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07-03-24 07:24 AM
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Gaming - Startropics series
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Ok Impala!
Posts: 5/24

Yup, you can using an emulator and having the correct firmware. (some old version, search Google for it). Don't know much more about it since I don't own a PSP.

For DS on the other hand you can play NES games too using Pocketnes (emulator to use on GBA and DS) if you own a flashcard. There is also a working SNES emulator called SNESDS which can be used too with a flashcard and a passme. Google is your friend here since I don't know if I'm allowed to post links here...
Posts: 40/373
Erm...not without an emulator. I don't keep up on the PSP stuff, so don't ask me if one exists, I have no clue ;x
Posts: 148/517
I don't mean to go off topic in my own thread but you can play NES games on the PSP?
Posts: 38/373
There was also a Startropics character cameo (quite like James McCloud, Bio-Rex, Billy, and Mr. EAD were also based off Nintendo characters) in F-Zero X and beyond...but thats about all I know about the series
Posts: 8/175
We own the first one, and I've played the second using an emulator. I actually have both on my PSP right now, so yes, I still play them as well. I really don't like the second one as much of the first, mainly because of the multiple levels in the tunnels (as in the low, medium, and high level), and how you no longer move a set distance each time you press a direction on the controller. In case that's unclear, I mean how in the first one, if you pressed up while in a tunnel, you'd move up one square. In the second one, you'd move up just a bit.

My favorite part of the first one, by far, is the parrot / organ puzzle. Upon getting to the 5th island for the first time, I hadn't a clue what to do. All I knew was that I had to do something with the parrot, then managed to find my way to the house with the guy that gives you the worm. I haven't seen it in a while, but there's still a piece of paper somewhere around our house with "Do Me So Far Do Me" written on it

As for the frequency puzzle (the one where the number is 747), that had me puzzled for a while as well, until I realized there was a letter sort of thing that was in the box. Running it under some water in our bathroom revealed the number we deperately needed. That was definitely a neat trick, but it must have frustrated quite a few people that either threw the paper out, didn't get it with the game, or lost it.


Originally posted by Rydain
There was a saved game on that cart with all the levels unlocked, and I remember trying Captain Bell's ship (the level after the whale, I think) and not being able to get past some room with pits that dropped you into a room with sharp logs poking up from the floor.

If it's the room I'm thinking of, all you had to do was exit via the top-left staircase, walk down a bit, then go through the wall on your left. Of course it's likely too late to try that now, but that's all you needed to do

The only other memory I have of it is of something in the first tunnel. There's a room that has doors on the left and right hand side of it, that both lead to rooms, in which the only way out is death. There's a block you can hop on somewhere in the room, that reveals a switch, which in turn blows a hole in the top wall. My Mom still played games on our NES back then, and she had my brother (who was playing the game at the time) search every other block in the room for another switch, as a result of being excited about finally figuring out what to do

Anyways, I've got to leave now, but I do still have fond memories of this game. It would've been nice to see a third one, but two is better than none
Posts: 146/517
I've never looked at Startropics as an RPG. Is it?
Ok Impala!
Posts: 3/24
Originally posted by Rydain
I rented the first one years ago. I liked it overall, but I could never get past the whale level because there wasn't any code sheet with the game and this was long before Nintendo Power printed the code in their magazine. I tried some numbers at random without any luck and gave up because there was no way I would go through 1000 possible combinations. There was a saved game on that cart with all the levels unlocked, and I remember trying Captain Bell's ship (the level after the whale, I think) and not being able to get past some room with pits that dropped you into a room with sharp logs poking up from the floor.

I also thought it was strange that the main character's name was Mike and he had red hair and red and blue clothing and wielded a yo-yo. Mikey of The Goonies II, an earlier NES game, had the same color hair and clothing and an identical weapon.


I bought Startropics in a video rental store without the letter and since that was years ago before the internet really came in I didn't had another option than trying every &#%$% number...I was lucky...after about 50% of all combinations I had the correct one! Did manage to get the final level of the game but got killed everytime by the last boss...I beat it with a Game Genie...

I bought Startropics II new. Really loved that game too at the time although it was in many ways the same as part one. More of the same wasn't bad in this case.

