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07-01-24 05:59 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Craziness Domain - Lyle in Cube Sector
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Posts: 990/3349
Originally posted by Hiryuu
Bullshit. I got the secret exit before I had all CP/HP.
Gut Jorb...

Thats a lot of jumping right there
Posts: 1131/2480
Originally posted by Shyguy
get P. Cube level 4 to get to the secret exit. Otherwise.... ...

Bullshit. I got the secret exit before I had all CP/HP.
Deleted User
Posts: 578/-7750
get P. Cube level 4 to get to the secret exit. Otherwise....

Anyway, I ha trouble double jumping until I held ctrl while I was double jumping so that I'll "automatically" produce another one quicker. Got my last 2 cp orbs that way.
Posts: 604/2467
Bleh, My last CP orb was the one near Bugzzy. It was the one furthest out.

...I was a bit worried if there was going to be no space-jump like ability for a while because there were tons of blocks it seemed impossible to reach. That was until I got P. Cube level 3.
Posts: 987/3349
Strangely enough, they were both my last HP and CP orbs in that very room

I guess its so obvious, that everyone misses it
Posts: 1123/2480
Originally posted by
You told ME you had it

I thought I did!

I was like 'ah shit...he's gonna harp on me when he finds out...'. Lo and behold...
Posts: 2796/8204
You told ME you had it
Posts: 1122/2480
Originally posted by Xkeeper

Same place as the HP orb through the wall. I cannot believe I missed it when I thought I said I had it.
Posts: 1297/5653
Posts: 1120/2480
Who cares? I got all the CP!

And it fscking figures...it was in a place I overlooked 100 times over.
Posts: 578/2467
Originally posted by Hiryuu
Dude, I figured that out five seconds after I got it.

By the by [yoink], thanks for the map. SUCKERS!! AAAAHAHAHAHAHA...ha...

Whose map?

Mine... right?
Posts: 1118/2480
Dude, I figured that out five seconds after I got it.

By the by [yoink], thanks for the map. SUCKERS!! AAAAHAHAHAHAHA...ha...
Posts: 2768/8204
I only... JUST NOW found out you can just hold down control to keep generating phantom cubes for cube jumping.

I could've gotten to secrets so much easier
Posts: 524/2467
fsdfsdfsdfsf I'll check again... there's no way I miscounted twice

EDIT: I'm beyond a shadow of a doubt that Klobbur has 6 HP in my version. I don't know what version you guys are using.

As for Alastor's mappy... well... The only notable part is that it looks better aesthetically, and it has the secret room. (I forgot to put it on mine I'll give you that. Yours can become the LiCS map of the internet, while mine is reserved for sites with low bandwidth
Posts: 680/1097
Alastor's map is better, since the readibility is identical and there's more information. Not that it matters.

Also, on my version Klobbur had 5 HP.
Posts: 630/2602

Meh, I can replay the game too and check later on. xD

Edit: Wonder why the Author hadn't released a editor or something. :3
Posts: 523/2467
In my copy if it, it's definatly 6. I even checked to make sure before I posted that comment.

Maybe you have a later/previous version then mine. Mine is 1.2, I think. Is that what yours is?
Posts: 2608/8204
It is coincidence. I saw that and was all "Wha?"

And I'm quite certain it's 5. I just played through it.
Posts: 522/2467
I wouldn't say that

Also, the HP value for Klobbur is wrong. I can say with confidence that it is 6.

EDIT: And hey.... I don't know if it's coinsidence, but your teleporter color changes are exactly the same as mine, and I posted mine first
Posts: 2607/8204
When I said "begun work" I meant "I'm done, technically, now I just need to format it."

The result: My map kicks the crap out of your map

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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Craziness Domain - Lyle in Cube Sector


Acmlmboard 1.92.999, 9/17/2006
©2000-2006 Acmlm, Emuz, Blades, Xkeeper

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