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07-08-24 01:59 AM
0 users currently in Modern Art.
Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Modern Art - MMK or M&L: HHL?
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Posts: 88/528
Originally posted by Cymoro
I thought Kirby's Krazy Komiks had a nice ring to it.

Seems to be in just a little bit in support of White Supremacy...
Posts: 186/-244
I thought Kirby's Krazy Komiks had a nice ring to it.
Lunar MM
Posts: 29/426
Well, can't argue with ya. MMK will return. Just as soon as I finish this burrito. *chomp* *munch* Oh wait. I don't like Burritos. Heh. You may close this thread now.
Posts: 273/1757
MMK. Shadow Kirby is awesome.
Posts: 561/2068
MMK. I'll vote when that becomes an option.
Posts: 13/174
I'm voting for MMK, we were re-introduced to shadow Kirby, then pffffffft. nothing
Lunar MM
Posts: 27/426
Originally posted by Clockworkz
There's only one choice there, genius.

I tried to edit it, but there's an error in the code. Maybe since you're so smart, you should fix it.
Posts: 247/984
There's only one choice there, genius.
Lunar MM
Posts: 26/426
Since I've returned, I had another idea for a comic. I was wondering which one you prefer.



What's it gonna be?
Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Modern Art - MMK or M&L: HHL?


Acmlmboard 1.92.999, 9/17/2006
©2000-2006 Acmlm, Emuz, Blades, Xkeeper

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