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07-05-24 11:50 AM
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - World Affairs/Debate - What goes on in our minds?
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Posts: 143/174
Please enlighten us ||bass.
Posts: 176/587
Originally posted by ||bass
I can immediately tell that noone here has ever taken philosophy of ethics courses.

Don't most majors require you to take atleast one philosophy of ethics class? Mine does.
My school calls for all students, regardless of major, to take Philosophy 101, as well as a senior year Ethics course and, in the meantime, at least one other philosophy or religious studies course of the student's choice.

But, yeah, Intro to Philosophy was more of a "these are various philosophers, and this is what they said" history-type course than anything else.
Posts: 52/122
I had one ethics class as well as two philosophy class, except my ethics teacher wasn't really being competent. So I learned a bunch of stuff about philosophers in my two other classes and in my ethics classed well... I learned that Nietzsche and Ayn Rand were evil, period. So I went by the best of my knowledge in this topic.

Beside, none of the philosophy teachers are teaching exactly the same way those classes in my college.
Posts: 285/594
I can immediately tell that noone here has ever taken philosophy of ethics courses.

Don't most majors require you to take atleast one philosophy of ethics class? Mine does.
Posts: 50/122
Oh, yeah. That makes sense actually.
Posts: 141/174
Ethics are a part of morality, but I think they're a more explicit application than morality.

Like, a moral might be "Humans have a right to life", an ethic of this moral might be "Do not kill", "Do not assault", etc.
Posts: 49/122
I kinda agree, it's just that I feel ethics are part of morality seeing thay also dictate what is good and bad too. I didn't mean to make this confusing. It still remains my personal view on this.
Posts: 139/174
Definitions are important here.

Morality, is a system of values. Values are things in your life that you want to acheive or reach. The ultimate value is life itself. Anything that enhances life is good, or moral, and anything that detracts from it is immoral. All other values are derived from this one.

Ethics are the specific codes that you follow that are determines by moral principles. To compare it to the US Government, the morality is the Constitution and the actual laws are Ethics.

Anyone disagree?
Posts: 46/122
Morality and ethics are not the same for everyone. Moral and immoral are concepts you define yourself while growing up and living through experiences. There is nothing in your mind other than your conceptions about morality that defines what you think is moral or not.

My thoughts.
Deleted User
Posts: 6/-7750

Something I have actually sat and thought about. [ironic huh?]. What do we actually classify as moral, and immoral. Seriously. What in our minds sincerely identifies an act of any sort to be either of these.

For instance, if we were meant to kill eachother, or have done it since time, we wouldn't have that against the law, would we? So how do we know what is good, and what is bad.

I believe that this all gets cuaght up in modern"ness." If we didn't have anything, say we were still wealking around naked. We wouldn't have jail and prison on the mind. It's all in our mind. If we didn't even have anything to get mad at, anything to base morals off of, anything of that such, we woulnd't have problems.

I guess I am always a little angry at our society. We all are at some point...

What do you think?
Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - World Affairs/Debate - What goes on in our minds?


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