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07-01-24 03:45 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Chat - OH SHIT IT'S ZIFF'S BIRTHDAY
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Posts: 909/2467
I also totally didn't notice this. Sorry Ziff
Happy late birthday
Posts: 1769/5814
Look what got buried under the mass spree. XD Didn't notice it until now...

Happy birthday.
Deleted User
Posts: 771/-7750
Happy birthday. I was trying to get around to saying that. I'm sorry.
Posts: 1003/2602
Happy late Birthday Ziff, seems like you had a great day.
Sin Dogan
Posts: 381/861
Happy Birthday Sife.

End of Story Forever.
Posts: 297/1334
Stupid liquor store

Anyways, Happy Birthday, Ziffy. May you party like the Hitler doing the Happy Hitler Dance
Posts: 469/2607
You may be thinking of Kirb, who in fact works in a liquor store.

It's one of my previous best friend's birthdays today as well. Oddly enough, we stopped being friends right around the point where he pissed me off and tried to hit me, and then I punched him in the face. In middle school.
Posts: 2334/6737
Didn't you like, work at a bar? I thought you were older.

Anyway, happy birthday. And what a great day, it's my mom's and my good friend's birthday as well.
Posts: 78/258
Hey, it's never a good night unless you get a road sign or a traffic cone!

Happy Birthday, Lord Ziff the Amazing
Posts: 2656/3604
Originally posted by Plus Sign Abomination
Ah, I return.

Suffice to say, it was a good night. My friends took me out to a local bar - the first one I've ever been to legally. We hung around and I thought it kicked ass. We stole some glasses and a few pitchers. Stuff like that - mostly to adorn our domiciles. We also took a 50 lb traffic pylon. Which was pretty sweet. We've all signed it and put it in our common room. We also took a "Tree Protection Zone" sign, which now adornes my pot-head friend's room.

Wow, that sounds pretty cool. I want a road sign in my room too.

Great to hear that you enjoyed your birthday.
Cruel Justice
Posts: 752/1637
Ziff's b-day = Dance Dance Hitlar Tyme!!!

Happy Hitler Time Ziff!
Posts: 714/1800
Ah, I return.

Suffice to say, it was a good night. My friends took me out to a local bar - the first one I've ever been to legally. We hung around and I thought it kicked ass. We stole some glasses and a few pitchers. Stuff like that - mostly to adorn our domiciles. We also took a 50 lb traffic pylon. Which was pretty sweet. We've all signed it and put it in our common room. We also took a "Tree Protection Zone" sign, which now adornes my pot-head friend's room.

However, on our way back bad things did happen. Two of my friends were questioned by the police for kicking a pylon and tipping newspaper boxes. Believe it or not, I tried to stop them. They were drunker than I and thusly had to be controlled. But I too was fairly intoxicated and as such often times didn't care. While on my way back I saw one of the huge 250 lb flower pots, which I just couldn't resist. So I tipped it. Since it's winter they remove the top part of the soil and add water to freeze the bottom so I didn't create a mess. And they're fairly easy to put back in place

Overall, it was a really fun birthday. I've also managed to not go to the strippers, which I shall refuse to do most vehemently.

edit:: Thanks for the PMs

And the more I think of it the more that flower pot challenged me!
Posts: 668/2228


Posts: 826/2405

Happy Birthday. One year older. One year wiser or not so.

Posts: 461/2607
Ziff, you need to bring back your old layout and old picture for this day. Make it a good, drunken one!
Posts: 323/639
Happy Birthday Ziff!

You may be one year older but your not one year cooler than me yet.
Posts: 2650/3604
Uh, whose prperty did you damage?

Anywai, happy birthday, Ziffy. I hope you got some kick-ass stuff.
Posts: 713/1800
The cops questioned me, and I caused severe property damage.
Posts: 1189/4077
Happy Birthday, Ziff. Hope you get drunk at your birthday party, seeing as how you are now old enough to drink. Have a good one!
Iori Yagami
Posts: 286/570
Originally posted by Apophis
*gives him a keg. Drink up, bitch!

LMAO! That's great.

Ziff now that it's your b-day don't do anything... stupid. Let it wait till the party.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Chat - OH SHIT IT'S ZIFF'S BIRTHDAY


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