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07-01-24 01:39 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Chat - AHHHHH CATS!
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Posts: 1354/2405
See. I was going to bother Kyouji about the cat thing.

Then I realized I already got my daily dose of 'witty but not informative comments' so I passed.
Posts: 4389/8204
Don't tell everyone! It's not good for you
Posts: 140/575
Originally posted by Alastor the Stylish
Most people didn't... It was over in roughly a minute... I only saw it 'cause the standard flood of people messaged me that something was wrong.

Curiously I only got it from three people this time. Generally it's more.

One of them was me

I really didn't think it'd get that much attention. Good job, X....
Posts: 4386/8204
Most people didn't... It was over in roughly a minute... I only saw it 'cause the standard flood of people messaged me that something was wrong.

Curiously I only got it from three people this time. Generally it's more.
Posts: 3258/6737
I didn't even see this cat fad.

Yay for me
Posts: 397/656
Somebody set us up the thread title.

And yes we bloody well will be the death of you all.
Posts: 2094/4077
Great. Just. Great. I'm gone for two days, and I miss pandemonium. Good thing it wasn't that crazy, huh?

(P.S.: this is what I meant by "furries will be the death of us all")
Posts: 4371/8204
Originally posted by Skydude
Well, not necessarily hide information, but I thought perhaps they posted something that later became irrelevant, and then got rid of it, since they couldn't delete the post.
You totally can too delete your own posts.
Posts: 1345/2405
Originally posted by Vyper
Originally posted by Thoughtless
Oh. And for some reason the first person I thought to blame was Ailure.
The furries strike again!

Aw Geez.

It was bad enough that they striked the first time. But again?

Someone save us!
Posts: 2073/2607
Eh, I never really used the IRC channels. That became a rather serious thing for a while way back when, since it got to the point that pretty much all the decisions for anything that happened on the board happened in IRC chat with the crowd in there...frustrating for those of us who didn't really like it.
Deleted User
Posts: 572/-7750
*cough* Well, now we know that they're using some IRC that we don't know about.
Deleted User
Posts: 49/-7750
Originally posted by Skydude
Ah, I got the impression that Tom was actually somehow behind it.

He's still on our IRC channels, though? Jeez.

What IRC channels? http://board.acmlm.org/thread.php?id=3935

The more you know~
Posts: 137/575
Originally posted by Thoughtless
Oh. And for some reason the first person I thought to blame was Ailure.
The furries strike again!
Posts: 1336/2405

First thought in my mind that popped up after seeing the board filled with cat name was "Wtf. Again?"

Oh. And for some reason the first person I thought to blame was Ailure.
Posts: 2067/2607
Well, not necessarily hide information, but I thought perhaps they posted something that later became irrelevant, and then got rid of it, since they couldn't delete the post.
Posts: 4364/8204
Why would you assume they would do anything else? People completely redoing their posts through edits... It's not very common... And it NEVER happens to hide information...
Posts: 2065/2607
Well, I couldn't really know that, now could I?
Posts: 4358/8204
There was no editing! People just added stuff. THAT'S ALL.
Posts: 2055/2607
Well, it's hard to know what's been said in the early parts of this thread due to the editing that's gone on.
Posts: 4352/8204
People are many places.

And you need to read better.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Chat - AHHHHH CATS!


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