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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - World Affairs/Debate - Religion is falling! The immoral level is rising!
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Posts: 190/300
Originally posted by Plus Sign Abomination
Originally posted by Silvershield
The prominence of pedophilia in the priesthood is a direct result of the willingness of diocese to protect clergymen who have done wrong. Becoming a priest doesn't make you a pedophile, but as long as deviants know they can act as they will and the Church will always back them up, it will continue to be a problem. Allowing priests to marry isn't the solution, the solution is to let them face the consequences of their actions instead of cloaking dire misdeeds and hurrying an offending priest off to another parish.

Just as a sidenote.

I'm with him on this. I have friends who are currently in seminaries. I'm VERY sensitive to having my friends called pedos.

I agree with this entirely.

Also, i'm positive Jesus DID exist, but some of the things he might have done / pulled off, may have been a bit...stretched. >.>

Like for instance, turning water into wine. No doubt he did some great things for the people back in that time, and most likely did start the Christian religion, but i'm just saying, some of the things that Jesus had done, seem kind of off to me.
Posts: 1123/1697
I agree with you Skydude, to a point.

I don't think homosexuality (the actual bond between two men that causes them to love each other) is actually a sin. That's what I've been saying.
Posts: 1923/2607
I'm of two minds on a number of issues raised in this thread.

For the one rather general issue of Jesus's message, it both was tolerance and it wasn't. In this case, I think as usual both extremes have it wrong. Jesus's message was not so much that we should think people can do what they want and it's ok, but one of the rather simply phrased "hate the sin, love the sinner." Basically, yes, people do things that are wrong, and we shouldn't just accept that as ok and turn our eyes elsewhere. But at the same time, you must accord them the respect owed any human being first. They are fellow people first, and sinners second. As such, I think it is justified for one to hate homosexuality and find it to be repulsive, so long as said person still treats homsexuals as human beings with their rights and dignity intact.

As far as my own view, and the official Catholic Church position, as explained to me by a theologian, it's a bit more nuanced than anything thus far presented here. Namely, homosexual sex is no more wrong than pre/extramarital heterosexual sex. It is indeed a sin (the sex, specifically...nothing morally wrong with two dudes making out, distasteful as I find it), but no more so when Adam bangs Steve than when Adam bangs Eve without being married. The difference lies in that, in a religious sense, marriage is a bond between a man and a woman, and only a man and a woman. This is not to say that legal marriage cannot occur, only religious, and as for my own stance I'm not going to vote for an amendment to outlaw it or to allow it, and let the legislature decide as they will. For an analogy, I basically look at it the same way I look at people fucking in fursuits. I think it's nasty, and I really don't want to see it...but that doesn't mean it's more morally wrong than more "normal" sex outside of marriage. The Church shouldn't be dictating the state's view on marriage in the legal sense, just as the state shouldn't be dictating the Church's view on marriage in a religious sense.

As for sexual deviancy among priests, it should be noted that there's about the same proportion occurring in non-Catholic churches as in Catholic, it's merely that the latter is reported more as it is about as big as most of the rest of the churches combined.

And it's not the media's job to attack any idea that has a hold on the public. It is the media's job to bring attention to issues and encourage discourse on them, but attacking them as is often done is unnecessary and ultimately useless in encouraging useful discourse, as it often turns into two-way antagonization.
Posts: 932/1800
Originally posted by Silvershield
The prominence of pedophilia in the priesthood is a direct result of the willingness of diocese to protect clergymen who have done wrong. Becoming a priest doesn't make you a pedophile, but as long as deviants know they can act as they will and the Church will always back them up, it will continue to be a problem. Allowing priests to marry isn't the solution, the solution is to let them face the consequences of their actions instead of cloaking dire misdeeds and hurrying an offending priest off to another parish.

Just as a sidenote.

I'm with him on this. I have friends who are currently in seminaries. I'm VERY sensitive to having my friends called pedos.
Posts: 434/1104
Originally posted by Grey
Well, if it's any consolation there's no evidence that he DIDN'T exist, either...

Grey, I'm pretty sure that's exactly what Dracoon said...

Originally posted by Dracoon
I've heard all there is that says Jesus doesn't exist and they don't really have any evidence
Schweiz oder etwas
Posts: 1037/2046
Well, if it's any consolation there's no evidence that he DIDN'T exist, either...
Posts: 1116/1697
The thing is though, is that they're trying to question that most influential person in history as not existing. I mean, if they said he wasn't the son of God, I could understand, but to not exist is just stupidity. I've heard all there is that says Jesus doesn't exist and they don't really have any evidence. I think they're just trying to provoke people for some reason.
Snow Tomato
Posts: 638/798
Yes, but if you're willing to have an opinion... you have to accept that people will have an opposing opinion. They are allowed to get it out there... it's freedom of speech. And like I said, it'd scare me if people DIDN'T question religion. It'd scare me alot.
Posts: 1112/1697
Ugh, the ad that came up disgusted me. People saying Jesus didn't exist? W.T.F.

thegodmovie.com =(
Posts: 101/587
The prominence of pedophilia in the priesthood is a direct result of the willingness of diocese to protect clergymen who have done wrong. Becoming a priest doesn't make you a pedophile, but as long as deviants know they can act as they will and the Church will always back them up, it will continue to be a problem. Allowing priests to marry isn't the solution, the solution is to let them face the consequences of their actions instead of cloaking dire misdeeds and hurrying an offending priest off to another parish.

