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07-01-24 01:29 PM
0 users currently in Modern Art.
Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Modern Art - Hot blue-on blue layout action!
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Posts: 4082/6737
Make the layout stretch with that background image and I'll go so far as to call it "great." Otherwise, I hate scrollbars.
Posts: 536/577
I personally think your other layout was better. The scroll bar on your new one isn't all to good (I guess you are using filter...)
Simon Belmont
Posts: 350/1773
it's broken now. because we don't stretch tables for our users and then say "oh well sucks to be you"
Posts: 255/1181

And besides, I see no problem with it. If it ain't broken, don't fix it.
Posts: 275/709
So, you want a good layout, but your too lazy too fix it?
Posts: 253/1181
Because this layout is really messily coded. It has two tables, two divs and some other stuff.

And since I''m too lazy to fix it, and for fear of breaking my layout or the whole board, I chose to stretch the tables to 800px.
Posts: 2230/5653
Why doesn't it just stretch?
Posts: 245/1181
The old one did that too

As for an image to the side, I'll see what I can do with my crappy div-positioning skills.
Posts: 966/1757
Despite the fact your sig takes up half of the height of the box, it's pretty good.
Posts: 158/983
You don't know how tempting it is to click that red X.
I like it. It does not burn the eyes out and it has that look what I can do feel to it.
Cruel Justice
Posts: 1191/1637
Smooooooooooth... *rubs a finger across the blue bar* *squeek! squeek!*
I kinda think there should be more added to it though. Perhaps a lovely image to the side of your post would do just nicely?
Posts: 240/1181
Fixed, the lazy man's way. Since the bar can't deal with stretched tables, I stretched the tables myself.
Posts: 1054/1823
I think the top bar should stretch to the end of the layout. But that's just me.

That's my only complaint other than the fact that there wasn't much change.
Posts: 239/1181
I gave my layout a slight revision, and came up with this. I kinda wanted to give it a sort of futuristic techno feel.

What's new:

-The background. It's from MMX5, the Zero Virus stage.
-The gradient bar at the top. (Complete with a working X!)
-Text box transparency (Opacity=90)

The majority of the code remained intact, however.

So, tell me what ya think!
Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Modern Art - Hot blue-on blue layout action!


Acmlmboard 1.92.999, 9/17/2006
©2000-2006 Acmlm, Emuz, Blades, Xkeeper

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