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07-01-24 02:16 PM
0 users currently in Officer's Club.
Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Officer's Club - Question for girls
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Posts: 53/108
I don't want to lie, but in my head, she decided to ask me so she will have to deal with the fact that we are in the same team at school. Another girl in the team told me that I was the bad guy. I just told her that she was not my style but was a pretty good friend none the less.
Posts: 1722/6737
Just tell her you aren't interested in dating her, you'd rather just be friends. Lying is no way to go about it. Just try to be nice about it, don't break her heart. I don't know how much she likes you or anything.
Posts: 51/108
How should I tell a girl that she's isn't really your type, without being too direct ?

(My main default: I'm a cold and direct guy, always been.)

The thing is that she's (and 5 other people) in my French group and we'll see eachother from now to end of may. I guess she will have to deal with it, since she's the one who wanted to date me.
Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Officer's Club - Question for girls


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