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07-01-24 09:02 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - ROM Hacking - I'm working on my final hack. Sonic and Mario. Tell me what you think. Pic inside.
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Metal Knuckles
Posts: 118/412
Well, at least he's trying. And he ain't Loftydog or Vergo, that's a plus. Also, I garuntee you Bago that there have been plenty more misuses of SonikSprite than this one. I recall with a heavy heart the kid who IM'ed me saying he was a friend of Johnny's and wanted me to alter my Rogue sprites to be topless.

*shakes head*

And honestly, if answering a few questions, nay, doing a little research is beyond you, then the hacking scene isn't really for you. The system is quite effective. As I recall, just having a decent hack to show off makes you a member automatically. The fact that I haven't registered yet is just a toss to my lazyness. But I have seen the quiz before, and hanging around on google and even Acmlm would give you all the answers.



Nope, said all I can. Your on your own from here. =P
Posts: 33/33
Originally posted by Disch
Originally posted by LocalH
No offense, but if you can't be arsed to do a bit of research and answer the quiz, then you're most likely not the kind of person we want at SWS2B. We do that to separate ourselves from the more "fanboy" oriented sites, since we center around research and advanced ROM modification ("advanced" meaning disassembly-level stuff). If you take and pass the quiz, then you're more than welcome to go through a Trial Member period (30 posts).

A quiz to see if you're worthy? Trial membership? Thank God places like nesdev aren't so elitist. I might never have gotten my foot in the door.

Just tried registering myself to take a first hand look at this quiz -- and it appears I can't because I'm behind a router? ("shared IP address" ?) Fuck that.

The quiz isn't to test if you're an extreme Sonic fan. The test is to see if people signing up have the ability to do their research.
You take the test ONLINE. You are AT A COMPUTER. You can USE GOOGLE TO GET ANSWERS.

Anyone who's too stupid to do their research isn't someone we want at SWS2B. Does it make us elitist to expect members to be able to research in a Sonic reasearch and reverse-engineering community? If it does, then k, we're elitists.

BTW this hack looks bad and Sonik Sprite is too good for you.
Metal Knuckles
Posts: 112/412
Well, the effort does indeed pay off. As I recall, becoming a member at SWS2B gives one limitless access to women and beer. Tech members also get the benefit of furries. XP

But wait, 30 posts? I thought it was supposed to be 20 posts! Well, more of a chance to prove myself as not a retard!

When combining graphics from different systems, such as Gens and SNES for example, it's nice to make sure that they look like they're from simillar games. Having an 8-bit Mario running with a 16-bit Sonic just looks... odd. That's why I encourage the Mario from SMW, because at least he has shading.

And you have to take the animations into account as well. With Tails, the tail itself is a seperate animation. And it's always above Tails when he's flying. So having a cape above Mario might work better then a raccoon tail sticking out of his neck. Also, when Tails get's tired, what animation would raccoon Mario use? I can easily imagine Mario using the dropping w/cape graphic from SMW.


But yeah, I support my earlier suggestion. Go with Sonic 2 if you're a beginner. The majority of utilities are designed for it, and you still get Tails. Hell, maybe you can even talk to drx and get him to help you put Tails flying ability into the game. But I doubt you have the experience neccesary to pull it off.

Perhaps a Mario-on-Yoshi sprite for Tails? explains the dropping down slow thing (Yoshi's air kick) but lets him move just like Sonic when player controlled.
Posts: 57/202
Originally posted by LocalH
(otherwise it'd be a GameFAQs ripoff)

Well having been witness to the stupidity that often occurs on gamefaqs... the reasons for the restrictions make more sense. Especially considering how you're depicting Sonic fanboyism (which I could totally imagine).

So while I don't really think the system is perfect, nor do I necessarily agree that it's a good idea -- it does make a lot more sense to me now And it appears to be working for them, at any rate.
Deleted User
Posts: 576/-7750
Old NES graphics + 1337 sega graphics = <( (< for eyes and ( for the mouth)

Try to at least make him a bit better with his graphics. You got 32 colours.
Bane King
Posts: 19/116

I'm forever on stealth's shitlist because I gave him some suggestions on his KTE in Sonic 1 hack.....but I went overboard though ^__^;;
Posts: 34/65
Well, the system isn't inflexible - that's why there are currently three admins. The quiz is more to keep the rabid Sonic fanboys off the board (otherwise it'd be a GameFAQs ripoff). In my experience, it seems that the Sonic fandom is more full of idiots than any other fandom, and the test is only meant to keep the stupid people out while letting the intelligent people in. It's seemed to work well for us so far (although I'm sure it turned a few intelligent people away).
Posts: 56/202
Originally posted by LocalH
No offense, but if you can't be arsed to do a bit of research and answer the quiz, then you're most likely not the kind of person we want at SWS2B. We do that to separate ourselves from the more "fanboy" oriented sites, since we center around research and advanced ROM modification ("advanced" meaning disassembly-level stuff). If you take and pass the quiz, then you're more than welcome to go through a Trial Member period (30 posts).

A quiz to see if you're worthy? Trial membership? Thank God places like nesdev aren't so elitist. I might never have gotten my foot in the door.

