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07-03-24 07:39 AM
0 users currently in Hardware / Software.
Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Hardware / Software - How safe does this look?
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Posts: 1224/5072

The only potential danger is with transparency. Using it on graphic-heavy apps such as web browsers can cause slowdown, and I once caused a BSOD by using it on a 3D OpenGL app.
Posts: 275/1106
I'd say it looks fairly safe. When you have a site like that with other projects, and a bio and stuff, it tends to look like an authentic coder site.

As far as command line arguments go, what he means is you can use PowerMenu features from DOS. But how is it you are better with DOS and don't know what command line argument means? O_o

e.g. c:\powermenu.exe blah bleh

the "blah" and the "bleh" are command line arguments to a program. They might be the name of a window, and the command to perform on it.
Posts: 164/171
Power Menu (http://www.veridicus.com/tummy/programming/powermenu/)
It's for adding four options ("Always on Top," adjust Transparency, adjust Priority and "Minimize to Taskbar") to the sub menu when you right-click anything on the taskbar. It sounds like a great addon to me (I've been looking for a way to "Always on Top" at-will for a long while now) but I'm no super tech-head, so I figured I'd run this by you guys first to see if you can find anything glaringly wrong with it. Also, what does this mean...?

Originally posted by The Website I Just Linked To
As of version 1.4.0, you can now do most PowerMenu actions by specifying command line arguments to PowerMenu. This allows you to automate things like hiding of windows from the command line.

They lost me at "command line arguments." >_> What? I'm err...better with DOS. Honest. Lemme know.
Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Hardware / Software - How safe does this look?


Acmlmboard 1.92.999, 9/17/2006
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