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07-03-24 04:11 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - SMW Hacking - ASM hacks / Custom Blocks / Custom Sprites Requests
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Ribo Zurai
Posts: 12/15
I want all sparky ball sprites from SMB2, and the ExGfx, please.
Trans Arctica
Posts: 8/17
I have a block request... I've been thinking of creative ways to use blocks to a player's advantage. Is it possible to create a block that, when hit from a specific side, (say, the top) a different trigger will be activated than if you wanted to hit it on any of the other 3? I guess sort-of like a guessing game or something... I have a level idea that involves these.
Yoshi Master
Posts: 82/82
Okay, now I have a realistic request. Though, it's not for a sprite, an asm hack, or a custom block, it's still a request, and because I don't see a GFX request thread, I'll put it here, because that's what I need. What I need is all of the layer 3 GFX from the Japanese SMW rom. I can't find the rom anywhere and I need it for my beta SMW hack. Just P.M. the GFX to me and I will be happy. Thanks in advance.
Posts: 779/808

Originally posted by Yoshi Master
I have a request. An unlikely to happen challenge for someone, but I'll ask any way. What I want Is a sprite that mario can ride (like a second Yoshi) but, it uses the dolphin GFX and it's in water, of course. It would ride really fast around the waters and could jump out of the water, and I want it so it can't touch the ground, so if you want on land you'll have to jump off. And no tongue either.

Ha ha ha, no.

This would take an insanely serious amount of coding. The kind that noone would be willing to do for someone else.
Yoshi Master
Posts: 81/82
I have a request. An unlikely to happen challenge for someone, but I'll ask any way. What I want Is a sprite that mario can ride (like a second Yoshi) but, it uses the dolphin GFX and it's in water, of course. It would ride really fast around the waters and could jump out of the water, and I want it so it can't touch the ground, so if you want on land you'll have to jump off. And no tongue either.
Posts: 23/31
Originally posted by Kailieann
2 and 3 would be fairly easy to piece together from existing blocks.
1 would require a bit of debugging, but shouldn't be that difficult.

Well, I know that someone had hacked the coin counter to do the same thing....

Hmmm.... would it be easier to make the regular coins use the bonus stars counter and vice versa? If so, then I have an idea. Maybe an ASM hack that, when you collect 100, a special block will allow you to get a star from it (if you don't, you can't hit the block).
Posts: 761/808
2 and 3 would be fairly easy to piece together from existing blocks.
1 would require a bit of debugging, but shouldn't be that difficult.
Posts: 5/31
I'm not sure if these are possible (or already done), but I will request them anyways.

1) A way to stop the bonus stars from going back to 0 (and starting tha bonus game) when you get you get 100.

2) A block that prevents you from passing unless your amount of bonus stars is greater than or equal to whatever amount that is needed.

3) A block that ends the level and gives you a bonus star (only once in the entire game).

You can tell where these suggestions are going.
I'm working on Super Mario 64-like goals.
Hopefully I can pull it off well.
Posts: 701/748
It'd probably be easy if you made a .bin file for BlockTool. Ever notice how you can change where you can trigger blocks simply by modifying the offsets? If you want a block to be triggered only by standing on top of it, set the Above Offset to whatever it's supposed to be, and everything else to -1. That means that it can't be activated unless Mario is on top of it (Other Sprites are different- THEIR activation data is switched by Sprite UD Offset and Sprite LR Offset). BlockTool makes everything sound so easy, doesn't it?
Posts: 180/190
I guess you write code in a .txt file or something then use an assembler to turn it into hex code? My only real experience in ASM is looking through spritetool's .asm files, but I guess blocks would be made in a similar fashion?

OK, assuming I figure out how to make a sand block some day, I'm curious if it would actually work if the blocks were stacked in layers like sand. I guess you'd set the block to act like a cloud... So Mario would be standing on top of one, but his body would be overlapping the block on top of that. And then his head would be positioned in the one on top of that. Would hitting the button break just the one he's standing on, or would it also break the two layers above it since he's sort of touching them? I really have no idea how block collision works.
Posts: 726/808
Pretty damn easy. Load the controller data address ($15), check to see if the X/Y bit is set, if not branch to end, otherwise jump to block break routine.
Posts: 176/190
So how hard would it be to make a block that broke if you tapped X or Y while standing atop it? I'm thinking SMB2 diggable sand. This isn't something that I actually need, but could be useful in some other that hacks I've played.
Stephan Reiken
Posts: 193/200
You can use Blocktools Locked Door Key and Locked Block to use keys like what you want, just don't forget to use the Locked Door Init Block as well.

If you force your players forward, never come back, then you could use the 4 sets of keys infinately.

