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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Craziness Domain - A letter from Bowser to Dr. Mario
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Posts: 709/2602
Originally posted by Hyper LOL
Originally posted by Alastor the Stylish
if we got sued, we could get a canadian server

Or one in one of those countries that doesn't have copyright laws. Then we could post ROMs too.

Yeah, would be intresting to see if they get any power in Sweden... since that probaly will lead to other pirate parties all over the world like how green parties where in the 70's and 80's.
Posts: 603/4077
Originally posted by Hyper LOL
I guess it'd just suck with all the people joining to ask "can sum1 upload The Sims 2" and never really posting.

That would be why there would be a specific forum for that kind of stuff. Anybody asking for it outside of that forum would receive just as harsh a punishment as they do now.

Or maybe we could just obey the law. Even if the law sucks. Besides, you do bring up a good point about them joining just to request warez. If anybody wants to be a good pirate software-wise, they have to know where to find cracks and stuff themselves.
Posts: 1007/5072
Actually I'm surprised you don't see more message boards in places like that. It'd be like The Pirate Bay, but as a forum.

I guess it'd just suck with all the people joining to ask "can sum1 upload The Sims 2" and never really posting. Though it doesn't have to be a forum for warez, just one where they're allowed.

...Or we could just all obey the law. Yeah. Let's do that.
Posts: 557/4077
Originally posted by Hyper LOL
Originally posted by Alastor the Stylish
if we got sued, we could get a canadian server

Or one in one of those countries that doesn't have copyright laws. Then we could post ROMs too.

Sounds like a plan. But even if we post them (ROMs) right here right now, it's unlikely they'll come after us. They have bigger things to worry about than some random on a message board posting a ROM. Granted, if we allow it, the n00bs at the ROM hacking section would go berserk with the links, so maybe it's a good idea.
Posts: 1979/3604
Yeah, that´d be nice.

I´m sooo illegal.
Posts: 999/5072
Originally posted by Alastor the Stylish
if we got sued, we could get a canadian server

Or one in one of those countries that doesn't have copyright laws. Then we could post ROMs too.
Kirk Bradford Myers
Posts: 15/89
That story is hilarious! LMAO!! It's really cool to see a piece of fan fiction that's unusually tongue-in-cheek. Nice... Sort of makes you wonder just what kind of beneficial ruler Bowser would actually be. If he can't even figure out how not to get a girl pregnant, the Mushroom Kingdom under the rule of his iron fist is doomed. But look at it this way...at least he's taking responsibility and raising all seven of the little hellions himself, which means that even Bowser has the sense to face his responsibilities to be a father, his only endearing quality. (Guys, take notes!) Although I will admit, Mother's Day has got to be pure hell...

Her majesty the princess Peach Toadstool may be a slut, but that matters very little in the scope of things as far as Mario is concerned. Think about it...if you were a big fat cigar-chomping turd wrestler from Brooklyn who smelled like gasoline who was fresh out of a relationship with an ungrateful little cuss named Pauline and a girl like Peach wanted you, would YOU turn away from her cries for "HELP!"?? Yeah, I'd take on Koopa Troopas and jump over bottomless pits while lava licked at my crotch to get a piece of that action, too! Mario's not stupid...he knows that losers can't be choosers. Especially when their biggest claim to fame at the time is saving a girl at one of his construction sites from a huge gorilla that Mario knew he had no chance of batting against, then being told by the girl he saved that she thought that they were "moving too fast in light of what had happened". Poor Mario!

The rest, as they say, is history. Mario walked out in a huff, then came back with his mob-boss brother Luigi and they collectively beat the hell out of Pauline with hammers. She survived her ordeal, but the cops were out in full force looking for them while they attempted to make their escape and cross into New Jersey through the sewers. Good thing they found that strange glowing green pipe which whisked them both away from their pursuers forever to the magical land of possible redemption...

Mario won't be back for a while. Him and his brother have worn out their welcome in New York. And rumor has it that not only the police, but Pauline's father and brothers are out right now looking for his ass. I hear that the rabbit died...
Posts: 1959/3604
Originally posted by Alastor the Stylish
Baby Bowser is Bowser, neo. Presumeably you mean Bowser Jr, in which case, he was born from a plothole.