Just tried registering myself to take a first hand look at this quiz -- and it appears I can't because I'm behind a router? ("shared IP address" ?) Fuck that.
Posts: 10/28
Originally posted by LocalH
Originally posted by Guardian
Thanks, Dragonsbrethren. I would register, however, they want me to answer these ridiculous questions, get it wrong a few times, can never go back to try again. Its bogus to go there to get your answers at sws2b.
No offense, but if you can't be arsed to do a bit of research and answer the quiz, then you're most likely not the kind of person we want at SWS2B. We do that to separate ourselves from the more "fanboy" oriented sites, since we center around research and advanced ROM modification ("advanced" meaning disassembly-level stuff). If you take and pass the quiz, then you're more than welcome to go through a Trial Member period (30 posts).

Matter of fact, I just passed the quiz today and a member. I have done my research, the problem is getting around it. There's nothing wrong with asking a question.
Posts: 31/65
Originally posted by Guardian
Thanks, Dragonsbrethren. I would register, however, they want me to answer these ridiculous questions, get it wrong a few times, can never go back to try again. Its bogus to go there to get your answers at sws2b.
No offense, but if you can't be arsed to do a bit of research and answer the quiz, then you're most likely not the kind of person we want at SWS2B. We do that to separate ourselves from the more "fanboy" oriented sites, since we center around research and advanced ROM modification ("advanced" meaning disassembly-level stuff). If you take and pass the quiz, then you're more than welcome to go through a Trial Member period (30 posts).
Posts: 345/768
When I looked at your screenshot, I think it will be a great hack.
Posts: 89/442
Originally posted by Guardian
Thanks, Dragonsbrethren. I would register, however, they want me to answer these ridiculous questions, get it wrong a few times, can never go back to try again. Its bogus to go there to get your answers at sws2b.

The answer to every question is on the site, just open the site in a seperate window and look them up. The system is in place to keep spammers and idiots out, along with trial membership, I wish this place did something like that...
Posts: 9/28
Metal Knuckles, I truely am thankful that you showed me that site. Editing the tails sprite with SonikSprite is going to be much, MUCH more easier now. I've decided that the nes bit raccoon Mario will be replaced with the much advanced snes/gba sprite of Raccoon Mario.

As for the The Sega Data Compressor, I'm not quite sure how to work that confusing program. How exactly do you decompress, then what? How do you edit the sprites after that?

If I could only find the on/offset of Robotniks sprites.
Posts: 108/528
The art styles clash too much more my liking, honestly.
Raccoon Sam
Posts: 135/1040
Sonic 3 Graphics are incredibly scrambled. Good luck combining tiles.
Posts: 9/9
Just because you said the cape is better, I concur. I think the tail is. Anyways, have Mario be what you want him to be [cape or tail it is up to you], because each person has their own feelings about it. If the hack is good it won't really matter if he has a cape/tail or not.

As for the size on Mario, I think the size is fine. If you want to stretch him, go for it. I just think it will be interesting in either case. [as a note: Sonic is the size of a human [at least in the cartoon I think...did they change his size on me again and I wasn't paying attention?]]
Metal Knuckles
Posts: 109/412
@ asdf (before I forget)): S3&K may be the final version of Sonic 3, but when it comes to hacking, one would be best to stick with S3 only. Or at least when doing more then a graphic hack. S3&K takes up almost all the space in the ROM, so doing any editing of it would risk sticking in to much data for the 4mb limit.

I can help you right now for graphics editing. Go to sonicology.fateback.com, Hivebrain's site. In the downloads section, you should find a few programs to help, such as SonikSprite, which should help with Tails/Sonic sprites, The Sega Data Compressor, which should be able to decompress all the graphics in Sonic 3 including Robotnik, and a TLP palette list, which should make editing the graphics in TLP a lot easier if you decide to use that instead of YY-CHR. More of a personal favorite choice there, but I feel better using TLP myself.

And I can tell you this, the only way people will be interested with playing this hack is if you do some level layout work and change some tile graphics. And as I recall, the tiles in S3 are a bitch to edit. So you'd probably be better off sticking to a Sonic 2 hack if your just starting out, it has the most utilities and research done on it then other Sonic games.

Final note: Mario w/cape from SMW > Mario w/tail from SMB3
Posts: 8/28
Thanks, Dragonsbrethren. I would register, however, they want me to answer these ridiculous questions, get it wrong a few times, can never go back to try again. Its bogus to go there to get your answers at sws2b.
Posts: 634/4077
It does indeed look very...beta-esque. It would be fun to play as Mario in a Sonic game, though. But at any rate, it seem like an interesting concept. Oh, and you should hack the S3&K version, not regular Sonic 3. It's just a much better game when they're combined.
Posts: 87/442
You need to learn how to take a good screenshot, you do it at the proper resolution without any graphics filters, like this:

Anyway, I'm fairly certain Dr. Robotnik's graphics are compressed, I'm sure someone here can link you to a document with the offsets of compressed graphics.

Lastly, I won't be playing this hack, it just doesn't interest me.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - ROM Hacking - I'm working on my final hack. Sonic and Mario. Tell me what you think. Pic inside.


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