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10-05-24 07:41 AM
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Gaming - Immaterial and Missing Power
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Posts: 29/83
you forgot to mention Phantasmorgria of Flower View (but then that game is only decent compared to the others), and Shoot the bullet (which is rather different to traditional shooters, your main weapon is a camera!)

I myself prefer the traditional bullet hell shooters, and I can say i'm decent at Perfect Cherry Blossom and Imperishable Night
Posts: 1/1
There are a couple other games in the Touhou shooters and, from what I heard, they are different. Well, at least the scoring's different.

The other games thus far are: Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Perfect Cherry Blossom, and Imperishable Night.

There's some stuff about the Touhou games if you decide to go to Pockethouse, too.
Posts: 191/585
Well, i had downloaded this off DC++, a good friend of mine (Kiros, for those of you that know him via tRO or wherever) reccomended it to me.

For starters, Immaterial and Missing Power is one of those crazy japanese fan made games.

its a fighting game based off of Touhou shooters. For those of you who don't know what the hell those are, they're standard vertical shooters starring cute girls. Dodge bullets, don't die, shoot shit. Except take the amount of bullets you have to dodge, and multiply that by 20.

Immaterial and Missing Power takes a lot of the bullet dodging aspect, and puts it into a fighting game. Most of your moves are projectiiles fired out in patterns typically seen in almost any vertical shooter.

The sprites are really well done, and so is the music. Generally speaking, its not TOO hard to learn, just remember you're not playing a typical fighter. It's a blast playing it against a friend (definetly ranks up there with some of my favorites).

If you can find this anywhere, I highly reccomend getting it.
Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Gaming - Immaterial and Missing Power


Acmlmboard 1.92.999, 9/17/2006
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