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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Craziness Domain - Your food palate.
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Posts: 2025/5814
I have a good metabolism, but I can only really gorge on junk food... say, 6 Double Stuf Fudgee-O cookies at 90 calories each.

I can do 3 pieces of pizza MAX, or 1.5 burgers/2 hot dogs. I can go a little nuts on Chinese.
Posts: 2725/6737
Cruel Justice, let's trade metabolisms.

Though I can't imagine myself eating an entire pizza, it would be wonderful to know that I could without gaining weight.

Posts: 1505/3349
Im perpetually hungry...

And no that isnt the kirby side of me talking. Im a teenager, what can you expect
Cruel Justice
Posts: 857/1637
Originally posted by Everybody Wang Chung
Originally posted by [GGS
Cruel Justice]I could eat an entire pizza within an hour and still have room for more.
1 2 3 and it's gone.

I eat a good 4 to 5 meals a day to maintain my weight.

I thought you were a skinny dude?

For some reason, even though it makes me as full as other foods, I can eat a lot more of good Indian food than anything else(except Chinese food) in one sitting. It's my favorite, after all. I can probably eat three large plates(10" diameter) full of Chinese food, though.

Haven't been able to eat an entire pizza, though.

I have a metabolism the size of Oklahoma (unfortunately). I'm hungry almost all the time. Sometimes I'll gain a crapload of muscle and the next week or so, it'll all shrink because my body uses up a shitload of energy. I try to keep my bmi around 21, I do that by eating alot of crap. Really, if my metabolism could be extracted and put into a pill form, I'd give it to people who wanna lose weight because I don't.
Posts: 22/38
My brother can eat 2 whole pizzas too, and he's as skinny as a rail.

I can't. I don't want to either because I would gain weight if I did. The most I ever ate was 24 oreo cookies.
Posts: 1700/4077
Hmm...it varies. Sometimes, in pizza terms I can eat around five whole slices of pizza, other times, I can only eat two. There are times when I simply cannot eat any more, but I rarely allow myself to reach that limit.
Posts: 632/2713
I was going to point out the "palate" thing, but Skydude already did.

My palate used to be much more fussy, but now I'm a bit bolder in trying new things so it's not as bad. I'm still a bit of a wuss, but I tend to try more stuff now. I tend to have real problems with being a sweet tooth -- if I want to snack, it's usually on something sugary or sweet... biscuits, cakes, chocolate, ice cream, sweets, etc. My tastes with meals tend to lean towards the cheesy, creamy or meaty scale of things, which is likewise unhealthy.

My stomach capacity is pretty small. I don't tend to eat a whole lot. Some of this is intentional, some of it is simply that my stomach can't handle me eating a huge amount of food. I couldn't eat a full pizza by myself, and I wouldn't try. I'd actually stop eating well before I got full.

The only food I tend to really overindulge in and eat till I am very full is chinese food. And I've been trying not to do that too, it's just so damned tasty.
Posts: 358/499
barely a medium pizza...I cant eat alot, less then most people in my family..and im not skinny by no means,and my metabolism is pretty bad, but it doesnt bother me at all lol
Sin Dogan
Posts: 443/861
Originally posted by [GGS
Cruel Justice]I could eat an entire pizza within an hour and still have room for more.
1 2 3 and it's gone.

I eat a good 4 to 5 meals a day to maintain my weight.

I thought you were a skinny dude?

For some reason, even though it makes me as full as other foods, I can eat a lot more of good Indian food than anything else(except Chinese food) in one sitting. It's my favorite, after all. I can probably eat three large plates(10" diameter) full of Chinese food, though.

Haven't been able to eat an entire pizza, though.
Posts: 796/1697
I can eat a full pizza if I want, but I never want to. Why the fuck would I? Four slices is enough.
Posts: 2701/6737
How do you people eat an entire pizza?

I'm usually stuffed after 2-3 slices, meh.
However, my motabolism, is slower than crap, so I have to cut down on even that if I want to avoid gaining weight.
Cruel Justice
Posts: 848/1637
I could eat an entire pizza within an hour and still have room for more.
1 2 3 and it's gone.

I eat a good 4 to 5 meals a day to maintain my weight.
Posts: 1314/2607
I think referring to the size of one's palatte generally talks about the range of food you like rather than the amount of food you can eat.

As for the question for the latter, which seems to be the topic of discussion, I don't have THAT big an appetite, but the thing is that I eat quickly.
Posts: 1134/2405
In one sitting, I am not a big eater. But for some reason I can eat quite alot over multiple sessions in a short period of time.

Edit: As in, I can eat one whopper and fries, and that is it. But give it 30 minutes later and I bet I eat another whopper and fries. It is for this reason that most of my fridge is alid out with meals that can be made in less than five minutes.

Because essentially, I am always hungry.

Posts: 13/57
Im still young.. but my appetite died down alot.. in like.. the past year..

I went from being able to consume whole large pizzas or several stacked plates at a western sizzlin to.. half a cheeseburger.

Eh. Better for my health anyway.

At least Im into groceries over junk food.
Posts: 1169/2467
I've never been a big eater.
Half a pizza is my limit.
Posts: 805/2228
Back in the day, I used to be able to put a large pizza down every now and then. Now, I can't really eat that much in one sitting. I also can't drink a lot (volume-wise) that quickly. I blame my shrinking stomach due to a lack of eating schedule, and a slowing metabolism due to no exercise and no proper eating.
Posts: 236/585
As much as i want.

Usually a lot.

EDIT: My usual wendys run consists of 3 Jr. Bacon cheeseburgers.
Posts: 1138/2602
Meh, I can't eat as much as I used to. Besdies I try to keep it down.

A full pizza is enough to make me just want to lie down on the bed for a few hours for digesting it down. x.x
Deleted User
Posts: 871/-7750
How much can you eat until you can not or prefer not to eat anymore? I can scarf down 2 large pizzas, but don't tempt me with an X-large. They make me hurt my belly. I also can spend hours at the chinese buffet. Them's good eats.
Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Craziness Domain - Your food palate.


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