Just as a sidenote.
Snow Tomato
Posts: 634/798

Have you listened to one word that Jesus said? You know... the whole love your neighbors, love your friends and love your enemies thing? Love, above all else. Don't judge and don't look down on others for being different? That whole thing?

Jesus was the biggest liberal in the whole entire world. He loved Judas, who betrayed him. He loved Peter, who denied him. He was completely against warfare, and looked to improve the social welfare of the poor. He helped out prostitutes, and just gave everything he had to help those who couldn't help themselves. If he is truly your rolemodel, you'll accept that people are going to be different... you'll accept that people aren't going to live life how they're supposed to... but you can also learn to love them.

And it is not your place to judge gay people. Reach out and learn to love them... because they're people. By disregarding gay people... you're throwing out the friendship of millions of people. Why would you want to disregard someone like that? How can you be mad at your mother for being racist... and then feel alright being a homophobe?

And I saw V for Vendetta and it is now my absolute favorite movie ever.

I kind of cringed when I heard him talking in the beginning. Obviously, the movie was fabricated and fictional. But you'd only get mad if there was a grain of truth to it. You're going to tell me that Pat Robertson didn't say that New Orleans was struck by hurricane Katrina because it was an "immoral city full of homosexuals"? Or, something along those lines. It parallelled exactly what that guy was saying in the movie... and that's why I cringed. It had a grain of truth to it... some people actually DO think like that.

And the thing about the priest being a pedophile... he was just a part of the corrupt government. If he were a fireman it would have been equally as appalling. He became a priest because... god knows, he probably thought he could look innocent or something.. he probably felt guilty for all the horrible things he's done and being in a church maybe gave him a false sense of security. I'm not even sure.

The media is going to attack any idea that has a hold on the public. It's the media's job.. to be investigative... to stir up controversy. I personally prefer this... because when something remains completely unquestioned... be it government, religion or any institution of man.. something is seriously wrong.
Posts: 721/842
We merged in like 1183 A.D.
Posts: 111/174
Actually it deserves a Usage Gestapo award.
Posts: 719/842
Originally posted by Valcion
fucking is an adjective in that case, bub.

This deserves a Spelling Gestapo Award!
Posts: 321/585
fucking is an adjective in that case, bub.
Posts: 1106/1697
If you're a Christian, the idea is to live for God. To encompass your life in the teachings of Jesus.
Deleted User
Posts: 351/-7750
Originally posted by Tarale
Okay, if God is going to punish these people -- why is it YOU feel that YOU must engage in hateful and bigoted behaviour?

Isn't it's God's job to worry about these things, not yours? Again, if my understanding of things is correct, I think it's your job to try to be a good and kind person (to everyone), not make judgement against others....

I had to speak my mind on this thread, therefore I stated what I said as a regular human-being, not as a christian. Everyone asks me questions so I answer them.

I'm not judging, I'm simply stating my opinions. I'm sorry it appears I'm judging, and if it does I apologize; I didn't mean to get out of hand. I didn't mean to project the image that God hates, because he doesn't. God loves gay people as much as he does me or you; but he does hate the sin of homosexuality. I made this look like hatred. Forgive me everyone.

...Oh and please don't use the "F" word as a verb with the Bible please...
C:/xkas bio.asm
Posts: 561/1209
Originally posted by windwaker
Skyon, who wrote the fucking bible?

(hint: not god)

You can't take everything word for word. Everything written in it has been put through filters such as the fact that it's a translation, written by people (who were very descriminatory back then), and edited.

Originally posted by Wurl
"Do not judge, so that you be not judged." Mk. 7:1

I personally have nothing against the bible, but I hate the fact it being used to create war, hate, close-mindness and other immoral thing
Posts: 90/235
Skyon, who wrote the fucking bible?

(hint: not god)

You can't take everything word for word. Everything written in it has been put through filters such as the fact that it's a translation, written by people (who were very descriminatory back then), and edited.
Posts: 262/594
Agreed. The whole purpose of Christ's ministry was one of absoloute forgiveness and acceptance. The only unchristian behavior is the spewing of hatred.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - World Affairs/Debate - Religion is falling! The immoral level is rising!


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