaper - $1213
Property: Connecticut Avenue, States Avenue, Atlantic Avenue
Posts: 1546/2415
Sure. I could use the money.
Posts: 2510/3349
Yeah, I am on chance Danielle

And I would like to offer fabio $250 for Mediterranean avenue.
Posts: 427/894
Wait a sec...KATW was on Baltic Ave, so a 3 and a 1 puts him on Chance.

Also, how much did Water Works cost? Because $1015 + $525 = $1640 before you take out the price of Water Works, and if Water Works was $150 (which I think it is, but could be wrong) I'd have $1490 left.
Posts: 5193/6737
Osnap, fabio's got the dark blues. *hides*

Next up is KATW. He rolls a 3 and a 1, moving to Reading Railroad, owned by Kamek. That's $50. *cha-ching* Anything else you'd like to do?



Free Parking: $500

In Jail:

SNN - $842
Property: St. Charles Place, Indiana Avenue, Illinois Avenue, Kentucky, Avenue, Marvin Gardens

Kamek - $1440
Property: Reading Railroad, B&O Railroad, Pennsylvania Avenue, Water Works

KATW - $1079
Property: Short Line Railroad, Pennsylvania Railroad, Baltic Avenue

fabio - $243
Property: Board Walk, Tennesee Avenue, Ventnor Avenue, Mediteranean Avenue, Park Place

ziratha - $1793
Property: Vermont Avenue, New York Avenue, Oriental Avenue, Virginia Avenue, St. James Place

Reshaper - $1213
Property: Connecticut Avenue, States Avenue, Atlantic Avenue
Posts: 1539/2415
You got yourself a deal.
Posts: 410/894
Sure, I'll buy Water Works.

Also, I'd like to propose another trade to fabio:
Park Place for Pennsylvania Avenue and $525.
Posts: 5186/6737
Yeah, cuz you got snake eyes. You get two turns, so you get to buy them both if you want.

Which you do. Lucky you.

Kamek's up now, rolls a 1 and a 2, moving to Water Works. Would you like to buy it? Anything else you'd like to do on your turn, Kamek?



Free Parking: $500

In Jail:

SNN - $842
Property: St. Charles Place, Indiana Avenue, Illinois Avenue, Kentucky, Avenue, Marvin Gardens

Kamek - $1015
Property: Reading Railroad, Park Place, B&O Railroad

KATW - $1129
Property: Short Line Railroad, Pennsylvania Railroad, Baltic Avenue

fabio - $768
Property: Board Walk, Tennesee Avenue, Ventnor Avenue, Pennsylvania Avenue, Mediteranean Avenue

ziratha - $1793
Property: Vermont Avenue, New York Avenue, Oriental Avenue, Virginia Avenue, St. James Place

Reshaper - $1213
Property: Connecticut Avenue, States Avenue, Atlantic Avenue
Posts: 1493/2028
Question: You rolled me twice there. Do I have the option to purchase them both? If so, I will take them both

Posts: 5185/6737
Mmkay... SNN is up. He rolls a 1 and a 1, moving to Kentucky Avenue. Would you like to buy it, SNN?

And you rolled snake eyes! That means you get to roll again. This time, you roll a 3 and a 5, moving to Marvin Gardens. Would you like to buy this property? Anything you'd like to do on your turn?
Posts: 137/196
Mmm... I'll leave it. Nothing I want to do either.
Posts: 5172/6737
Ouch... trades declined.

Next up is Reshaper. He rolls a 6 and a 1, landing on Electric Company! Would you like to purchase it for $150? Anything else you'd like to do this turn?
Posts: 133/196
Throw in $687 and you have a deal.

Otherwise, no deal.
Posts: 81/105
In that case, I offer REshaper My virginia ave, in exchange for his connecticut.
Posts: 1517/2415
I decline the offer. There's nothing that you have that interests me at the moment.
Posts: 80/105
Fabio, I offer 500 and your choice of one non orange property (that I own) for your orange.
Posts: 5160/6737

That's a good enough reason for me.

Still your ups, ziratha... don't skip over the previous post I made.



Free Parking: $500

In Jail:

SNN - $1342
Property: St. Charles Place, Indiana Avenue, Illinois Avenue

Kamek - $1015
Property: Reading Railroad, Park Place, B&O Railroad

KATW - $1129
Property: Short Line Railroad, Pennsylvania Railroad, Baltic Avenue

fabio - $768
Property: Board Walk, Tennesee Avenue, Ventnor Avenue, Pennsylvania Avenue, Mediteranean Avenue

ziratha - $1793
Property: Vermont Avenue, New York Avenue, Oriental Avenue, Virginia Avenue, St. James Place

Reshaper - $1213
Property: Connecticut Avenue, States Avenue, Atlantic Avenue
Posts: 405/894
As for the other trade, I have to say no thanks. I like my railroads, 'cause I can ride the trains wherever I want...
Posts: 5159/6737
Aw.... KATW will be heartbroken.

Next up is ziratha. He rolls a 3 and a 1, moving to ...FREE PARKING!! It's your lucky day. $600 from me to you. Anything else you'd like to do while it's your turn?


KATW proposes $250 to Kamek for B&O Railroad

Free Parking: $500

In Jail:

SNN - $1342
Property: St. Charles Place, Indiana Avenue, Illinois Avenue

Kamek - $1015
Property: Reading Railroad, Park Place, B&O Railroad

KATW - $1129
Property: Short Line Railroad, Pennsylvania Railroad, Baltic Avenue

fabio - $768
Property: Board Walk, Tennesee Avenue, Ventnor Avenue, Pennsylvania Avenue, Mediteranean Avenue

ziratha - $1793
Property: Vermont Avenue, New York Avenue, Oriental Avenue, Virginia Avenue, St. James Place

Reshaper - $1213
Property: Connecticut Avenue, States Avenue, Atlantic Avenue
Posts: 1511/2415
I decline the trade and that is it.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Brain Teasers - Monopoly!


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