These work like switches, hit the corresponding Key, the Corresponding blocks change into the next block in the map (Block of air for you). Use the Locked Door Init to reset the values and relock everything.
Posts: 173/214
Know ASM ^^ or read the ASM how to thread in here

But since I can't learn ASM (too busy learning other languages) I have to make a needed request (not sure if already exists or been said but):

I need a sprite thats the size of Mario (big) and acts like a solid block and the keyhole, but when the key is prompted it will disapear and depending on its (X)position it will prompt level message 1, 2 or none.

FOR: I needed it because Im kinda making my castles zelda style, with puzzles and stuff and the keys I want them to open paths in the castles not end the level.

So, anybody would like to make it?
Posts: 589/748
Eh, whatever. I'm here for another request...

I want a block that acts like a Yoshi coin (in the sense that it goes towards the Yoshi Coin/No Yoshi Coin blocks), but instead of increasing your Yoshi Coin counter and giving you a 1-Up when you collect 5 or more of them, it simply increases your Coin counter by 1, like a normal coin. Also, exactly how possible would it be to make the Silver Coin be a custom sprite so you can actually use it as a sprite? (I've noticed that the Silver Coin is actually the Moving Coin sprite (Sprite 21), but modified by the game to give you increasing points as you collect them, and once you get to 8000 points, you get 2-Ups for each coin you grab, and it uses a different Palette.) Plus, could one modify that sprite to be stationary, NOT give you an increasing amount of points (thus not giving you extra lives), and/or work with a custom block so you can pass that block when you grab X number of said coins (not to mention not resetting after you grab them, like a Yoshi Coin). (Yes, I'm still going for my "Grab 5 Silver Coins to continue" idea. Who cares? I've got plenty of ideas one could try in order to make my plans work! See, I know that there are blocks that let you pass if you defeat a certain number of enemies without touching the ground even once, so that means that blocks CAN be affected by sprites being removed, right?)

Also, as a little precaution for me, exactly WHAT does one need to do in order to make a custom sprite?
Posts: 552/748
Originally posted by Kailieann
Hm. I don't think that would be possible with just a block, but it should be easy enough to modify the jump routines to be bypassed when a certain RAM address is set, and make a block to set said address.

How would I go about modifying said jump routines to where the said block would prevent both jumps from happening? (I'm trying not to sound like a total n00b, by the way, so sorry if my wording creeps you out a bit.)
Posts: 656/808
Hm. I don't think that would be possible with just a block, but it should be easy enough to modify the jump routines to be bypassed when a certain RAM address is set, and make a block to set said address.
Posts: 535/748
Gah. This is one of my weirdest ideas ever: A block that prevents Mario from Jumping (That includes the Spin Jump) as long as he's standing on it. I want to pass it off as a "magnetic block", ALMOST like the ones in MvDK2, where you couldn't make the Mini-Marios jump while they were on magnetic blocks. I don't know what else to describe this block as, 'cept maybe a block that holds Mario down by making him super-heavy.
Posts: 164/190
Originally posted by Pac


The thing that climbs vines in SMB2. Would be pretty nice to have for my hack, if anyone cares enough to make it...

I wouldn't mind having a vine-climbing enemy, either. The electricity sprite can move up and down on a vine so long as you stick no enemy blocks at the top and bottom to keep it from falling off. I spent a little time copying pieces of code from other rideable sprites to try to make rideable electricity, but fumbling blindly, I haven't figured out how to make a sprite that will properly assemble...
Posts: 521/748
Do the addresses work on both Green Shell blocks? Also, I think that 1-Up Mushroom is too much. I don't want to limit Yoshi, so I'd rather make it a simple coin. Thanks for reminding me about that!

Edit: Uh-oh... The Yoshi Block (Map16 Block 126) spawns Sprite 2C (according to SMWCentral's ROM map), the same sprite I want to spawn... Fortunately, there's also an address that tells what sprite pops out of that egg normally and what pops out when you have Yoshi. ...You know, since I have no idea how normal Blocks can spawn a coin that automatically gives you a coin, I had to choose Sprite 21 (Moving Coin) as the sprite that pops out of the Block when Yoshi is present. If it works like I think it works, I'll see if I can find another block I'll never use and replace its sprite with the Moving Coin, and use it in a level with Wario Land ExGFX. Hey, Wario Land GFX, Wario Land blocks.

Anyways, I'll see if this works (Though I doubt it). One last question: How do I change the description of the block?

Edit2: Nevermind about that. It didn't work. It still spawned a Green Yoshi... Is it possible to make the Yoshi Egg into a Custom Sprite, so it can replace a certain sprite and I can place it in a block?
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - SMW Hacking - ASM hacks / Custom Blocks / Custom Sprites Requests


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