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Posts: 1580/5072
I got an odd phone call once. It sounded like someone had the radio on, and was changing the station like twice a second. I hit *69 and it gave me the number of the last person to call before that, and that call was a whole day ago.
Posts: 10/16
Those internet pranks piss me off...mostly cuz I'm a baby when it comes to getting scared.
I don't wanna get this thread off-topic though.
The Red Snifit
Posts: 269/739
I almost got a heart attack one day. When I was alone at home at about 12:00, it was rainy. someone called as soon as I piced it up there was a loud scream, like the ones on intenet cartoon pranks. It was scary...
Posts: 1186/2602
Only wierd phonecall I recall is one where they hanged up as soon I answared. Such phone calls freaks me out though, it could be a burglar checking if anyone is home.
Posts: 149/1427
Interestingly enough, whenever the phone in my dorm is handed to me, or I pick it up, or whatever, the person on the other end hangs up. It could ring, I answer it, they hang up. If my ROOMMATE answers it, the person will occasionally ask for me, so he gives it to me... and they hang up. It's uncanny.
Posts: 7/16
I've been involved with many wierd calls. Only, I'm usually on the other end, making the call. I borrowed my friends cheap-shit Walmart voice changer and talked to this wierd guy from high school for like three straight hours. It was amazing that this guy didnt give up. About 6 other people were gathgered around me and the speak phone listening to me mess with this guy....yeah...I'm going to hell.

I've also made numerous calls from my business phone (I'm a manager, so nobody can tell me not too) saying that they owe us money in some form, or things like that. Good fun.
Posts: 8/77
I have never gotten a call quite like that one. But yeah, I have gotten some strange ones. I like to screw with them though...

Not so much telemarketers, they're just doing their job. Mainly wrong numbers, friends, and the annoying telemarketers. Like answering the phone as if it were say... Little Ceaser's. Or picking up the phone and just starting a conversation from the middle like I was expecting them. My favorite is the wake trick... or something like that.

Answer the phone crying or distraught. As soon as they mention whoever's name, get worse... cry more, moan or something and explain that that person is dead/died recently. Fun Stuff
Posts: 2890/3604
I got one damn weird sound message once. I checked it out and just heard a lot of noise in the background. Didn´t recognize the number either.

So I called it up and got to an answering machine with a middle-aged woman with foreign accent speaking. I just hung up and wondered wtf that was about.
Cruel Justice
Posts: 903/1637
Maybe he was some Columbian guy trying to sell you some cocaine or hookers over the phone. Rofl.

Some people mistake me for a guy named 'Arnold'. Some dude woke me up from a good sleep.

11pm during a weeknight... Rain was pouring like crazy.

Some guy: "Arnold, I REALLY need your help, I'm in an accident on Ih-35 near Judson..."
Me (tired): "Ughwha? Who? I think you have the wrong number sir, sorry."
Some guy: "Ohhhh... okay, thanks!"

-5 minutes later

Same dude: "Arnold? You there? Oh man, it's so nasty out here! I need help! If you could come by real qui..."
Me (tired and kinda frusterated): "No, sorry. I'm afraid it's the same wrong number!"
Same dude: "Oh, I am SO sorry! Thankyou!"

-Yet another 5 minutes...

Him again: "Hey Arnold! I think my leg is bleeding a bit, if you could come by and pick me up I would very much appreciate it..."
Me (very tired and frusterated): "Hey pal, you want a hint? Try calling 911 and please stop calling me."
The dude: "Oh really? Are you sure you're not Arnold?"
Me: "YES!"
The dude: "Oh okay then, see ya soon Arnold!"
Posts: 331/1193
Best time ever was when my ex-friend had to switch phones. Right next to his other phone, he had to hang up the other phone first (since it was a different phone line and I only have on phone line). He said he would call right away.

Hangs up. I hang up. A second later the phone rings with a telemarketer on the other end. She tried to see if my mom was home. I said no. She asked when she was going to be home. I said never and hung up.

THAT was hilarious.

Eh, after watching that ABC special that my history teacher brought in, it doesn't shock me that some guy from India tried to sell you something...
Posts: 1581/2607
Well, I think we already established your cruelty even in this thread
Posts: 955/1697
Originally posted by Sniper Skydude
Alright, well, don't joke about that. A few people close to me cut, and it's a rather touchy subject.

Yeah, I have a friend that does it, but I think I might be a cruel, heartless, evil bastard.
Posts: 1215/2405
I'm used to be a magnet for weird ass calls.

Now, not so.

I do get the silent calls though. Bothers me a bit. Sometimes if i am close to my computer I blast music into the phone just to spite the person who called me.
Posts: 1577/2607
Alright, well, don't joke about that. A few people close to me cut, and it's a rather touchy subject.
Posts: 953/1697
Remember, you don't really want to kill yourself, so make sure you scratch instead of cut. You're just looking for attention, just make it LOOK like you're cutting, don't actually do it.
Posts: 1576/2607
You're just so cruel, so very cruel! But I suppose I will just have to move on with my life...
Posts: 949/1697
If this is just a sarcastic remark or a joke: You shouldn't call me then, etc etc etc.

If this is a secret lover coming out of the cloest: I'm sorry... When I was born, I didn't have a choice... I was born and as I was raised, I noticed I was different. While some guys enjoyed looking at some people, I enjoyed looking at different people...

That's right... I'm so sorry Skydude... I know it must be hard, but... I'm straight.
Posts: 1572/2607

You shouldn't do that to me, Dracoon! I just couldn't find the right words to say, that's all!
Posts: 947/1697
I've gotten calls where someone was just breathing into the phone. I usually say some quiet things, wait a minute, and then yell really loudly really suddenly and hang up.

I hope I give someone a heart attack one day, they deserve it for not saying anything.
Posts: 1923/4077
It was the FBI.

Or maybe it was a from telemarketer who has Engrish (sic) as a second language. In any case, no need to worry. Unless it was the FBI.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Chat - Bizarre Telephone Call


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