Overall, these were great games for the time. I'm still glad I have them in my RPG collection. This thread makes me think about them again, nice memories of times long ago.
Posts: 140/517

How do you figure that? They have nothing in common, except that they both feature yo-yos.

Maybe because startropics 1 had the yo-yo and startropics 2 had physic powers. If you put these toghter you sorta get Ness.
Posts: 35/734
Originally posted by Cat Lover
If anything, it's related to Mother 1 and 2 (Earthbound 0 and 1 in the US of A).

How do you figure that? They have nothing in common, except that they both feature yo-yos.
Posts: 12/633
Originally posted by Andrew
The code was 747. If you bought the game brand new you would get a message on paper in the box that you had to dip in water to get the code. Maybe I can get a scan because I still have the message.

Yep, I know. Back when you could get a wide selection of NES rentals in the video section of a major supermarket chain, included instruction manuals became more and more rare. People wouldn't return them and the store never cared about replacing them. (Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if the first person who rented StarTropics at the local Giant Eagle kept the code paper because of its ZOMG COOL factor. ) The best you could hope for was a sticker on the inside of the rental box listing the control scheme and not much else.

Originally posted by Ziff

She thinks not!
Funnily enough...I voiced my suspicions about this subject on USENET years ago, but I don't think I ever got a response. Then again, the vast majority of the newsgroup's space seemed to be comprised of PSX vs. N64 wankery.
Posts: 115/517
I should of mentioned it was a series on the NES and I think it woul be concidered Adventure?
Posts: 228/5814
The letter code was a really interesting idea but Nintendo wouldn't try it again because... well, if you lost the letter you were screwed. (Plus Chapter 4 was the worst chapter in the game anyways.)

Aside from that however, the game rocked. Haven't played through II yet.
Deleted User
Posts: 115/-7750
No never heard of it. What system it is on? What kind of genre is it?
Posts: 60/1860
Originally posted by Andrew
Originally posted by neotransotaku
w/o cheating.

I don't even think there are cheats for ST 1 or 2. Or do you mean game geine cheats?

The game genie cheats It was a pain to beat zoda in ST1 with just a yo-yo XD
Posts: 113/517
Originally posted by neotransotaku
w/o cheating.

I don't even think there are cheats for ST 1 or 2. Or do you mean game geine cheats?
Posts: 58/1860
I played the game--loved the series. I beat #2 before I beat #1 w/o cheating. I was able to beat #2 without cheating so that was great I enjoyed 360 degrees of movement in #2 and the story line seemed more interesting in #2 than #1.
Posts: 110/517
Originally posted by Rydain
I rented the first one years ago. I liked it overall, but I could never get past the whale level because there wasn't any code sheet with the game and this was long before Nintendo Power printed the code in their magazine. I tried some numbers at random without any luck and gave up because there was no way I would go through 1000 possible combinations. There was a saved game on that cart with all the levels unlocked, and I remember trying Captain Bell's ship (the level after the whale, I think) and not being able to get past some room with pits that dropped you into a room with sharp logs poking up from the floor.

I also thought it was strange that the main character's name was Mike and he had red hair and red and blue clothing and wielded a yo-yo. Mikey of The Goonies II, an earlier NES game, had the same color hair and clothing and an identical weapon.

The code was 747. If you bought the game brand new you would get a message on paper in the box that you had to dip in water to get the code. Maybe I can get a scan because I still have the message.
Posts: 52/1800

She thinks not!
Posts: 11/633
I rented the first one years ago. I liked it overall, but I could never get past the whale level because there wasn't any code sheet with the game and this was long before Nintendo Power printed the code in their magazine. I tried some numbers at random without any luck and gave up because there was no way I would go through 1000 possible combinations. There was a saved game on that cart with all the levels unlocked, and I remember trying Captain Bell's ship (the level after the whale, I think) and not being able to get past some room with pits that dropped you into a room with sharp logs poking up from the floor.

I also thought it was strange that the main character's name was Mike and he had red hair and red and blue clothing and wielded a yo-yo. Mikey of The Goonies II, an earlier NES game, had the same color hair and clothing and an identical weapon.
Posts: 5/154
I've played the first one, and I remember enjoying it quite a bit. I'll have to try playing the second one (now that I know there is one... ).

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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Gaming - Startropics series


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