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07-03-24 06:16 AM
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Craziness Domain - ATS ate: Tourney on I guess?
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Posts: 1820/1823
Y'know, I would consider posting on this board spare time.
Posts: 2412/2415
A good majority of my free time happens to be on Saturdays. I don't have chores or anything else to do on that day so I usually spend my time ROM hacking, browsing the board, or playing video games.

Sundays, I have chores to do like washing and vacuuming. Mondays through Fridays, I have school so free time may vary depending on the amount of homework I have.
Posts: 1757/1757
I have lots of spare time, but I spend it here or mapping.

Also, my brother is going to an anime/game/something convention tomorrow. If Bob pulls through, there may be KvSG buttons at future conventions in Florida.

Not to mention ones of each of the Squeak Squad. Dorocche woo!
Posts: 54/57
...Do you want some of my spare time, then? No, seriously, I have WAY TOO MUCH spare time.
The Red Snifit
Posts: 737/739
I'm with Danielle.
I don't have any spare time to do anything but post here.
Posts: 6731/6737
Originally posted by Kattwah
Originally posted by Danielle
Free time? To play video games?!

What is this that you speak of?
Oh its a GREAT experience let me tell ya ;D

Posts: 3347/3349
Originally posted by Danielle
Free time? To play video games?!

What is this that you speak of?
Oh its a GREAT experience let me tell ya ;D
Posts: 6730/6737
Free time? To play video games?!

What is this that you speak of?
Posts: 4077/4077
Never played the game, and I'm not a fan of competitive gaming.

I remember playing the Pokemon TCG back in the day. It eventually got to the point where I could beat anyone I encountered, due to having a lot of good cards in my deck. No one wanted to play me anymore.
Posts: 50/57
You can count me out as well. ...I don't even know what the hell it is, anyway, so...Eh. :/
Posts: 3346/3349
Such selfless advertizing

Ive never actually played the game, so count me out
Schweiz oder etwas
Posts: 2040/2046

Come on guys it had to have been put there by someone important seriously someone join in I wanna play for crap's crap.
Sweet Kassy Molassy
Posts: 856/886
Originally posted by Cynthia

Hehe... Cynthia...
Posts: 1180/1193
I have a tin-full of Pokemon cards that I don't use.

I used to play them, but eh, I lost interest. Still own all the cards though. Good condition for almost all of them. The ones that aren't in good condition are ones given to me for free, so...

Can't say the same for my brother's collection. All his cards got wet...
Posts: 5786/5814
I have a few Pokemon cards that are apparently worth something but damn if I know where they are or if I care. (I just bought a pack or two to see if I got anything rare to resell. Profit!)
Sweet Kassy Molassy
Posts: 848/886
We quit playing M:TG after Alliances. With all the later expansions the colors tended to lose thier flavors... and all the old sets getting phased out of Type II with the block system killed it for us oldschoolers.

Plus we graduated from high school and didn't see each other every day to play.

Incidentally, I think Alliances was a great set and if I were gonna play any standalone block it'd be the Ice Age block. We used to play Al/Ice sealed deck games even after the starters/boosters became harder to find. Great set, great set...

Most of my card stock was lost when I totaled my second car. I had misplaced my decks and trade stock at the time though, which I eventually found. They were borrowed by a friend... until his little brother traded and sold them away #%^&#& >8(

I miss my red/green monkey deck... *sniff*
Posts: 2401/2415
I used to collect Yu-Gi-Oh! cards as well as dueling other people back in the day. I stopped doing that when just about everyone in my age group stopped playing as well. Nowadays, all I see are little kids that play that game and they're not that much fun. D:
Posts: 418/450
I've never collected any cards - sports, pokemon, magic, yu-gi-oh, or otherwise. They just never appealed to me.
Posts: 1747/1757
Oh yeah. I forgot to mention the random Magic deck box under my bed. He started to pick it up, then quickly lost interest in it.

There are also some Duel Masters cards under there, but half of them are mine. I collect Light creature cards. They look so cool.
Posts: 1810/1823
Such as what? That was so... vauge.

I tend to play "Magic: The Gathering" myself.

Or just. Y'know. Regular decks of cards. With blackjack.


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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Craziness Domain - ATS ate: Tourney on I guess?


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