Well, crap. I thought that Baby Bowser was Bowser's son too.

That letter was mildly funny, though.
Posts: 657/2602
Well, might me little tricky as the server admin and the current "devoloper" both lives in US.

I never heard of anyone ordering a foreign server just like that. AT least not from US.
Posts: 2647/8204
Originally posted by Ailure
Originally posted by Alastor the Stylish
Isn't Acmlm canadian, though? I'm pretty sure their laws are, y'know, not making things illegal.
Wouldn't matter, the server is in the US. :p
That so? I would've figured he'd have gone with a canadian one... But ah, well. Still, if we got sued, we could get a canadian server
Posts: 646/2602
Originally posted by Alastor the Stylish
Isn't Acmlm canadian, though? I'm pretty sure their laws are, y'know, not making things illegal.
Wouldn't matter, the server is in the US. :p
Posts: 2638/8204
Isn't Acmlm canadian, though? I'm pretty sure their laws are, y'know, not making things illegal.
Posts: 547/4077
I think you're mistaken, Ailure. But if Nintendo were more aggressive than that, this entire site would be deleted and all of us would be in jail right now, all because of the ROM hacking section. At least that isn't the case.
Posts: 645/2602
Hooh boy...

Didn't Sony sue people for fan fictions they made? If Nintendo were more aggresive, then I would delete that post right now. xD
Posts: 675/1860
yeah, so who is the mom? not unless...OMG bowser is a hermaphrodite

as for the plothole theory, i like...

Baby Bowser is Bowser, neo. Presumeably you mean Bowser Jr
stupid cousin...he engrained that name for that character
Posts: 544/4077
Originally posted by neotransotaku
7 kids... so where did baby bowser come from?

Baby Bowser came from the same place all babies come from. You know where.
Posts: 2635/8204
Baby Bowser is Bowser, neo. Presumeably you mean Bowser Jr, in which case, he was born from a plothole.
Posts: 670/1860
7 kids... so where did baby bowser come from?
Posts: 37/76
Something I decided to write up. Parts of this may will disturb you.

"Dear Dr. Mario,
I want to apply for a vasectomy. After having 7 children with 7 different women, I have concluded that contraceptives just don't work on me.
I read in a book that rhythmic movement can help prevent pregnancy. Despite trying the Samba and the Tango, my first girlfriend fell pregnant and I ruptured myself doing the Cha-cha. Besides, where do you find a band when you get the urge at two o'clock in the morning? She gave me the baby and left me.
Another doctor suggested the safe period. My second girlfriend was staying at her parents' house and had to wait three weeks for the safe period and a time when the house was empty. Despite that she got pregnant, gave me the baby and left me.
An alternative therapist said if me and my third girlfriend made love while breast feeding we would be alright. In the end I had shiny scales, silky hair and was very healthy, but she got pregnant, gave me the baby and left me.
A rumour suggested that if my fourth girfriend jumped up and down after intercourse this would prevent pregnancy. She slipped a disc but got pregnant, gave me the baby and left me.
I asked the local pharmacist about condoms and he demonstrated them, so I tried them. However, my fifth girlfriend got pregnant which didn't surprise me, I never saw how putting one of those things on your thumb could help prevent babies. Despite that, she gave me the baby and left me.
My sixth girlfriend and I tried the Dutch cap, but she got severe headaches when the only size available was way too tight around the forehead. She still got pregnant, gave me the baby and left me.
I tried the pill on my seventh girlfriend, but it kept dropping out. I tried using a tampon to keep it in but she still fell pregnant, gave me the baby and left me.

I am at a significant loss. I tried capturing Princess Peach because of her track record in being unable to make babies despite her years of being a slut, but Mario always took her away from me before I had the chance to "try" her. If I can't get this operation I'll have to resort to oral sex, and talking is just no substitute for the real thing.


Hey, at least I tried.
Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Craziness Domain - A letter from Bowser to Dr. Mario


Acmlmboard 1.92.999, 9/17/2006
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