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07-05-24 12:29 AM
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Entertainment & Sports - Anyone like Cardcaptors?
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Posts: 5/7
I was watching it when I was more young.I must say that I liked it.

Posts: 53/936
BY the way, I watched the French Dub.

And they didn't seem to screw alot with it (the voices could hurt your hears, by the episode order didn't seem to be messed up)
Posts: 28/808
I will make it known that I'm a huge purist. I don't like it when translators screw around with things, and if possible I'd rather watch it in raw Japanese and not understand half of it than have anyone (and I've seen a few fansubbers that make 4kids look like Sachi's Distribution) messing around with things.

But still, even though I prefer the Japanese, I can still sit through some of the worst translations -- even the Dragon Ball and Pokemon dubs.

And yet, I can't even make it halfway through the opening song for Cardcaptors.

Card Captor Sakura, however, is godlike in every way. You must all worship it.

And I don't even like Clamp.

As for the questions in the original post, my favorite character is Tomoyo, though I'm also partial to Nakuru, 'cause cute guys in skirts = hawt.
My favorite episode is the one with the Change card, 'cause Kero-chan in Xiaolang's body = hilarious.
And my favorite cards are the most useless ones, like Flower and Glow. And also the much less useless Jump.
Posts: 53/517
That is one of the dumbest parts of the dub. Everything was out of order and atleast 25% of the episodes wern't shown in the dub version. Very Very Confusing.
Posts: 43/2405
Originally posted by Alastor the Stylish
That, however, is butchering

In a way that actually made me cringe. The times I did watch in as the dub, I had no clue what the hell was going on.

At times they even mixed up the episodes. So in Episode A she has this card but in Episode B she didn't have it, then in Episode C she gets it.

Posts: 51/517
Of course I am going to say CCS is better but its hard watching it in Japaneze even with subtitles.
Posts: 75/2480
Yea, I was just adding on to what other people said. Icing.
Posts: 39/8204
Name changes don't matter.

Rending the plot asunder, screwing with the episode order, cutting things/splicing things in with the very intent of altering the tone of the show... That, however, is butchering
Posts: 48/2480
The dub was as retarded as the way Sailor Moon was butchered.

Why change Kinimoto to Avalon? Tomoyo to Madison? No sense whatsoever; I'm glad I have the whole sub.
Posts: 1/565
Ailure i think you did a big typo there...

Im thinking of downloading it sometime (Im illegal sue me ). After all it's clamp.
Posts: 33/2602
I didn't watch Card Captor Sakura alot, but my sister did.

She liked it. And they used the orginal Japanse version here, dubbed. Since Swedish people hate dubs.
Posts: 9/169
CCS, I likeded it. I was addicted to it until I found another anime to move on to.

Cardcaptors was..stupid. Don't go for the one a step below it . When I watched CCS, I realized how much I missed and how it was so much better.
Posts: 16/1860
Originally posted by Pikawil
I find it amazing that the dub proves that there's a company that would SLAUGHTER 4Kids in terms of absolute butchering. Good thing they gave up...

they gave up because it never caught on as a BOY'S anime... if you watch CCS, everything is girl oriented..i wonder who thought it would work
Posts: 3/216
I like the show, but they stopped showing it on ITV2 (British channel) so I can't watch it anywhere anymore. Never heard of CCS.
Posts: 1/116
Card Captor Sakura almost makes me want to change my post layout, avatar, and username gender color. It's so awesome.
Posts: 5/135
I find it amazing that the dub proves that there's a company that would SLAUGHTER 4Kids in terms of absolute butchering. Good thing they gave up...
Posts: 14/936
Original version for the win.

Yep CCSakura was good.

Never saw Cardcaptors.
Posts: 8/1860
Cardcaptor Sakura rocks.
Cardcaptors blows

So, yeah--in general, i liked CCS more than Cardcaptors, primarily because the I like the characters more in CCS than Cardcaptors. The dubbed version changed your perception of the characters so yeah.
Posts: 2/2405
I don't think it is on any major network channel.

As for the show itself. Well it was okay. I only saw the dub version and till this day I don't think they aired the series in its entirety. (Though I have a general idea of what happens and how it ends)

I really don't have any fav anything. I didn't like the show very much. Simply a way to pass the time.
Posts: 3/517
Does anyone like cardcaptors/ CCS? Whos your favourite character, episode, and card?

P.S. is it on the air anymore? I can't find it on any channels.

first post in anime,
Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Entertainment & Sports - Anyone like Cardcaptors?


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