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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Craziness Domain - I See Dead People (On Myspace)
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Posts: 1197/2602
Intresting to see that someone on this board have actually met that guy, he became a internet celebrity but in a... morbid way. Kind of reminds me of the Star wars kid in that way, just alot worse.

Meh, I kind of a black humour and don't mind suicide being made fun of as long it's not blatantly referencing to persons or anything.
Sin Dogan
Posts: 482/861
Well it's easy to empathize, I think, with people who think this way. People do a lot of times stress their negative feelings a lot and look at things objectively. At the same time, as Sky said, emotions overpower rational thought. Makes people do things they wouldn't otherwise. It's just sad when it happens, and more recently over the years(in the past 4) I've become more used to hearing about things like these happening.
Posts: 1580/2607
Well, I think I outlined the reason many of us don't get it in my last post. It's not about reason, rationality, or any of that stuff. It's all about emotions, and them overpowering rational thought. Because that's really what happens in those situations.
Posts: 2089/5814
I never even SAW the Myspace emo fad on YTMND. I rarely visit sites there in the first place. So I'd like to consider myself clean.

I never got the concept of suicide. I mean... I understand some of the reasoning behind it but I just don't get the whole picture, and doubt I ever will.
Posts: 1928/4077
I believe the proper term is "black comedy". Some people find different things funny. I didn't find the myspace emo fad funny on YTMND. Except "Secret Nazi Myspace suicide". Reading that with a German accent is just so damn funny for some reason.
Posts: 147/1427
You have to remember the common definition of funny. That is, of course, "not funny".

People are jerks. You have to remember it... Given the chance, a few TOO many would gladly laugh at others' pain. It's cruel and unfunny, but... I don't know where I'm going with that.

You can put me down on the list who don't consider jokes about people who commit suicide to be funny.
Posts: 2939/6737
I really can't say I understand it either. There's no greater gift than life, and to waste it like that is both selfish and stupid. You may not be happy, you may not be living the life you want, but will killing yourself change that? No. I can't think of very many people that were truly in situations where not being alive was more beneficial than sticking it out.

Despite that, making fun of the person is still not okay. I mean come on, what if his mom or other family members saw that? It's horrible. Make ytmnds about something funny, not dead people.
Posts: 1571/2607
I've just really always had a difficult time understanding that kind of suicide, and I've really tried. I've been down in the depths of depression myself a few times, as have some friends of mine, a few of whom I've actually talked out of killing themselves. Perhaps it's my overly logical self that prevents me from fully getting it. Because as I've said to some friends, if you keep going on living, things may continue sucking...if you kill yourself, they DEFINITELY won't get better.

It's really sad whenever something like that happens...just difficult for me to understand it.
Posts: 2938/6737
Thank you lord, Jin and I UNITE!!!
Sin Dogan
Posts: 478/861
Originally posted by Desert Eagle Danielle

I don't think making fun of someone that died is very funny at all. But that's just me. =\

Well no, it's not just you.

Originally posted by Captain Subtext

What's even worse about that myspace thing is how people have been poking fun at these poor individuals. It's downright wrong.
Posts: 2934/6737
This guy, yes.

Went to school with him for years, we weren't best buds or anything, but we knew each other.

Hearing of all those ytmnds was not very uplifting, and hardly funny.
Posts: 1567/2607
You knew the guy...you mean the original "myspace suicide" guy?
Posts: 2930/6737
Those were sad, considering I knew the guy.

I don't think making fun of someone that died is very funny at all. But that's just me. =\
Posts: 1560/2607
Well, this is certainly better than the already mentioned myspace-suicide ytmnd fads. Which there's now another one for someone else, apparently.
Yoshi Dude
Posts: 788/1408
I don't find it weird or creepy (heaven forbid!) either, just interesting.

I don't think the amount of car-related deaths is amusing though.. it's the most expected.
Sin Dogan
Posts: 476/861
Originally posted by The Red Snifit
Sad, yes.
Creepy, no.
What Cruel Justice posted is creepy. If I saw a murder, suicide, and death linked, that would be creepy.

The most disgusting things are with drowned bodies. Gross.

What's even worse about that myspace thing is how people have been poking fun at these poor individuals. It's downright wrong.
Posts: 2926/6737
Yeah, it's not that weird... just kind of eerie. Obviously Myspace is very big, a large percentage of kids (heck, even adults) have their own page, so any accidents involving teens are more than likely going to be teens with a myspace.

The fact that the guy looked up all those people, however.. that is weird.
Posts: 1182/2602
Well, the guy who became wellknown for his myspace suicide on myspace turned into a fad on ytmnd.

Due to the nature of thoose sites, i'm not surprised if the number of deaths are actually much larger. :p
The Red Snifit
Posts: 267/739
Sad, yes.
Creepy, no.
What Cruel Justice posted is creepy. If I saw a murder, suicide, and death linked, that would be creepy.
Posts: 109/356
That's quite interesting...

I am amused by the number of car accidents.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Craziness Domain - I See Dead People (On Myspace)


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