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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Chat - Aaaaah! (cat problem
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Posts: 61/2607
Solution to all cat problems: get rid of cat.

While technically true, that's like saying cyanide cures cancer. Needless to say, I'm something of a dog person, though I'm not really averse to cats. Most young animals go through this rather awkward stage at some point...just worry if she starts dropping lots of teeth.
Posts: 1132/5072
My cats fangs fell out, and she's fine. Didn't show any signs of suffering. Though she's a pretty messy eater now (keeps dropping her food) and often hangs her tongue out.
Posts: 151/309
Don't waste your money on the vet, every cat I've ever owned has lost teeth, from time-to-time I'd even find them on the carpet, there is NOTHING wrong with that cat, the reason alot people have never seen this is cause they spend very much time with their pets, (me being home-schooled I hang around cats all day).
If you did truley punch your cat, then you might want to take your cat to the vet, (and obviously quit punching it).
Posts: 336/734
Originally posted by Zem +
It almost makes it sound like you were punching the cat in the mouth, or something, but now its tooth is loose and you are filled with regret

Are you saying Evil Mushroom....

wait for it....

fisted the pussy?

Posts: 790/1097
Originally posted by EvilMushroom
Eeep! My kitten's tooth is FALLING OFF! I'm freaking out... This is with 2 cats... I was a little mean, but IT'S FALLING OUT! Unless they get new teeth like people do, it's hurt. Please helpme!

I don't understand where "I was a little mean" fits in with the rest of the post. It almost makes it sound like you were punching the cat in the mouth, or something, but now its tooth is loose and you are filled with regret
Posts: 1257/2480
Yea but I figured it was common sense anyways. :\

Then again...if that was used to begin with...well, we lack a thread and a few posts. That or Google.
Posts: 603/2405
Originally posted by Millenia
Anyone slightly amused that every post is a resounding 'GO SEE A VET!' ?

Not really.

They are just probably trying to drill the whole 'go to vet' thing into his brain.

What would be stupid if the thread maker made a post saying "Okay, so should I take it to the vet?"

Now that is slightly amusing.
Posts: 1249/2480
Anyone slightly amused that every post is a resounding 'GO SEE A VET!' ?
Posts: 310/808
My dog lost a tooth while I was taking her for a walk once. She's just fine.

Still, you may want to at least swing by the vet and ask, even if you don't take the actual cat in.
Posts: 240/499
we've had about a million kittens, and ive never seen any of them loose their teeth, although I dunno if they did and I just didnt see it or they never did. but maybe you should call a vet just to be sure.
Posts: 806/2602
I have a feeling that "milk teeth" is pretty common amongst mammals. If you're unsure, you could take it to a vet.
Posts: 1233/2480
I don't think you have to worry that much...taking a look at what I found, cats are about the same as us in that regard:

During its lifetime, a cat has two sets of teeth, a deciduous set and a permanent set. Kittens have 26 deciduous teeth (molars are absent); adult cats have a total of 30 teeth.

Deciduous or “milk teeth” begin to appear when the kitten is about four weeks of age. At six weeks of age all 26 deciduous teeth are present. From 11 to 30 weeks of age, kittens lose their deciduous teeth. During this time they may eat less because of sore gums.

When the deciduous teeth fall out, they are replaced by 30 permanent teeth. The permanent teeth should be in place by about six months of age.

A cat's teeth are well-suited to rip and cut. Twelve tiny teeth in the front of the mouth (incisors): six in the upper jaw, six in the lower jaw do some scraping. They are flanked by two upper and two lower canines, sometimes described as “fangs,” designed to hold prey and to tear flesh. Ten sharp premolars and four molars act together to cut food.

A cat occasionally retains a deciduous tooth after the permanent tooth appears. This deciduous tooth should be removed as soon as possible to avoid displacing the permanent tooth.

Extra teeth are occasionally found in cats. They should be removed by a veterinarian if they cause crowding or injury to soft tissue or other teeth.

I would take the kitten to the vet just to be safe, but I'm pretty sure it's normal.
Posts: 436/1176
Or head to the nearest animal hospital.
Posts: 388/768
You should try calling the vet. I think.
Salmon Steak
Posts: 64/178
How close and expensive is the nearest vet?
Posts: 76/245
Eeep! My kitten's tooth is FALLING OFF! I'm freaking out... This is with 2 cats... I was a little mean, but IT'S FALLING OUT! Unless they get new teeth like people do, it's hurt. Please helpme!
Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Chat - Aaaaah! (cat problem


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