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07-02-24 04:12 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Gaming - Something about crazy weapons, I think...
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Posts: 577/1104
Edited the title to fit the new topic.
Posts: 5/5
LOL. I'll take that as a resounding yes. Those SS's need to be Gif'd with the caption 'don't play with matches, timmy!'
Sliver X
Posts: 22/62

Posts: 4/5

Spray can + lighter

Did it have a chance to blow up in your hand if you weilded it too hastily?
Posts: 135/381
Cow Launcher anyone?
Posts: 51/114
Blood had the best weapons. Spray can + lighter and voodoo dolls.
Posts: 232/1427
Originally posted by ranusape
ya that is a big "wrong topic" i dono he musta been drunk or something...

but u know what a chainsaw is right? its a saw inwhich a chain with blades rotates around the edges.

...Chain Sawd, an item in PSO. Seems to fit the criteria (yes, criteria, not criterion. There are two) of being a chain saw + lightsaber thing. Of course, that's not an FPS, so... yeah.

EDIT: Curse me getting used to using spaces in between = and whatever else.
Posts: 3/5
Also played this, I was reasonably impressed - it's the same guys as fear, and because it was made originally for a console, it's a little less shiny than fear, but it's still very nicely atmospheric, and the quirks of the user interface all serve to make it more authentic seeming. Fun.
Posts: 557/1104
Originally posted by D3stiny_Sm4sher

On topic or out of forum. Comprende?
Posts: 8/9
ya that is a big "wrong topic" i dono he musta been drunk or something...

but u know what a chainsaw is right? its a saw inwhich a chain with blades rotates around the edges.
Posts: 208/1427
Originally posted by Valcion
A truly awesome thing would be a light/beam chainsaw.

Chain Sawd?

Originally posted by D3stiny_Sm4sher
(Stuff dealing with revolution)

That's a big "WRONG TOPIC" for you.
Posts: 7/9
oh the revolution name change... wth is that doing in this topic? anyway does any1 know how to unlock the alternate endings? (not sure if they have alternate endings just somehting i heard)
Posts: 162/226
Anyone still whining and griping about the name?

Give this a read.


It doesn't say Wii is a good name (which it's not ), but it certainly does explain why Nintendo would go with the name.

Summed up?
People on the internet are hating it.
Core gamers are hating it.

The internet is not real-life.
Core gamers are not the biggest source of revenue for game pubslishers.

So feel betrayed, but if Nintendo's notion behind this system is correct, you'll end up playing Wii anyway.
Posts: 6/9
Originally posted by Clockworkz
Just played the demo on the PC. Once I get some better graphics hardware, I am so going to pirate this game
I'm looking forward to making some money and prioritizing my wishlist of shit to buy:
2: NVIDIA GeForce 7900 w/ more RAM
3: Condemned: Criminal Origins (PC)

may all your criminal wishes come true. does any1 know if the retail vertion has multi-player? this would be an awsome co-op game.
Posts: 667/984
Just played the demo on the PC. Once I get some better graphics hardware, I am so going to pirate this game
I'm looking forward to making some money and prioritizing my wishlist of shit to buy:
2: NVIDIA GeForce 7900 w/ more RAM
3: Condemned: Criminal Origins (PC)
Posts: 5/9
Originally posted by Skydude
Well, a lightsaber would certainly win in a fight with a chainsaw, that's true. But a chainsaw is far more cool. Blame the Evil Dead movies for my opinion if you must.

my vote goes to the small plastic bag, mostly because i saw the kill animation and it was awsome. very cool demo, i like these scary games cuz i can play them wit hmy GF and laugh at how cute she is when i scare her.
Posts: 4496/8204
I don't see why you can't have it use a chain.

But like.

Instead of teeth, tiny lightsabers.

It's so obvious.
Posts: 974/2228
Originally posted by Valcion
A truly awesome thing would be a light/beam chainsaw.

Then again it wouldn't be a chainsaw as much as a beamsaw.

but whoever weilded such a weapon would possibly be the Star Wars equivalent of Ash.

Therefore, he or she would be fucking BADASS. Ten times more so than a mixture of Boba Fett and General Grievous (Clone Wars version, that is), spliced with the DNA of Segata Sanshiro, Mr.T, and Chuck Norris.

You sir, are a genius.
Posts: 367/585
A truly awesome thing would be a light/beam chainsaw.

Then again it wouldn't be a chainsaw as much as a beamsaw.

but whoever weilded such a weapon would possibly be the Star Wars equivalent of Ash.

Therefore, he or she would be fucking BADASS. Ten times more so than a mixture of Boba Fett and General Grievous (Clone Wars version, that is), spliced with the DNA of Segata Sanshiro, Mr.T, and Chuck Norris.
Posts: 969/2228
Originally posted by Skydude
But a chainsaw is far more cool.

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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Gaming - Something about crazy weapons, I think...


Acmlmboard 1.92.999, 9/17/2006
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