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07-03-24 02:12 AM
0 users currently in Femine's Corner.
Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Femine's Corner - Ask Elmo. (A Male's point of view though he has a sense of humour...honest!)
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Posts: 607/1176
Well, I was just going to have the males and the females compete together, but it might be better to split the two sexes. We'll see.
Uncle Elmo
Posts: 184/308
Anya - Will there be a female category? Yeah, go for it. I'm still too self conscious though, especially now I know how much I weigh.
Posts: 577/1176
You better have one. I hate it when people say that....and then they forgot.
Schweiz oder etwas
Posts: 856/2046
*interjection: I may actually have an entry this time...
Posts: 565/1176
I've been thinking about bringing back the boxer contest again. I think we'll have more people take part in it than last time. What do you think?
Uncle Elmo
Posts: 182/308
LOL well perhaps that's indicative of how out of touch I am with the feeling of the MB patrons and staff.

If you do leave, well the choice of who'll replace us is an easy one, but... perhaps we could tighten the reins, make it more girl friendly again? That's if we decide to stay naturally.
Make a blitz on new threads?
Posts: 1050/2405
Which horror movies actually have made you jump and scream? (if any)

And, french fries or tater tots?

Choose wisely.
Posts: 560/1176
...fit in? Wow, I haven't felt like I fit in around here in about two or so years. No, really.

But thanks a lot.

I just don't wanna leave (especially this forum) and then regret it...b/c I think that might be the case...
Uncle Elmo
Posts: 181/308
You FEEL like you've given up, but th important thing is, you haven't. Don't let my apparent negativity rub off on you (my attitude is just borne out of my inability to really fit in, whilst you have), you're someone people trust and look up to and that's the benchmark I've ben striving for. Your kindness in my darkest days is part of what drove me to this board. By all means if you feel the fun has gone for you, then perhaps it's time to leave, but you will be sadly missed by all here, plus I'd tend my resignation in tandem with yours - This job, and this forum just won't be the same without you. We don't chat much, but you're a true friend, and I still owe you and Chris a drink as a wedding pressie
Posts: 557/1176
I just feel, well, that I've given up. I mean, honestly, this place was near death and I rocked it back (I hate to sound like that, but its just how I feel), but should I just cave in and call it quits?
Uncle Elmo
Posts: 179/308
Thoughtless - Hmm, perhaps not in my boxers but yes definately. Loads of times, I think once I get my own place I'll have to do it someday.

Anya - The fair people of Acmlms have voted with their posts and I don't deserve to have a forum named after me (I didn't deserve it in the first place). I've always respected your opinion on everything so if you have a name in mind, go with that.
Posts: 555/1176
Remember our convo the other day? Well, it took me a while, but I know what you mean now. The feeling of it kinda sucks.

Which brings me to this: Should I ask for a rename to this forum? I already have one in mind, but has it come to that?

Lets see..

1. Fem's (it has a good run and then it started to die out)
2. Fem & Anya's (some crazy shit went on during those times)
3. Anya & Christi's (same as above, maybe not as insane)
4. Anya & Elmo's (with both of us now feeling a bit blah and I'm hella busy and I have no real need to post a lot here anymore)

What do you think?
Posts: 989/2405
You need to put that picture somewhere. Seriously. I am actually proud of it, even though I know how bad of a quality it is.

As for a question.

Don't you ever want to simply wake up, stay inside all day in your boxers, lay down on the couch with a blanekt, watch good movies and eat whatever you want?

I want to do that. Like everyday.

I sometimes do end up doing it. When I get a bunch of movies that are awesome.
Uncle Elmo
Posts: 177/308
LMAO!!! I love that banner Thoughtless, I wish I had the HTML skills to incoroprate it into a sig or Layout

As for your question - It's human nature to yearn for what's unattainabl, perhaps it's our own way of creating excitement, or giving us something to live for?

Iori - In cases such as these the best thing is to take your time and never rush things. This girl does seem willing to give things a second chance, but wants to take it slowly, so the best thing would be to follow suit. There's also the fact, and I'm speaking from experience here, tht she might not understand how such a traumatic experience can have affected your friend and why he broke up with her, after all, she might have reasoned, the best thing is to bring your loved ones CLOSER. In the event though, this is rarely the case, so I sympathise with your friend here. But basically, yes, take it slowly, reforge those friendships, and never rush things.
Iori Yagami
Posts: 302/570
I'm going to ask all of you (Elmo, Anya and Grey) the same question....

Ok since my friend Eric isn't registered here I'm going to ask for him as he keeps asking me. I've ran out of stuff to tell him on this complicated situation. Well here goes and I'll try not to make it sound too confusing.

Ok lately he's been thinking about an ex-girlfriend that he really likes and has been hanging back out with her after something happened to him during one call he got while he went out with her. He's a fire fighter/EMT just encase you were wondering about that. Well that incident he had to deal with scarred him for life and caused them to break up. Well now he's been talking to her again and can't seem to get her out of his mind. She just wants to take it slow this time and be friends and he wants it to be more with all the feelings he has gotten now.

I have told him to be patient and wait but he's not really the patient kind with this kind of thing. I have suggested to write a letter to tell her how he feels but he doesn't want her to get scared and back off as he fears will happen if he does that.

So help on what I can tell him to do?
Posts: 943/2405
Yeah, but that was back then when there were more females around. Not that I mind you having this thread. It's a staple. It should be here. It has a purpose. Plus you are Elmo.

I'm just going to shout out a random question.

Is it me, but why is it always that the things we want in life are the things we simply can't have or obtain at the moment?

Also I made this. My skills are something to be studied and observed.

That is how great they are.
Uncle Elmo
Posts: 176/308
Back in the mists olf time after I first registered. Anya and Femine's corner was where all the women of the board hung out, they kept asking Anya for advice but had no male point of view on things. As I have experience in dispensing advice I offered my services, and for some strange reason (probably because I wasn't trying to hit on everyone....much) she said yes. I've just ressurected the thread in each incarnation of the board.
Posts: 764/2607
I think you're "ignored by the board at large" because you're not particularly active; that'll certainly do it.

So what made you want to make this thread anyway?
Uncle Elmo
Posts: 175/308
Hmm a fourth Ask thread? If that gets more posts than mine too, I'm outta here!
If I'm apparently so good at advice, why am I ignored by the board at large eh? Exactly.
The new thread title hasn't worked any either. Ah well.
NE ways I digress.

Hmm let her down gently, that's what I'd do, if she doesn't get the hint, just ramp it up ,slightly. If this other relationship is working out, mention it.
Schweiz oder etwas
Posts: 743/2046
Why the hell did you unsticky this? We need you.

You're a heck of a lot better at male matters than I am.

And speaking of which...

So I met this girl that I really really really like. And I wanna get together with her, and I think she wants to get together with me too. Aside from the distance between us (she's a little too far away from me for me to drive) I think this is entirely possible, and I'm looking forward to the day we can do it.

But there's still a problem on the home front.

There's this one kid who seems to think I have a crush on her, and she's under the impression that I want to be with HER instead of the awesome person that I'm referring to above. She's firstoff WAY too young for me and secondoff kinda creepy in the sense that she's really clingy but at the same time goes through boys like they're last week's lunch.

So what do I do, take the direct approach, or just kinda let her down easy about this?
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Femine's Corner - Ask Elmo. (A Male's point of view though he has a sense of humour...honest!)


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