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07-01-24 06:04 AM
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Craziness Domain - How's college life treating you?
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Posts: 64/311
Originally posted by Thoughtless
It's better than High School, and the only fault I can find is that there seems to be a calm before the storm scenario that I find myself in alot.

A period goes by, and nothing happens. No assignments. Projects. Nothing. Suddenly, within one month I have enough work to literally stay up for a week straight.

I live with my dad so that hinders the full experience of enjoying college.


Sometimes it worries me a little, because I have classes that both have a steady stream of assignments involved, and those comprised entirely of 1-2 huge tests and a final - and sometimes I mix them up and wonder if I'm missing assignments or essential information that wasn't even issued.
Posts: 1219/2405
It's better than High School, and the only fault I can find is that there seems to be a calm before the storm scenario that I find myself in alot.

A period goes by, and nothing happens. No assignments. Projects. Nothing. Suddenly, within one month I have enough work to literally stay up for a week straight.

I live with my dad so that hinders the full experience of enjoying college.
Posts: 1191/2602
*looks around in his room*

*looks into the pile of pizza cartons in his kitchen*

Uhm, well. It's certainly been intresting, that's all I can say now. I probably need to clean up around here more often.

I can say for sure now, I feel alot more secure about it than when I just started it.
Posts: 266/1503
Community college and public colleges have different money spendings in different states. I live near campus grounds in a rented out house with several of my friends and girlfriend (Zero, Axl, Kate, Amelia, Alia...)

Of course, if you live near campus and you live in a rented out home, make sure your landlord doesn't rip you off.
Posts: 1021/1860
You're in college? *sarcastic oooooohhh* j/k

Anyways, I have yet to go to a party, get drunk, get addicted to coffee, get laid, gone on a road trip, nor lived near campus.

Academic college life, it is grand --taking an average of 20 units per semester (normal college students take 12-13) and I'm asking to stay for a 9th semester (normal college students stay for 8 semesters)

I'm pathethic, aren't I?
Cruel Justice
Posts: 904/1637
1000 times better than my fall-winter semester.

I have 4 classes.

MWF - Graphic Design (morning)
MW - Painting I (night)
TR - Calculus (noon)
TR - Speech (morning)

I made sure I got good teachers in all my classes this semester and I registered much earlier.
If you want to get a good teacher, goto: http://www.ratemyprofessor.com.

I also have to figure out how many hours I need before earning my Associate's Degree. I can't wait to go to a university. I have my sights set on the University of the Incarnate Word. They have one of the best graphics programs in SA.

Anyone planning to go to college, go to a community college first to take care of your core classes. You don't want to pay 3 to 8k for boring classes, so it's best to take care of them in a cheaper school.
Posts: 265/1503
So, how's college life treating you... for those who are in college like yours trully...

For me, it's been sheer hell! Concentrating on getting the nessesary assignments done and turned in before it's late, my job at Best Buy... damn...
Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Craziness Domain - How's college life treating you?


Acmlmboard 1.92.999, 9/17/2006
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