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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Craziness Domain - Mario Paint Revolution
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Posts: 2417/3604
A 3D model creation would absolututely awesome. A music maker would be that bad either.

I´d probably buy it if it had all those features.
Posts: 1139/5072
If it was just paint, no. If it had all that cool stuff the 64DD had/was going to have, like 3D model creation, hell yes.

Though I did love playing with the stamps and music maker in that game.
Posts: 838/1097
Originally posted by Radiation

Mario Paint was the bomb, man. Or at least the Bomb Man.

Clockwork JB
Posts: 87/267
Originally posted by Radiation

3. More colors to choose from. Also, better Stamp action and better Line tools and some stuff that's actually useful and a spray can that isn't so one-sided.

Uh, we aren't talking about 16bit consoles anymore. They'd probably give you RGB sliders to play with.
Posts: 36/119

Mario Paint was the bomb, man. Or at least the Bomb Man. But anyway, it was awesome cool crazy because there really wasn't enough MS Paint to go around back then and also it had animation and musical abilities. Nowadays, Mario Paint is pretty useless, but back then it was just... rad. Also, the flyswatter game. Slap slap slap! Princess rank was my best.

Okay, I'd probably get Mario Paint for the Rev if it came out and it was good, but I already have Flash so animation is covered and I already have the original Mario Paint for music and yeah that's pretty much it besides Flyswatter.

They need to add the following things to make it worth it at all:

1. They need the music to be really awesome and maybe composed by Totaka because that old music was awesome and hypnotizing and it was like elevator music except without the insanity and the homicidal killing.

2. Some sort of hi-fi crazy high-tech flyswatter game and a really basic NES thing or maybe both and they switched during play and also AHHHHH

3. More colors to choose from. Also, better Stamp action and better Line tools and some stuff that's actually useful and a spray can that isn't so one-sided.

4. Longer music yayayay! Also, sharps and flats. They were totally needed. New instruments aren't necessary, but they would be appreciated. Maybe make your own with a microphone or something?

5. Animation awesome. On Vectrex, there was this animation game that auto-tweened all your objects and it was fun and awesome. Maybe they could do something like that this time? Or have a tween option? Or really complicated and cool things?

6. I want to be able to undo at least the last three steps. Come on.
FreeDOS +
Posts: 289/1312
Originally posted by Ailure
Besides I think Mike got a inspiration for creating the thread when I was playing around with Mario paint.

Salmon Steak
Posts: 88/178
I'd like to play the original first....
Posts: 178/647
I've already got a computer for that kind of stuff...
Posts: 817/2602
It's not much of a game really. Besides I think Mike got a inspiration for creating the thread when I was playing around with Mario paint.
[23:06] Gamefreak1337: Was just playing around with Mario paint
[23:06] Gamefreak1337: xD
[23:07] Gamefreak1337: tried to use ctrl+z

Meh, you have to remember. Back when Mario paint was released, it wasn't too common with people owning a PC.
Posts: 2304/3604
Aw crap, a Mario game I haven´t played. How humiliating. IF they make this for Revolution, I´ll see what it looks like, ask someone wh´s bought it how it is and THEN decide if I should get it or not.

But there aren´t a maybe, maybe not choice in that poll.
Clockwork JB
Posts: 60/267
I loved Mario Paint. I bought it for my SNES solely because it came with a cool mouse, then found that game was fun too.
Posts: 825/1097
I think you think I referenced something I did not intend to reference?
Posts: 3149/8204
Originally posted by Zem +
Originally posted by Riku
Or at least extend the frames for more animation scenes...

No they will not do this that is far too advanced for current technology stop being so ridiculous
Strong bad is a bad, bad guy!
Posts: 821/1097
Originally posted by Riku
Or at least extend the frames for more animation scenes...

No they will not do this that is far too advanced for current technology stop being so ridiculous
Posts: 1560/5814
Actually, Mario Paint WAS released for the 64DD in Japan... kinda. The Mario Artist series (which I think composed half of the DD's lineup) had Paint Studio, which was basically an enhanced version of Mario Paint.
Posts: 3132/8204

Wait, why the hell is this in craziness?

Should I move it to SMS?
Posts: 845/4077
Originally posted by Riku
Or at least extend the frames for more animation scenes...

Meh, there are tools on the computer to do stuff like that, although it wouldn't be a half-bad idea. I still want that flyswatter game to be in there and better than ever, though.

EDIT: Come to think about it, it'd be awesome if the flyswatter game became a shooting game. You could use the remote as a gun of sorts.
Posts: 477/1823
Or at least extend the frames for more animation scenes...
Posts: 843/4077
I'd buy it, but only if it includes and expands on that flyswatter game. That was THE shit, and made the game worth getting just for that.
Posts: 3130/8204
I can imagine this amusing me for all of two minutes.

Yes, no, yes, I wouldn't buy it.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Craziness Domain - Mario Paint Revolution


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