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Metal Knuckles
Posts: 122/412
Originally posted by Plus Sign Abomination
Babysitter #1 came out in 98.

Scream #1 came out in 96.

Disregard previous post before this one.

Read Zamboni Ice Cleaner's post instead.

Babysitter #01, The

Reissued: 1998

Original Copyright: 1989

Disregard motion to disregard post. My point still stands. =P

Final Destination was a good movie the first time you saw it. But we watched it in class the other week, and watching it for a second time really shows the humor of it. A few quotes to show my point:

"I'm never gonna die!" Just so stupid sounding when you hear it.

"You can all drop dead!" BUS!

Anything Stifler's character said.

The second movie was... yeah. Just more oppertunities for original deaths. They ended up doing the same thing with Saw 2. And you can expect to know the plot of the third movie...
they escaped death, and now it's out for them!

...Did I even need spoiler tags for that? =/
Posts: 312/734
Originally posted by c0nfu53d
As for Final Destination, I didn't see the second one because I didn't like the fact the killer is unseen.

That's because there is no killer.
Posts: 12/27
I kinda liked all of them. Guess i'm a big Scream fan.......
Posts: 135/169
I didn't know they were going to make a Scream 4. Let's hurry up and end the series. I want to see her killed. Scream was okay, the rest of them kind of sucked, but of course I watched all 3 of them .
Posts: 11/27
Originally posted by Metal Knuckles
So if it's anything like those books still, the killer in the fourth installment will actually be a ghost. You know, to throw things off.

I hope not....Ghosts are so lame. The reason scream was so good is it could happen. A ghost killer would make the whole thing unbelivable. That's the reason I don't want to see Urbam Legend 3.

Originally posted by emcee
Sydney's the killer. I'd put money on it.

Off topic, but similar enough to not require a seperate thread:

I recently saw a preview for Final Destination 3. The first final desination is one of my favorite horror movies. Yeah, its full of alot of the same horror movie cliches as all the others, but unlike so many "thrillers", it actually thrilled. The second one was just an excuse to show people getting killed. Each death was either a long series of events that took all tension out of a scene, and reduced it to just waiting for the obvious to happen, or it was just some random out of the blue accident. Then they had all this goofy "rules of death" business.

I don't think there has ever been just one good horror movie by itself. Every good horror movie has led to a long string of mediocre and bad sequels. Movie studios are like three year old kids, whenever they do something funny or that gets attention, they just keep doing it over and over.

It's unlikely sidney would be the killer it's too unbelivable. As for Final Destination, I didn't see the second one because I didn't like the fact the killer is unseen. So i'll give the 3rd one a miss.
Posts: 183/867
Sydney's the killer. I'd put money on it.

I liked the first scream. A great parody, while at the same time a decent horror flick. I only saw a little of the second one, so I can't say to much about it, but the third one was just plain bad. The parody aspect turned into just general silliness (movie about the movie within the movie), and it tried to be more of a mystery movie than horror, which would have been ok if it made for a good mystery movie, but it didn't.

Off topic, but similar enough to not require a seperate thread:

I recently saw a preview for Final Destination 3. The first final desination is one of my favorite horror movies. Yeah, its full of alot of the same horror movie cliches as all the others, but unlike so many "thrillers", it actually thrilled. The second one was just an excuse to show people getting killed. Each death was either a long series of events that took all tension out of a scene, and reduced it to just waiting for the obvious to happen, or it was just some random out of the blue accident. Then they had all this goofy "rules of death" business.

I don't think there has ever been just one good horror movie by itself. Every good horror movie has led to a long string of mediocre and bad sequels. Movie studios are like three year old kids, whenever they do something funny or that gets attention, they just keep doing it over and over.
Posts: 536/1800
Babysitter #1 came out in 98.

Scream #1 came out in 96.

Disregard previous post before this one.

Read Zamboni Ice Cleaner's post instead.
Metal Knuckles
Posts: 108/412
Actually, it's more a rip off of R.L.Stine's Babysitter series than anything else. So if it's anything like those books still, the killer in the fourth installment will actually be a ghost. You know, to throw things off.

Mind you, Cindy is indestructable as it is. I think it has something to do with quantum physics or something, but as soon as you throw something at her or shoot her, it's bound to hit you instead. =/
Posts: 532/1800
When genre film reaches a state of fruition it has to undergo a period of self-parody. In this case Scream works as a sort of parody because it is so archetypal of slasher-horror films.
Posts: 76/149
Their making a Scream 4 .. I didn't even know they had a Scream 3

I thought the first one was good, the second one kinda lost me though. I will have to look at hiring Scream 3 then

Is it just me or are most of these Scream/horror movies really predictable.
Posts: 474/2405
I stopped caring who the killer was after Scream 2

They must really suck at killing for that Cindy bitch to still be alive after three movies.
Posts: 9/27
Or "so here we go again....." as it's known to it's friends.

Neve Campbell has been aproached by Dimension films to play Sidney Prescott again. So who do you think the killer is this time? My money's on Deputy Dwight 'Dewey' Riley. Whay do you guys/gals think?
Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Entertainment & Sports - Scream 4


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