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07-01-24 01:24 PM
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Snow Tomato
Posts: 377/798
That's a brilliant idea. If only they weren't authorized to shoot people who come within a mile or so of Area 51.

It's funny that Area 51 looks like a bunch of TV trailers.
Posts: 2276/3604
Originally posted by Thoughtless

I can only assume this would happen if you approached Area 51 and tell the guards "Oh, I came to play some baseball in the park"

Boom. Instant banishing from the U.S. and you become a new citizen wherever the hell they send you.

And I assume that you´d be put to jail and left there until you´ve forgotten about Area 51.

Peardian: I´ve never been able to see such clear pictures when using Google Earth.
Posts: 3088/8204
I traced a path to my house on google earth but it's just barely into an area where they didn't take a clear picture
Posts: 341/1757

In Soviet Russia, sky looks at you!

I love GoogleEarth.
Posts: 590/2405
Originally posted by Peardian
I also happened to find Area 52. It's a stinkin' empty field.

Or is it?

dun Dun DUN

I can only assume this would happen if you approached Area 51 and tell the guards "Oh, I came to play some baseball in the park"

Boom. Instant banishing from the U.S. and you become a new citizen wherever the hell they send you.
Posts: 340/1757
I also happened to find Area 52. It's a stinkin' empty field.
Posts: 63/261
Okay, first off these are SATELLITE images of Area 51. You don't permission to go into someone's airspace when you're in the VACUUM OF SPACE.

Second, Area 51 is located 90 miles North by North West of Las Vegas. So I don't think it matters how you take the photo.
Posts: 2246/3604
Maybe people can take photos like that because it doesn´t show in what PART of Nevada it is.

They´re probably experimenting with that ship they found in Roswell.

Salmon Steak
Posts: 44/178
The fun thing about Area 51 is that, if I remember this correctly, it's aeronautical R&D. Rumors of UFOs flying through the Nevada desert were people seeing the test aircraft. I might not be completely correct (if at all; wouldn't be the first time) on all of the above, but that's what I remember being told (can't remember the source, either). *shrugs*
Snow Tomato
Posts: 358/798
Hahah.. that's hysterical. Of course.. that could be an edited image of area 51. I doubt google would be able to fly over it and just take pictures.... right?

Oh, you silly homeland security officials playing around with color codes instead of making sure stuff like this doesn't happen.

Area 51 scares me. It's been in several nightmares of mine. Yes, I've had nightmares where aliens are pressed up against my windows. It's why I can't look out windows when it's dark out. I'm sort of scared right now. Grr.
Posts: 327/734
doh! I couldn't find the baseball field. of course, now that you pointed it out, its incredibly obvious
182077607309.34 +
Posts: 145/218
Originally posted by Ten
How come it didn't occur to anyone that the baseball field is just a part of Area 51 I took a screenshot of.
That’s what I thought.

I watched something on the History/Discovery (or was it SciFi?) Channel about that. For some reason Area 51 doesn’t stop people from taking pictures like that. It suggested that maybe they didn’t want to ask them not to because they’re not supposed to exist. It doesn’t matter ether way though, because they know when a satellite is above them, and they move all the secret planes and UFO’s inside anyway.
Posts: 61/261
Here, see, baseball field.

Posts: 338/1757
Found it. Yay, Google.

Posts: 60/261
How come it didn't occur to anyone that the baseball field is just a part of Area 51 I took a screenshot of.
Posts: 1107/5072
It's probably a joke; you put in 'area 51' and it takes you to some random place.

I did hear Google's office isn't visible on the map, never checked it myself though.
Posts: 3048/8204
Pfft. That pic is circa 2003, Apophis; obviously its been remodeled.
Posts: 2001/6737
Could only be a small portion, I guess... possibly...
Posts: 326/734
Odd... considering Area 51 looks like this: http://www.lasvegasnow.com/area51/Area51-072503-450.jpg
Posts: 577/2405
That is a piss-poor baseball field.

Oh, and I guess this is neat in some way.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Craziness Domain - UNITED STATES SECRETCY POWERS GO!


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