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07-01-24 01:24 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Craziness Domain - Endless mindless fun
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Posts: 1647/3604
Originally posted by Thoughtless
It lagged for me at the beginning of this drawing, then I realized I had TIME-speed: at x 5

Which of course, makes everything slow moving and such. Geez, such a dolt I am.

Here is another sand design, probably even lamer than before.

Drinking Fountain, Water Fountain, and Toilet

It´d probably be better than something that I´d have the patience to do.

Funny how something that should increase the speed of it makes it slow moving.
Posts: 1629/6737
should have been writing that resume, mr.
tisk tisk >8(
Posts: 394/2405
Originally posted by Danielle
Thoughtless, I'm glad you changed your mind about the "area." >8(

Yeah, I didn't have anything to do today and I said to myself "I have to draw a penis made out of wax" once in my lifetime, so there ya go.
Posts: 2276/8204
And yet he had it anyway



I think I got confused there
Posts: 1620/6737
This doesn't lag for me at all, and I just spent an hour+ attempting to make something (and failing miserably).

Thoughtless, I'm glad you changed your mind about the "area." >8(
Koitenshin +∞
Posts: 248/873
Funny how people will be drinking out of the toilet. XD But you must have a lot of patience to make that stuff.
Posts: 387/2405
It lagged for me at the beginning of this drawing, then I realized I had TIME-speed: at x 5

Which of course, makes everything slow moving and such. Geez, such a dolt I am.

Here is another sand design, probably even lamer than before.

Drinking Fountain, Water Fountain, and Toilet
Posts: 1626/3604
Originally posted by Alastor the Stylish
It can get pretty laggy but it never really freezes

I made it lag as hell on my computer. It has 1gb of memory and an 9800 pro graphics card.

I think I´ll try to mkae it freeze on my computer.
182077607309.34 +
Posts: 92/218
I was wondering why you made it come out of his arm.
Posts: 380/2405
Never lags or freezes for me.

Oh and the fountain, well that is version 2.0.

The first one was suppose to have the water come out of another "area"* but then I decided against it for reasons...

*The "area" mentioned rhymes with 'dock'
Posts: 341/4077
Then I have no idea. X_X My computer is very powerful, I have no clue what might be causing it to happen. It happens with some other things as well, such as Zelda Classic. Hell, yesterday, I was playing Ren and Stimpy: Stimpy's invention on Gens, and my computer locked up for no apparent reason. It never did anything like that before. Any ideas as to what might be happening?
Posts: 2247/8204
It can get pretty laggy but it never really freezes
Posts: 340/4077
That fountain is just crazy, Thoughtless. Where DO you people get the patience to do that? Doesn't it freeze up for you? Or is it just my computer?
Posts: 1591/6737
Thoughtless, that's awesome.
I don't know how you guys can make that stuff, yeesh.
Amazing, to say the least.
Posts: 2244/8204
It's Kyouji.

And that looks fine, honestly
Posts: 375/2405
Well, since Kyouji said to try...I did.

This is not exactly what I had before, hell it looks even lamer than before but oh well. I got tired.

Because Kyouji said so and his word is law

Edit:I still can't believe I got 'Kyouji's name wrong...
Posts: 2231/8204
Oh, it can be fun to just let it all fall. It's if you don't control it in any way that it's dull.
Posts: 1582/6737
But the fun of it is to make wild designs. If you just let it all fall, it's not very entertaining.
Posts: 1617/3604
Originally posted by Danielle
Wow... that is pathetic, Kyouji.

I've given up on this game. Though it was great fun while it lasted.

You could always play the game just for fun. You don´t have to do the world's most impressive painting.
Posts: 2230/8204
Why not just do it right now? I mean it seems like it'd be easier than just giving up.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Craziness Domain - Endless mindless fun


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