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Posts: 20/41
the soundtrack keeps me hooked
Posts: 18/23
Wally Wingert is listed on the IMDB page (they appear to have taken all the KH entires off) but then the last I looked, Boy effing George had been cast as well (as one of the turks no less) so I still take anything IMDB states with an industrial tanker full of salt.

Still Wally Wingert does seem a bit more plausible so I guess it's probably true
Posts: 55/356
Wally Wingert is in it! If he's as awesome as he is playing Almighty Tallest Red, I'm in! ^^
Posts: 14/108
Originally posted by Apofisu
Originally posted by Anya
Originally posted by Apofisu
how was lance bass in the eng version?

I think you're thinking of Kingdom Hearts.

nope. he's sephiroth in Advent Children, too.


Read, he's Sephiroth in Kingdom Heart. No information is given about the english version of Advent Children.
Posts: 10/23
I just thought I'd point out to those worrying about the voice talent in the english translation. It is not confirmed as of yet. IMDB is notorious for accepting fan submissions of cast lists and posting them up without official confirmation. As far as I am aware, the only english actors confirmed is the guy playing Cid (who is the same as the one playing him in AC apparently and not the guy who plays him in KH) and the voice of Elena who was apparently leaked (she admitted it in some kind of interview at a convention. She is a professional Voice Actor having done quite a few games).

An important fact to remember that the casting for voices in the American KH was not done by Squeenix but actually done by Disney. It's not surprising that popular candidates were chosen. Whilst Squeenix were no doubt consulted, they would have been forced to tow the line a bit. Of course Disney are not involved with AC one bit and so Squeenix is by no means bound to the same cast lists.
Koitenshin +∞
Posts: 173/873
I just thought it was so awesome, the battle "ends" and his cell phone rings...but whats that? Victory Music! I think the victory music from ff7 will always be stuck in my head...in fact I start to whistle it from time to time
Posts: 196/936
Originally posted by Koitenshin
for the simple fact that they played the "Victory" them at the end.

For the simple fact they were able to make the music hearable by the characters without it being very stupid.
Koitenshin +∞
Posts: 171/873
Tifa versus Loz was kickass if not for the simple fact that they played the "Victory" them at the end. And Tifa respects Aeris enough to not go through the stain glass window.
But you're really not alone in the voice subtitles syncing thing. Of course it might be that I am studying Japanese right now.
Metal Knuckles
Posts: 45/412

Watching Advent Children in Japanese really wasn't a problem for me. for some reason, once I started reading the subtitles, they and the voices went completely in-sync. Might sound a bit spiritual or something, let me rephrase that: When readin the text and listening to the voices at the same time, you really got the hang of what they were saying.

I mean, how many times does Loz end up saying (spelled based on hearing) "Kazza mua?", or "Where's mother?" You get the hang of it after a while.

And speaking of voices being in-sync, this whole Lance Bass deal. All you heard him say in KH was... let me think... a few battle cries. But do you honestly think that Squenix would keep him as Sephiroth if he sounded awful? As I recall, using Mandy Moore as Aereith was a spectacular move, and Steve Burton, for all three or four of his lines, sounded good.

Yuffie sounded just as annoying as expected, so no real complaints there. =P

The only real problem I would be able to gather from their voice actors is a possablity of Disney running the casting for Square-Enix games. Actually, forget I said that. Horrible thought, really.

Story? Who needs it? We already know how it turns out 498 years after the movie, I don't think we need to worry about such minor things as "details."

Fighting is the best I've seen. I heard someone say that it was like a cross between Kill Bill and the Matrix. I think it's like Advent Children. AKA, no comparison. And the best fighting scene in the whole movie? Tifa vs Loz, for all it's extreme shortness.

Am I gonna get an english-dubbed version? Most likely. And considering how the voices in KH didn't disapoint, I wouldn't expect this to do that either.
Sin Dogan
Posts: 79/861
Back in September a college friend and I pointed out all the things we were disappointed in about it. For one we kept asking ourselves "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!" and why you only see the characters once. There's no real development and it was a real downer in my opinion. They could've done so much more with it. The graphics were nice, though. One guy on the floor watches it all the time "just for the one scene between Cloud and Kadaj".(He's also the same fool who said games on 16 bit systems or less aren't worth playing)
Posts: 14/136
I'm not a big fan of FF7 to begin with but I still enjoyed the movie for what it was. I do have to say Reno and Rude were KICK ASS. I also liked the final battle, but it reminded me a little bit of Neo vs. Smith from Revolutions but with swords, not saying it was bad, it was better because swords make everything better lol. I wish Vincent was in it more. I know Cloud is the main star but I wish there was more of Red XIII and Vincent.
Posts: 61/709
Mandy Moore did Aeris in KH as well. If you havent heard them, Mandy Moore and Lance Bass that is, there voices work very well with Aeris and Sephiroth.
Posts: 23/125
better? how? expand. It was totally better than i expected. the graphics for one, they were smotth and realistic
Deleted User
Posts: 124/-7750
I saw the whole movie. It was ok not great though. They could of done better.
Posts: 14/125
Its totally great, and yeah of course im waiting for the english version. How cloud sounds right
Posts: 11/29
The imported version played at the auditorium of my college, so I got to see it on a big screen already. I had watched it on my computer before, but seeing it on a big screen and with very loud sound was alot better.

Overall I found it to be a good movie. It wasn't the best movie ever made, but it was a nice addition to the game and an interesting movie to watch.
Posts: 39/1176
Originally posted by neotransotaku
makes me wonder who were the Japanese people that did the voice acting for the original release...

but yeah, this movie kicked ass...this is what the first FF movie should have been anyways, my girlfriend and I will check out the big screen version...when it comes out heh

A simple google search can help you with that: FF:AC cast.
Posts: 34/169
I likeded it! I didn't like how my sub was though. The subtitles went by too fast I wonder who else will be on the cast in the english version. I'm just curious .
Posts: 44/1860
makes me wonder who were the Japanese people that did the voice acting for the original release...

but yeah, this movie kicked ass...this is what the first FF movie should have been anyways, my girlfriend and I will check out the big screen version...when it comes out heh
Posts: 4/31
Not really interested in seeing the english version. I've seen AC multiple times and it is not in my best interest to watch it again for a while.

And with all this Celebrety stuff going on with the voice acting, it turns me off even more.
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